A future article


Temporal Novice
Hi. I would like to let you know that some of the contents of this forum were featured in an article about what the people of last century thought the future might look like. I am the writer of that article. We have probes in your time that are far enough away from the planet so that you will not detect them. Through them I am able to post messages as often as I would like. August 21, 2102 is our current date. Some of your children being born will be able to read the article in person.
Why did you choose our time to study? What happens over the next year? Is physical time travel possible? How does your time travel technology work?
[Why did you choose our time to study?]

I chose to post this date because it is after the last message posted that we used for our article references.

[What happens over the next year?]

It depends which country you live in, or to which specific topic you're referring to. I am not avoiding the question, just pointing out that it is hard to reference without a topic.

[Is physical time travel possible?]

Yes, but now probes are sent rather than people.

[How does your time travel technology work?]

You'll discover that the slowest thing in the universe is light. Your perspective of the speed of light is backward. Our perspective is based on the difference between the speed of our cosmos and atoms compared to the speed of light. On each side of the light there is forward and backward "motion". Depending on your speed relative to the light is how you witness that motion (time flowing). This doesn't explain the exploitation used in the technology, but understanding this is key to understanding that there is no beginning or end, and no universal flow of time.
[Are you familiar with John Titor or Zeshua? Do you know if they were real time travellers?]

The John Titor story is what originally built the popularity of your forum. Titor's future is not correct. Zeshua I am not aware of.
How much worse will the economy get in the world and the USA? How long does the USA survive as a nation?

Can your interaction with us disrupt your future? Are all questions and answers permissable? Are you familiar with The Great Reclamation? What about the Destroyer of Worlds?

Does the Yellowstone volcano explode? If so, when and how big?

Do we have a pole shift in our future?
We have probes in your time that are far enough away from the planet so that you will not detect them.

Hmmm. lessee...they're emitting EM radiation in the form of Internet information packets using IP/ISDN protocols (otherwise the proxy server couldn't interpret or route the incoming data stream). I think we can detect the probes if the proxy server can detect them.

BTW: If you believe that we can't detect the probes why use a proxy server?
What is religion like in the future? Do any of the big four still exist, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism? Are there any new religions? Is Reincarnation generally believed in?
You'll discover that the slowest thing in the universe is light. Your perspective of the speed of light is backward. Our perspective is based on the difference between the speed of our cosmos and atoms compared to the speed of light. On each side of the light there is forward and backward "motion". Depending on your speed relative to the light is how you witness that motion (time flowing). This doesn't explain the exploitation used in the technology, but understanding this is key to understanding that there is no beginning or end, and no universal flow of time.

Well it sounds to me like you took Albert Einstine's relativity and twisted it around to fit your story. And I might add you did a bad job of it. But, good luck to you any way friend.
Hi. I would like to let you know that some of the contents of this forum were featured in an article about what the people of last century thought the future might look like. I am the writer of that article. We have probes in your time that are far enough away from the planet so that you will not detect them. Through them I am able to post messages as often as I would like. August 21, 2102 is our current date. Some of your children being born will be able to read the article in person.

I want to Criticize your article `cause
RMT User and Mod

didn`t represent the "average user" of Timetravel Institute...

Just a Reader... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Our perspective is based on the difference between the speed of our cosmos and atoms compared to the speed of light. On each side of the light there is forward and backward "motion".

1. What is "the speed of the cosmos"? What does that statement mean? Speed relative to what frame?

2. What is the definition of the term "cosmos" in this context?

3. What does "the speed of our cosmos and atoms" mean? What is the speed of an atom? Relative to what?

4. Why do you believe that your perspective where you compare the speed of massive objects (atoms) to the speed of light is somehow different than our view of the same relationships?

5. What does "On each side of the light there is forward and backward '"motion'" mean? What is "the side of the light"? What has forward and backward motion? Forward and backward relative to what?
[How much worse will the economy get in the world and the USA? How long does the USA survive as a nation?]

The economy will change in structure vastly from the way you know it. There was a major shift in how we make transactions and how we are "paid" after AGI and robotics. The USA is still here.

[Can your interaction with us disrupt your future? Are all questions and answers permissable? Are you familiar with The Great Reclamation? What about the Destroyer of Worlds?]

My interaction with you won't change anything for me. My messages won't change the forums that are archived. The only way I can read new messages or verify that my messages were posted is by specifically targeting the time after a post, in your time.

[Does the Yellowstone volcano explode? If so, when and how big?]


[Do we have a pole shift in our future?]

The weather is colder.
[Hmmm. lessee...they're emitting EM radiation in the form of Internet information packets using IP/ISDN protocols (otherwise the proxy server couldn't interpret or route the incoming data stream). I think we can detect the probes if the proxy server can detect them.

BTW: If you believe that we can't detect the probes why use a proxy server?]

I am interfacing with a hub that is interfaced directly with proxy.org. We interface with technology directly [as if on the network with] using the signature of their schematics, we don't know who owns that device.
[What is religion like in the future? Do any of the big four still exist, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism? Are there any new religions? Is Reincarnation generally believed in?]

Religion still exists, but it has become smaller. Reincarnation isn't spoke of at all.
[1. What is "the speed of the cosmos"? What does that statement mean? Speed relative to what frame?]

I am referring to the speed that humans witness time flowing. The speed of the assumed universal time.

[2. What is the definition of the term "cosmos" in this context?]

See below:

[3. What does "the speed of our cosmos and atoms" mean? What is the speed of an atom? Relative to what?]

Speed of cosmos in this context refers to any object [atoms grouped together] that moves. The speed of atoms is the temperature of the atom. The speed of both the cosmos and the atoms are offset from the speed of light, which is a pivotal point. Light doesn't exist as motion, it exists like a web that connects all moving particles.

[4. Why do you believe that your perspective where you compare the speed of massive objects (atoms) to the speed of light is somehow different than our view of the same relationships?]

Your current theories suggest a slowest and fastest speed. A beginning and end to time. We see light as a zero point with time flowing forward or backward on either side of the pivot. Imagine a line where light resides in the center, to the left of light time flows forward. To the right of light, time flows backward. The speed of the human perception of time is plotted out somewhere on the left side. Now fold the line up at the center point of light, objects on the left and right of the line of time interact intimately. The charge of a particle is opposite to the charge of the particles they interact with, making every "point" a zero point.

[5. What does "On each side of the light there is forward and backward '"motion'" mean? What is "the side of the light"? What has forward and backward motion? Forward and backward relative to what?]

See above:
There was a major shift in how we make transactions and how we are "paid" after AGI and robotics.

Do you mean AIG? If not, what does AGI stand for? Could you expand on what happened with AGI or AIG that caused the major shift and how is that related to robotics?

Thank you for answering our questions. I have some more.

Why do you feel you need to answer questions on this board? Was there anyone here who was of special interest in your article? Do you feel you owe something to one or more of the participants on this board?

Where was your article published? How many people are likely to read it?

You said some of the board participants' children will be able to read your article. Are you hoping that the members here tell their children about you and to look for an article that mentions TimeTravelInstitute around August 21, 2102?

What is the most famous book of the 21st century and what makes it special?

What other sources for our century's ideas about the future did you use? Were all of your sources from the first nine years of the century? What was the title of the article? Do the opinions held during the first nine years of the century fairly represent the rest of the century, or for some reason does the rest of the century not matter?

Can you give the name, or barring that, the initials of the of the most famous physicist or scientist of 21st century? What is this scientist known for?

Are you religious? If so, what religion? When did you adopt your religion? Why?
I am able to post messages as often as I would like

Why did you decide to begin this thread in March, 2009, instead of perhaps starting a thread in like, um, lets say, March 2010 ?

Or does your system have limitations that result with problems of "when" you can post ?
[Do you mean AIG? If not, what does AGI stand for? Could you expand on what happened with AGI or AIG that caused the major shift and how is that related to robotics?]

AGI is artificial general intelligence. The brain of the robotics.