A different theory

To answer SHADOW and DOB;
Shadow, I think you misread me. No, the future is not written in stone, you are correct. You are also correct about the previewing and knowing that MAKES it unchangeable. That’s what preordaining is...making it so. What you see is what you get, whether you want it or not. If you don’t see it, it doesn’t have to happen. But then, of course, you wouldn’t know about it anyway.

To answer DOB’s point, the future is explained by Timeborne as the equivalent to a chess game. At the beginning of a game (moving through the dimensions of the future), there are an almost infinite amount of different moves (choices) to get to the end (the outcome you want). You can make many mistakes and still win. As the game goes on, though, the moves become more crucial. Make a mistake near the end, and you lose. If you see something in the future (preordain it), there will be many ways to arrive there or not arrive there, depending upon what you wish. But you WILL arrive there, by either doing everything exactly right (if you wanted it) or by making a minor, but crucial mistake (if it was something you were trying to avoid). It seems no matter what you see, somehow, even if it’s in a way you never dreamed, it will come to pass.

Another way to explain this is like this: When you do something that totally screws up, you say “Oh, I wish I had done...” this or that. When you do something that really lucks out, you say “Wow, glad I did that rather than...” this or that. Those alternatives (this or that) all existed out there in what some people call ‘parallel futures’ until you made the decision(s) you made. (Actually, there are no ‘parallel futures’..it is just like chess. The board just keeps changing as decisions are made or events happen, as do the alternatives.) Each decision you made had its own ‘parallel futures’, and they continued to narrow down as you kept making those decisions. If all of your decisions are ‘correct’, you get what you wanted. If, along the way, you made an ‘incorrect’ decision, you get what you tried to avoid. But you can’t go ahead and check out each decision (move) before you make it, because once you see it, you can’t avoid it. Someway, somehow it will happen, even if by what we call accidents. Like I said about your funeral, some things are better left unknown.

Just like DOB’s weather analysis, the most powerful computers compute everything they ‘know’ and decide the rain that is 100 miles to the west will move east and be ‘here’ tomorrow. It seems a safe bet, since weather moves west to east and it can’t possibly miss us. Then, there’s a solar flare or something, (a variable that was impossible for the computer to foresee) the jet stream moves because of it, suddenly bringing down a high pressure area from the north which stalls the low, and the rain never gets here. We get a nice sunny day for all the people carrying umbrellas. Actually, this happens quite a bit to the poor weathermen who try to predict the next day’s forecast.

Preordainment is not ‘creating’ the future. It is just you seeing what’s going to happen. Although there is no way to prove it, I would say that whatever it is will come to pass whether you see it or not. Like the weather before weathermen. If it’s going to rain tomorrow, it WILL rain tomorrow whether you see it coming or not. The future can not be changed by you or me or anyone else, except for that future directly affecting yourself, which you always had the ability to change with a simple decision. If you see a stock quadruple in the market, then, yes, that will happen. But it won’t make you rich unless you can find the money to invest, and then buy the stock. So you would like to invest $100,000 to make a sure $400,000. This may not be as easy as you think! Try telling your bank that you’d like to borrow $100,000 to invest in AtoZ stock because you KNOW that it’s going to quadruple in two weeks. Try asking a wealthy friend. See if any of them give you $100,000 because YOU’VE SEEN the future. Would anyone believe you? In Nostradamus’ day, he would have been burned at the stake if he said he could see the future. In Einstein’s day, would anyone have taken him seriously if he said, “Oh, I skipped into the future and brought back these formulas that really will work, although you won’t understand most of them for a few decades. Trust me, this one is for splitting atoms, and this one is for space travel at the speed of light....” When Jeanne Dixon told JFK not to go to Dallas, did he listen? If he had, then he would not have been assassinated. Then how could Dixon have been proved right? It had to happen, otherwise she would have been wrong. So nothing she could have done would have stopped it. You can see the awesome problem in trying to change what you see, or convincing anyone you know exactly what you’re talking about.

If I told you there was a now-secret society who long ago found 47 barely surviving pages of an ancient document called Timeborne, and learned how to use what they deciphered, would you believe me? If I thought so, I probably wouldn’t be writing this. The people who advertize on TV that they can tell the future, along with the ones who do shows in clubs and in Vegas, they’re con artists and ‘showmen’. Because of them, the Timeborne members keep their mouths shut. Other than the fact that they are all wealthy, you couldn’t identify one if you had known one for your entire life. Except that they usually make uncannily good decisions about things.

The exceptions among the showmen are the hypnotists. The ones who think that they are ‘regressing’ their subjects into ‘past lives’. They’re ‘regressing’ them through these different 'frames' of time which we call the past. Of course they’re incredibly accurate about their surroundings...they’re standing there looking at them. But they never ‘lived’ there. Anyway, how could there BE reincarnation? Think about it. Who would want to come back here rather than go on to Heaven? Who would make that decision? You could say that this is Hell, and you keep coming back until you learn something important, but then you’d be saying only the bad get reincarnated. But now I’m digressing into religion, and that’s wisely off-topic.

Traveling to the past is the most entertaining. The Timeborne call it ‘Verifying’. The history books are a big letdown when they go ‘Verifying’. But, there again, it would be nearly impossible to correct things that they got wrong. After all, they’re wrong only because there was no evidence for the historians to get it right in the first place. Timeborne can’t bring back the evidence. They can see it, they can know for themselves that the story is wrong, but how would they prove it? Just like with the future, if you came back and said “By the way, it didn’t happen like that. This is how it really happened.....”, who would listen? What would you say when they ask you how YOU know? These are other reasons that the Timeborne are silent. They have tried, down through the ages, and paid the price. As a society, people are still not open minded enough to listen. I wouldn’t without seeing it for myself.

Some have died while Timeborne, usually a falling accident of some kind. As I said, you’re not ‘really’ a ghost. When this happens, the comatose body dies where it is, of a disease it never had. Congestive heart failure, known in the old days as ‘consumption’. They don’t know why. Normally, people who die of CHF have symptoms and die slowly. Timeborne never have the symptoms, but of course, doctors wouldn’t know that. They’re doing autopsies, not diagnosis.

I’ll be back with more.!

Is this like your first stop at this board? Not that I'm the welcomming commity or anything but welcome aboard! I think half of us hang around here just waiting for real time travelers to show up.

I asked you a tough question right off the bat as a test to see if A.) you actually knew anything about the subject, or B.)had the nack for telling a good yarn. Passed on both accounts.

Next question. Why spill your guts here? Or anywhere for that matter..........lets see now, to follow along here if you were to see a major disaster in our future, one that MIGHT happen, then once you saw it, it WOULD happen, especially if you told us about it. But let me be serious for one brief moment. if you do know something that can save our collective skins, fess up and clear the air out strait.

We had a guy here earlier this year, said he was from 2031 and traveled with the aid of a portable micro-blackhole that he carried around in a yellow trunk. Shuuuuure. But he was a lot of fun. And so was his pal Pam. I think they left together.

There is a catch 22 angle to this inevetability thing. If you don't see some thing comming you will not steer clear. Like the Titanic if they had changed course before the collision they would have just hit a different iceburg....or DID they avoid the different one and actually hit the same one? Laugh if you like. (If I get any furthur enlightened here I'll soon know nothing at all.)

But all that foo-fha aside I'd be curious to know where your "47 pages" came from and who wrote them?
Mr Schasteen

Am I getting delerious or are your posts actually starting to make sense? Like are you making this stuff up yourself? If so you are a genious, and really ought to be in a real physics class on a free scolarship. Are you trained in math? Your math is scarry, real simple yet profound. I get visions of a second grader explaining Newtonian physics to his bewildered teacher.

Your lecture above about expanding space sounds a lot like a 1936 thesis written by Professor Pual Dirac. He pulled down a Nobel Prize nomination for it. Do you know of his work?

Please forgive me if you have answered these questions before some where. Like I said I really don't have time to read all the long posts that show up here.
I would'nt compare Timeborn with any fool comming from the futur pretending to get some Mc-Donald's Big-Mac's ADN to bring back to 2031 passing thru a black hole in a yellow box.

By his "47 pages", I think he just "think" and "listen" before saying something. Nobody comes out with the "knoledge" automatically, we all have to learn somehow.

Shadow, as you might agree, we rather appreciate somebody coming with 'full' ideas and positions (red steak) then somebody starting a topic like: "Time-travel: what is time? I don't want to read the other post, I just want you guys to give me an answer right now, I don't know nothing and tell me everything!"
-I don't point anybody, it's ok to be interested, but it's more interesting to get along with people who are really interested by the subject and have a bit of "experience" and litterature about it...

As we got among this discussion, "writed in the rock", is always touchy... Yes, things that are going to append may appends one day:
it's like asking - Is human kind will last forever? - the answer is shurly "no" because nothing last forever, everything is changing, human kind will adapte, but not for eternity, it maye gonna last 25000 years or 100000 years or just 5 more years, who knows? It's just an example. But WE feel that we can change it and that's why we says that we can "change" our futur. Like Shadows said, the Titanic would have hit an other iceberg... Or you Timeborn comparing it to a game of chess, you can makes mistakes and win anyway. Take Superman, he flew many years and was the greatest hero for decades, now he's in wheelchair and can only moves the eyes and the mouth...

Some stuff you're not gone have to power to change, some other -yes. I believe having the greatest computer of all-times would maybe know the futur (but the minute you know it, your futur is not the same anymore - so we would need a computer that recalculate each time, until we found a futur that is convenient, ((that would never stop)) and life would become boring as a game that we've played one hundred time!
Dear Shaddow,

Thankyou for the compliments. I took a semester of algebra at Cochise community college. I am currently serving a term in the United States Marine Corps. I really would like to go to college full time. I think I would really enjoy the experience of learning physics and math. I really want to learn trig, geometry and calculas because if I learn these three forms of math I will be able to comunicate and decipher current discoveries in physics more accurately. I have heard of the Dirac Delta Function through this forum. I have also heard of Paul Dirac, unfortunately I am not familiar with his work. I will look up the 1936 work you mentioned by him though. I am always like an eager sponge when it comes to learning somthing new about physics. Thanks for the information.


Edwin G. Schasteen

Greetings and semper phi. I see you are continuing your ever interesting postulations here.

You do have the gift of analogy. If you ever do complete that education in math and physics, please keep this.

Now, just where did this tachyon insight come from?

Dear Deviper,

Semper Fidelis fellow Marine!

I back about six months ago I was surfing the internet on the subject of superluminal phenomenon and I stumbled onto a publication by a professor. He had published a work regarding the hypothetical existance of tacyons. He defined the tachyon and described the behavior of the tachyon in theory. I had been working on a the theory of subpoint, superluminal space-time and energy at the time and his description of tachyons perfectelty described the partical my perceptions of a mass that is sub luminal and with a radius r that is compressed to an inward depth equal to r-(a quantity <r). A mass with a radius=1foot is compressed 2 feet inward thus compressing 1 foot passed the masses own center mass. I describe the act of compressing a mass as a being equal to the act of accelerating the velocity of that same mass. The similitude of compression to velocity acceleration is similar to gravity being determined as indistinguishable from acceleration of a masses velocity. The force felt by an elevator that is rising or accelerating upward is the same as the force of gravity in act on that object. To accelerate a mass to the velocity of light requires the same action. To apply an infinite amount of kenetic energy to push that mass to the velocity of light. If you take and apply an infinite kenetic energy to one side ofthat mass it will accelerate to the velocity of light, moving in the same direction that you push it.. However; if, instead of pushing on just one side of the mass with an infinite amount of kenetic energy you choose to push on all sides of that mass evenly, you will, instead of accelerating that mass to the velocity of light, compress that mass to an infinitely small point. As you can see, the only difference in accelering a mass to the velocity of light and compressing the mass to a point is the way you apply the kenetic energy to the object:applying energy to one side of an object instead of applying it to only all sides of an object. [P>This also explains why a mass that is compressed to a higher density resonates at a higher frequency then mass that is expanded to a lower density. For if mass is accelerated to the velocity of light mass for that object appears to have an infinite frequency because the kenetic energy applied is infinite. Because energy is energy and therefore adds if in phase when applied, the energy density of the mass increases to infinity as the mass accelerates to the velocity of light. Also the density of mass increases to infinity as the mass is compressed to a point. If what I pointed out in previous posts is correct, then, the density of space is proportional to inverse square of the density of energy. S=1/e^2, where the e is the density of energy relative to the density of space that this energy occupies, and S the density of space that is occupied by this energy. So as the density of energy increases to infinity the density of space increases to zero. resulting in the acceleration of energy to within that space to infinity.


Edwin G. Schasteen
Dear Deviper, Shadow, and everyone,
I appologize for the break between these two posts but I had to stop and do some thinking before I preceeded any further. I was trying to consider why time which is radius increases the density of space by causing space to become a multiplicity as the space as radius r increases and why time merely causes energy to not increases density as the radius of time increases( for an electromagnetic force, or gravitational force measured as both a quantity energy not space.) . I have come to a hypothesis that sates that time is conecting layers of space inductively, not capacitively. This results in a replication of space each layer of space as time moves outward from the source point at the center of a field, force, mass, or space. When an infintely small point creates a pulse of etherical energy the pulse of that energy is infinitely high frequency. Now each space ring and each energy ring outside the point are seperated by a ring of void. Well coincedently a capacitor is one conductive plate seperated by the other conductive plate by either a void, insulator, or electrolyte. Since there is no metal conductor conecting the metal plate 1 from the metal plate 2, this circuit is open and provides an infinite impedence to an dc electrical current. However, the impedance of the space or electrolyte seperating each plate is defined as capacitive reactance which is the resistance of energy stored in an electrostatic field to change. The equation for this impedance is 1/<2(pi)*Fr*C, or 1 over the quantity 2 pi times the resonant frequency of the conductor( which increases with the increase of the frequency of the electrical load in hertz) times the capacitance in farads. So as the frequency of this of the energy of plate one rises to infinity, the conductivity of the space or electrolyte that seperates the two plates decreases to zero making the vaccuum or electrolyte superconductive. So the gap between the first ring of of space, that has a circumferance greater then zero, and the point of energy and space at the center of an electro-magnetic field , gravitational field or mass, will be super conductive because the frequency of the load of a point is infinite. So the first layer of space conducts the energy of the point and the second layer of space conducts the energy but with resistance because the frequency of the energy conducted from the point falls to a finite number less then infinity do to the circular ring having a circumferance greater then zero. Now the resistance between the first ring and the second ring of space creates a delay between the other-wise instantaneous transferance of energy between those two rings. So as ring one conducts the quantity of space with a finite number of ripples(waves)another set of waves is induced in the second layer of space as soon as the energy from the first wave of space travels along the radius time to the second layer of space. The start of this second wave is such that the second set of waves is 90 degrees out of phase with the first which creates an attraction force between both of these waves ( I could be wrong about this being the cause of the attaction of both of the energy of these waves, yet there is an attraction). Now do to the attraction of these waves a vortex is formed between the first layer of space and second layer of space that counter rotates. If the first layer of space's vortex rotates clockwise the second layer of space's vortex rotates counter-clockwise. These to vortexes are formed one right above the other and the two vortexes gravitate towards each other and converge at an apex about half way through the void seperating the two space layers. It would look sort of like two tornadoes in space one right side up tornado comming down from a clowd above you in the horizon to meet an up-side down tornado spinning in the opposite direction from a layer of clowds below you off in the horizon. Now we know that the two vortexes are counter-rotating so the vortexes rotate a given number of degrees from 0 to 360 total in the time it takes for the two counter rotating vortexes to connect at the apex that is halfway between the two layers of space. I postulate that the two vortexes rotate a total of 180 degrees by the time they converge causing the appex at their connection to be constricted to an infinitely small point.[P>Now when the two layers space converge through this vortex the space goes from being a capacitor to being an inductor because the space is now a short circuit instead of an open circuit which causes the first to be replicated at the second layer of space because the radial time difference between these two temperally seperated rings of space is now conected at the same point in time in the void so that at the end of radial time period one between the two rings results in the space ring one being carried to exist at the place as ring two. So the density of space at ring two doubles in two dimensions accross the surface of the spherical space rings causing the density of that space to square. The space ring energy that was out of phase by 90 degrees of both the second layer of space is brought in phase again after the waves are twisted inside out through the apex of of the vortex that connects the two. This results in an increase to the amplitude of space which is an increase in the density of space. Now this results in a decrease in the density of energy as a result of the equation S=1/e^2. Now the reason that energy does not increase is because energy remains capacitively seperated at each layer of space resulting in no replication of energy at each level resulting in the decrease in density of energy relative to the increased density of space as space increases in amplitude and energy decreases in amplitude. Now as each space ring increased density the velocity of light traveling accross that portion of space increases as a result of the increase in density of space which results in a relative acceleration of lateral time from that ring of space. So that the number of space ripples in the second layer of space is doubles. So the frequency of this space quanta is also doubled in that there is twice the number of ripples on the second sphereical ring as the first spherical ring. So at an infinite distance the frequency of space is infinite and the frequency of energy is zero because the density of space at an infinite distance is infinite and the density of energy occupying that space region is zero. Now if you take the radius and compress it down to an infinitely small point compressing each space ring and energy ring to occupy the same space the radius of the apex of the vortex that inductively connects each layer of space will increase from zero to a radius equal to the radius of the funel at the surface of the space ring. And the number of angular decrease that each vortex will spin during the time it takes for the vortexes' apexes to converge will decrease from 180 degrees to 0 degrees bringing the replicated space ripples from the first ring of space out of phase with the second with the ripples of the second ring resulting in a cancelation of the first spacial ring wave leaving behind the second only the origonal number of spacial ripples.(

(there is a little more to the mechanism of the first ring of space in that half of that ring is submerged into the point making so that the first ring is actually connected to the point inductively so that the frequency of the point at the surface area of the first ring is actually at an infintie frequency)


Edwin G. Schasteen
Dear Everyone, I ran out of time so I did not have time to finish the last post. So this post is a coninuation of the last two posts of mine.

As you compress the two spacial rings together the first spacial ring having half of the riples of the second spacial ring counteracts completely as the replicated wave ripples of this first spacial ring becomes 90 degrees out of phase with it's replcation upon the second ring. For example if you had two ripples of surface wave on the first ring you would also have two ripples on the second wave. But when you inductively conected the two space rings the first rings ripples replicated on the second ring and gave the second ring an additional two ripples that are in phase when they are introverted( turned inside out) through the hour glass shaped counter-rotating vortex connecting them. Now when the vortex is squashed the two waves of the second ring are brought out of phase and the result is a counteraction of the ripples on the first spacial ring. However since there were six ripples total, two on the first ring, with a correspondingly smaller circumferance which is determined by the number of ripples on the surface of each ring,and four ripples on the second ring. Two of the ripples on the second ring are the same two ripples on the first ring at a later point in time, yet accuring in the present(so the half of the ripples of the second ring are the same two ripples of the first ring existing at two points at the same time).

Now as the so when you have six ripples and four of those ripples are counteracted by compressing the temperal radius seperating the rings till the two rings occupy the same space, then, the result is that you have two spacial ripples left resulting in a decrease in the density of space. However the density of time, which is the radius between the rings, is squared. Now energy probagates out of phase to space so that, and space propagates in phase to time. So when the time is compressed radias seperating the two rings is compressed till the two rings converge resulting in density of time squaring; that time will become 90 degrees out of phase with space in the region where the ripples canceled do to the delay between the empty whole where that space canceled and the rest of space that did not cancel.So the time becoming 90 degrees out of phase with space becomes in phase with energy which is also 90 degrees out of phase with space resulting in the different layers of energy rings becoming inductively connected through the void by time the same way that space was inductively through the void by time. So as the time is compressed energy is also compressed and the each layer of energy is replicated as each layer is compressed to occupy the same reing of energy.I am sure that some variation of this phenomenon is responcible for electrons greater then a certian number not being to spin in the same direction while occupying the same orbit.

Now as the energy is compressed to a point time is also compressed to an infinite density causing energy to accelerate as a result of the increase in number of temperal waves occupying each ring of energy. This is why an object that is spinning will spin twice as fast when compressed to half its. For as time density increases and energy density increase within that area the rate at which time passes for that object will increase to infinity as the velocity of light for space decreases to zero as the density of space decreases to zero, and the velocity of light for energy increases to infinity. Since the placement of that object in history is determined by the time of the outermost circunferance of ringular quantity, be it energy or space, the object that is compressed to a point will actually travel back in time as the density of space decreases to zero resulting in the relative velocity of light outside the circle of space occupied by the energy to be infinite compared to the velocity of light constant of the zero density space. So time outside the space point where light travels at 186,000 mps will accelerate infinitely into the future before one increment of change accurrs in the time occupying the space of zero density. However time inside the light inside the energy is measured in terms of velocity of changes per instant of time outside the mass in the regular universe. Now since up to an infinite velocity can be obtained if the velocity costant is alter without creating time dialation the energy of infinite density will not age any faster the energy in the outside universe in and of itself. But the outside universes energy will age infinitely faster then the energy inside the causing because of the zero velocity of time of the space that the energy occupies. This enables the energy to travel into the past as the universe ages indepentantely of the mass inside of the zero density space. However the zero density space still remains at a location inside the present universe not the past universe because the velocity of light is never broken only altered. So when the energy mass is returned to normal the mass energy remains at the same time as the rest of the energy so that it has not traveled back in time. So space time in the present when compressing to displace the past is like a rubber band in that as soon as you renormalize the light speed velocity and densities of the masses and spaces, you are pulled back to a normal space-time topology. The secret to going into the past is to break the energy thus breaking the rubber band which serves as a diaphragm to seperated you completely from the past. Once a whole in the diaphragm is produced you can travel through the diaphragm of energy into the past. To split energy in the form of light is to create a tear into the past increasing the velocity of that energy light to superluminal.

The device that I have Contracted to Davison & Associates should be capable of splitting energy. Thus introducing tachyons to charge mass energyies sending them back in time.

What does everyone think?

Shaddow? Deviper?


Edwin G. Schasteen
Tachyons were invented. Their existance depends on your definition. In the novel 'Timescape', they created a stream of tachyons in some supercooled heavy metal that supposedly managed to backsend a message to a similar system in the past.

Your space sandwich, (time-space-time) seems quite plausable but how you can figure out how it would behave when accellerated is beyond me.
Now if the two slices of bread come together and squish out the capacitant space, inbetween causing vortexes form, fine. Would you be so kind as to tell me wether or not these vortexes, which you seem to know so much about, constitue some sort of partical or energy field that is measurable and if so what are they called.

Have I got this much right: you consider time to be at 0 degrees, energy at 90 degrees, and space at 180 degrees respective to one another?

Is there an infinite number of rings around each object and if so what causes them to form in the first place?

And while I'm at it I'd like to mention that the common admonition that "the mass of an object increases to infinity at the speed of light" is a BUNCH OF MALARKY. Obvioustly ANY infinite mass would collaps the entire universe faster than an over zellous Treky could break wind, at a tu-foo banquet. But you have probably figured that one out too.

Have a nice.
In order for a wave to increase the density of another wave, that wave must coexist in the same space as the wave being affected. In other words, a wave will no cancel another wave at a distance. Now the rings are formed with of finite quanta. The definition of infinity is undetermined limit. There is a frequency to a point which exists as the highest frequency in the present. This gives the frequency the appearance of bordering infinity because the frequency is the highest frequency with repect to all other frequencies lower then it that remain in the present.

However, the infinite quanta could very well exist without crushing the universe on acount that a quanta is only infinite with respect to the space it occupies. Now to consider this graphical proof of infinities. If you take a quanta that has an infinite number of half measures or a wave that has an infinite number of have aplitudes(in volts) between the peak of the wave and the x or zero amplidute line, then if you compress the crest of this wave to the zero line all of those amplitudes will occupy the same space. And as I stated before any two waves in phase occuping the same space add. So an infinite number of half waves in the same exact space at the same time add up to an infinite number of ones which is by definition infinity. This is because an infinite number of halves added to an infinite number of halves at a single instant is an infinite number of ones at the next instant.

What do you think? I wil post next time to tell answer how the rings are formed.


Edwin G. Schasteen
Dear Shaddow,

Sorry for the seemingly short post. I was on a timer and running out of time.

Anyhow I would have to state that the number of space rings is finite. But I don not dicount the possiblity that the space rings themselves are not infinitely divisable.

This is because the math behind an object that is infinitely divisable causes that mass to act the same way as a mass that is not infinitely divisable in that one can attain an infinite devision of an infinitely divisable mass in a finite period of time by increasing the rate at which one divides that mass at an exponential rate such that over a finite period time (1 unit of infinitely divisible time) so that an infinite division of the mass is completed by the end of the first finite unit of time. In order for the infinitely divisable time unit to completely pass in a finite period of time, the infinite time unit will have to advance with respect to another finite period of time that allows the defined rate of time that is infinitely divisable to be quantified with respect to the finite interval of time that is not infinitely divisable.

In this manner the time is infinitely divisable but the second derivative of time is finitely divisable. The second derivative of time is the rate at which time advances itself. For example we can have an exponentially accelerating mass in space that is accelerating to an infinite speed. But this statement still does not tell us when the mass will reach infinity it only tells us that the mass is exponentially accelerating in velocity. The mass, for all we know, could be accelerating exponentially so that in two seconds the velocity of that mass has squared. In this case, in the next second the mass will have squared it's velocity again. In the next half second the velocity squares...in the next quarter of a second again the velocity squares so that in the period between the third second and the fourth second the velocity squares to infinity. As you can see that in this case the velocity of the mass accelerates to an infinite speed in a period of four seconds. The rate at which a velocity accelerates to is called the third derivitave of the velocity. Because the first velocity is the constant velocity of that mass. The second derivative of that mass is the constant velocity times the rate acceleration. The third derivitave is the rate of acceleration over a period of time which is the veloccity times the acceleration times the rate of acceleration, which in this case, is infinite accelerations at four seconds and infinity *4=infinity at the instant that four seconds arrives. Since four is a finite number of the measure of time indeed infinite velocity will be attained at four seconds. However we could, hypothetically, just as easily have the velocity of that mass square in a period of 1 second in time, in which case, the mass will square it's velocity again in the following half second...again in the next quarter second..to infinity in two seconds total, in which case, this mass accelerates to infinity twice as fast as the first object. So as you see, by the numbers, the universe can indeed have infinities that apear finite.

Now to explain the formulation of space rings I will have to state that the answer lies in entropy. As I hypothesised in the previous post, if you draw a circle and then draw a line from the center of the circle to the circles edge, this line is the radias and is the time dimension of the circle. The circumferance or circle itself is the space dimension which is intersected by the time-radias at ninety degree angle at all points.

It is easy to visualize this affect on paper but what I was stating in the previous posts was that this radias line was actually a series of vortexes inductively connecting each circle of space.

Now as we can see there are many circles of smaller circumferance that we can draw inside the other circle so that we can fill that entire circle until the last circle that we draw has a circumferance of zero at the center mass.

Now we must answer the question" why does the inner circles have a smaller circumferance then the outer circles" I mean there has to be a reason for the season. So I imagine that if you were to take the force or mechanism away that is making the inner circle to have a smaller circumferance at a shorter radias I imagine that the smaller circle would have the same circumferance as the outer circle further outward on the same radius.

So I had determined that the entire universe is nothing more then bandwidth...that it is all just bandwidth. Each space ring represents a harmonic multiple of the base frequency of time that is the frequency of a point which is 10E-43 meters per sec^2. This is known as the plancks temperal length. This is a finite number. Any wavelength shorter than this exists at a higher bandwidth that exists in the past.

I would define entropy as being a form of time. The level of entropy I would measure in terms of chaos and order. Chaos and order is a ratio order/chaos. According to this rationic expression(I think this is a ratio?) when chaos rises to infinity order within that same system drops to zero. This makes sence in that something, normally, cannot be both chaotic an ordered at the same time.

According to the multiple dimensions view of time travel if you were to take trip back in time and change somthing you would create a fork in time and create an alternate reality. If this is true then time can fork squaring the possibilities that can accur between in the universe by enabling an affect to go back and alter it's own cause enabling the existance of an extra three dimensional universe to exist although not within the same universe. Thus order is defined as the number of differing independant vectors in a system that can allot a possible path for an object to take. If an object exists with in a vectored space where there are an infinite number of which the mass can take without having any force applied to it the chaos of this system is infinite. Now if the force is exerted on this object the number of paths that can be taken is automatically cut in half such that all paths that can be taken is a range of vectors in the directions of the application of the force. Now this is defined as the shperical half of the hemisphere that makes up 180 degrees from left horizon to right horizon.

When the number of paths that can be taken by an object decreases to zero the order of this system increases to infinity and the chaos of this system decreases to zero. A point is such a system that has a zero paths to take and is therefore infinitely ordered.

Entropy causes time that is advancing into the future to fork out like the creating multi vectors. This is what creates the spacial rings. Then more time-entropy forks going into the future the more vectors there are within that time and the more possible paths there are for space occupying that particular quantity of space. Now since time flows in enters the present at a point and travels outward towards the future in a positive time direction outward from the point, the level of chaos in the time increases as the radius-time goes further out from the circle. Thus disorder travels outward from the point an increases the further outward from the center point. And order travels outward from the point but decreases in value or quantity further outward along the radius from the center point.

Now I believe time to be in phase with space at 0 degrees and energy to be 90 degrees out of phase with time and space. And so when the frequency of a point transmitts energy along out into space it does so in rings of energy occupying rings of space..the same rings being described above. Now energy occupying these rings is in phase with the quantity order and the space is in phase with the quantity disorder.

So that the quantity energy decreases density proportionate to the quantity order while space increases density proportionate to the quantity disorder and inversely proportionate to the quantity density of energy and quantity order.

Now I say that space rings are inductively connected to each other by vortexes created by a difference of spacial potential between each ring.

Also these are affected by vorticular forces. I assume that a space system this small with such minute amounts of gravtiational inertia, due to the spaces low density, would be much more prone to the affects of vorticular influences that are prevalant at the quantum level.

So the radius that you see is a series of vorteces connecting each layer of space. The particulars of these vorteces are indepthly discussed in my last three posts on this string.

To summarize,

1. Time is in phase with space until compressed bringing time out of phase with space and inphase with energy.

2. Do to being in phase with energy time will affect energy by inductively connecting the energy rings that occupy the space rings.

3. In order for time to directely affect energy it must be in phase with energy. In order for time to affect space it must be in phase with space. Time that is in phase indirectely affects energy. And vice versa for space.

4. Order is a quantity time that decreases it's vectoral complexity as time advances into the future and is the portion of time that is in phase with energy.

5. Order is measured in units of order which is proportionate to the density of energy.

6. Disorder is a quantity time that increases it's vectoral complexity as time advances into the future and is the portion of time that is in phase with space.

7. Disorder is measure in units of chaos and is proportional to the density of space and inversely proportional to the density of energy and is so because it is ninety degrees out of phase with energy.

8. To compress energy is to bring energy in phase to disorder and out of phase with chaos thus inductively connecting energy through disorder.

9. To compress energy is to bring space in phase with order and out of phase with disorder and causes space to be inductively connected through order and capacitively connected through disorder.

10. When energy is not compressed it is capacitively connected to other layers of energy through disorder.

11. When energy is not compressed it is inductively connected to other layers of energy through order.

Does this sound logical?

I would be glad to reexplain if needed. Each time I explain I learn a little more. So please feel free to crituque or place your own ideas of about this or any other idea that I post


Edwin G. Schasteen.
Mr Schasteen

No need to apoligise for the "short" posts. Actually it probably takes me longer to read them than it takes you to write them. Reading something that I don't already know the answer to is like hard work.

Thanks for the replies. I will study on then over the next day or two and get back with something halfway intelligent........I hope.
Dear Shaddow,

Thankyou for taking the time to review these posts. I know that you probably have a busy schedule so it really is a lot for you to take the time to do this.


--Edwin G. Schasteen
Dear Everyone,

I was considering a method to calculate the wavelength of gravity if there is one.

Now in order for a wave to oscillate a particular medium that this is propagate through the wave must have a crest and trough height equal or greater then the height of the medium through which the wave propagates.

For instance,

If one plucks a guitar string the string oscillates at a height greater then the width of the string. The string shortens the height of the vibration until the vibration is equal to the height of the string at which point the string emits sound only inside itself not through the air. Now in this case kenetic energy is being transfered into sound energy.

Now if we were to take a ball and attach it to a string and spin round and round faster and faster, the ball will start rising toward the horizon with the increase in centripital force. Now the angle between the string attached to the ball, and the ground will continue to increase towards ninety degrees at which the ball and string would be spinning on a plane parallel to the ground and even to the horizon. However the string will not be approaching ninety degrees but just slightly less then ninety degrees parallel to the ground assymtotedly if gravity has a wavelength. This is because once the string has reached an angular distance from the ninety degrees that is proportionate to the wavelength of gravity, then in order for the string to increase it's height any further the string would compress the wavelength of gravity infront of the ball towards the sky till it breaks much in the same way a plane breaks the energy wave of sound in front of it as it breaks the sound barrier. So, in essence, the ball would break the speed of gravity. Since the wave of gravity is traveling away from the earth at such a high velocity and the balls upward acceleration would be proportionate to the acceleration of gravity do both the similitude of compression and acceleration I proposed in another posting, and because the ball would be rotating at such a velocity that the ball would hit every point in a circular plane, almost parallel to the ground, before a single wavelength of gravity has the chance to accelerate past any point on that circle. So the ball will actually be hitting some wavelengths twice before they past since all of those waves will be passing through the spinning ball atleast once per revolution of that ball, the wavelength of gravity would then be propotionate to the length between the centermass of the ball and the top surface of the 90 degree circular plane of circumferance, that would make the angle between the string atached to the ball, and the ground, parallel. The plane in which the ball will rotate such that the ball will hit every wavelength of gravity is the Q plane and the parallel line is the Z plane. Now in order to hit every wavelength of gravity per revolution the circumferance of the circle must be exact. To calculate this plane, Take a ball with a string of one meter and rotate the ball at a particular velocity. Now spin faster and allow the ball to increase to the 45 degree mark. Measure the velocity of the ball. Now how ever fast the ball rotates at the 45 degree mark down on a sheet of paper. spin the ball faster until another 22.5 degrees is reached toward the 90 Z line. Now measure the velocity of that ball at 22.5 degrees. Now the velocity of the ball at 45 degrees if squared should acheive an additional 22.5 degrees if the angle of the ball's string is rising assymptotedely towards the 90 degree. However the measurement we would be looking for to confirm that gravity has a wavelength greater or is propagating from the center of the earth outwards, is for the square of the angular velocity of the ball at 45 degrees to cause the ball to acheive an additional angle less then an additional 22.5 degrees which would show that the ball is assymtotedly approaching an angular upper limit that is less then ninety degrees as a result of the fact that gravities wavelength and velocity would be acting as an impeding factor so as to limit the angle that can be achieved by a ball rotating to less then 90 degrees from the tangent of the circunferance that is parallel to the center of the earth. What does everyone think?

Does this sound plausible?

I will try and see if I can accomplish the above experiment. Although I am sure that there would be no noticable affect without some really sensity equipment due the the extremely short wavelength of gravity.


Edwin G. Schasteen
Mr Schasteen

Back as promised.

The wavelength of gravity.......

Wouldn't each object have a unique gravic wave length? Just asking, I don't have the foggiest.

You seem pretty good at building modles. Can you or a local computer geek program your space-time shells and radial vortexes into one functioning unit. That would be cool.

Again I ask, to what real word particals and energies do your radial vortexes and spacetime shells relate? You are vague about size scales. Are these things subquantal or planetary?

Here is a little known fact about chaos; the ratio of chaos to order is always 50/50. It is only when you look at local sections of space or time does the 'density' of one or the other change. It is like when you shuffle a deck of cards they can only become just so disordered when if you shuffle them more they could start reforming patterns. You can't impose 100% disorder by random, you would have to look at the card faces and conciously order them in a *more* disorderly way......good luck on that one.

"The person who asks the best questions gets the best answers"
HA HA HA HA HA HA, I don't know if I'm laughing at myself. I'd promised not to be on post, but is not a serious thing after all!..."At least I'm trying 100%" COME ON THIS IS NOT WAR. Some way or the other "we're competing to zero" What are we here for, is not imposing is the TRUTH, could be "style of offending by personal ways". Is anybody there who can answer me? I don't care IF you offend me, I like to listen for better solutions. "Only ideas NOT attempting" Answer: There's NO TIME YET. "But that's what we're doing somehow".