Dear Everyone,
Yes my post is similar tocarbon dating. However it delves a little deeper and assumes a little more in that it states that all energy including light is decaying at a universal rate and that as the decay progresses the quantum frequency of all energy in the universe decreases to a lower frequency. The theory proposes that the cause for energy's universal decay at the quantum level is the increase of volumes of space existing in the universe. As the quantity space increases in the universe the energy in the universe expands to occupy the newly added space, which is added at all points in space simultaneousely. As the energy occupies more space the density of that energy decreases because energy stretched over a greater region of space is less dense then that same energy spread over a lesser region of space. Also, energy that is less dense has a lower resonant frequency then that same energy when it is more dense. An example of this is the guitar string. The tighter the string the higher the frequency of the sound coming off of that string which is caused by the increase in the density of the string along it's depth. So as mass gets more dense the frequency of the sound energy that travels through the mass when it is struck rises. So I believe that there is a possibility that the density of energy increases as the density of space that the energy occupies decreases. I have postulated the following equation to describe the density of energy with respect to the density of space, and vice versa, as a means to further define the absolute quantity of energy. The equation shows that the quantity of energy is determined by number of cycles in the base frequency of energy when that energy is existing at a state seperate from space. I am considering the possibility that that time, as a dimension, is defined as the radius of an energy system or of a region of space. I believe that space, as a dimension, is defined as the circumferance of a circle that propagates perpindicular to the time dimension(also the radius).
To describe this system further I would like to use a random electromagnetic pulse emanating from a particular point in absulute space free from the presence of gravity. At the origin point x,y,andz=0 the event begins and the radius of the field is 0 and the strength of the field is infinite. Now over a period of time t the radius of the field increases and the circumferance of that field increases and the density of that field decreases. Now in 1 second of time the field has traveled outward as a shperical wave a total of 186,282 miles in all directions uniformly. The difference between the radius and of the EM field 1 second after the pulse in term of radius is 1 second in time. So if one after one second adds a negative second to that system during the next second the field will diminish to a radius of zero as the field travels in reverse back in time to the origninal pulse when and where the radius of the field is/was zero. So the field when traveling along a radial path is actually traveling along a dimension of time since all points along that radius correspond to a particular point in time after the originating event of the pulse. It is safe to assume that the density of space time that the energy occupies increases as a result of that energies progression towards the future in time. So the reason that a field increases it's circumferance and decreases it's density is that the space that the energy occupies increases to the square of t(time). So as time progresses the density of the energy decreases to the inverted square of the distance from the begining point in space(or the source)which is why the electromagnetic field decreases in strength propotional to the inverted square of the distance from the source according to Newtonian physics. S=1/r^2 where r is the radius of the field measured from the source. The energy mass of the field is determined by the duration of the pulse. (how long it takes for the pulse to complete) A longer pulse has more energy to pulse and therefore requires a longer period of time to complete the pulse. The range of of a longer pulse period will result in the transmission of a pulse with a greater range
then pulse with a shorter period.
To sumarize,
1. As energy increases density the density of space that this energy occupies decreases creating a gravitational field manifested as a difference of space density.
2. The radius of a circle defines the dimension of time for that circle.
3. The circumferance of a circle is the description of a ratio of space density to energy density.
4. The density of space squares proportional to the radius of the circle which is the dimsension of time, not space.
5. The density of energy decreases proportionate to the inverted square of the radius as a direct result of the increase in the density of space at that period in time along that point in the radius.
6. The density of space increases as a result of the inductive connection of two different points in time along the same radius resulting in the replication of each point in time at the different layers in each space circumferance ring in the form of a multiplicity.
7. This multiplicity increases as the event progresses temperally in one direction away from the origin point. Thus, to approach the center of a circle is to approach the past, and is to travel with a negative time component.
8.To arrive at a location in the past point in the world line of an event requires one to travel beyond the center mass of a circle which has a frequency above that of the highest frequency of all energy that exists in the present.
9. So to tune to a higher frequency then a point is to tune to a frequency range that defines the past.
10. This frequency range that is in the past is also superluminal.
11. Thus to tune a frequency that has in a frequency range that is a higher frequency then a point is to tune into a frequency range that corresponds to the tachyon spectrum.
For more details read the following:
Energy that is in the present is mediated in one of the four fundamental forces Stong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravity. Tachyon energy is a fifth fundamental force that exists at a frequency higher then the frequency of a point and is an open form of energy so the quantity of that energy is variable not constant. And, this energy's quantity, possibly, varies randomly.
If you are interested I will continue on. In the mean while please feel free to dispute the above stated since I by no means have all the answers to any subject.
Also, Shadow please don't fret if you go cross eyed while reading my post's cause I am usually cross eyed while posting my own posts
What does everyone think?
Edwin G. Schasteen