Re: Calling all time travellers from 2003 and earl
I believe that travel into the future is also possible, if one was able to calculate all the variables into a machine to "arrive" at a particular place in time and space, it seems that such an individual could travel either direction.
And just because the future hasn't arrived yet...are we including events as a calculation in time travel? Assuming the Earth hasnt blown up in a mass tragedy, then the individual would just need to know location of the Earth and all corresponding data to "arrive" in the future.
I also believe that less of a risk travelling into the future. As is speculated about going into the past..what if you kill your grandfather..etc..
If you go into the future, it seems you wouldnt really be able to effect the timeline as much as you could by going into the past. At the present moment you would just vanish, and suddenly arrive at the future point. Who is to say that when reviewing the history of your life, that it did not include your dissappearance?
I also am of the opinion that speed of a vessel will not be a factor in any time travel voyage. I think it will be a construct that shifts via energy displacement, manipulating fields of various matter and energy to "travel" forward or backward along a timeline.
As a side note:
In reading alot of mythical stories, sometimes I wonder if perhpas that the colorfull individuals were perhaps time travellers. Some of the more powerful Kings and Emperors perhaps did not have as much talent or skill as credited, excepting knowledge from their original time period providing them an advantage. Leonardo DaVinci..perhaps was such an individual, if you have ever seen his maps drawn as though viewed from above...perhaps they were...
Also regarding his inventions, the drawings confined to using known materials, instead of suddenly revealing how to manufacture material not yet in existence at the time.