4 points in time travel?

This discussion is a perfect example of how limited our perceptions can be. It is easy to perceive how a coordinate system can be constructed in cubic space, however when you "stretch" that cubic space into a toroid (a three-dimensional representation of the electromagnetic pattern), then you can measure your position within the closed-loop system. How that closed loop system interconnects with other similar systems, nails down postion even more precisely. There is an experiment going on now to measure the "curvature" of space because one of its spacecraft is "not where its supposed to be". It is hypothesized that it is not traveling in a straight line, but following a "drift" of space.

Now this curvature is not the same type of curvature occuring near mass--at least not local mass. It is connected by the inverse square relationship so its potential is geometric. With the appropriate propulsion system, we could achieve speeds at many magnitudes above that of our own local "river" of space/time that circles our planet--which is roughly about 25,000mph. As far as "mapping" our insertion points into these interconnecting rivers of space/time, that has all been nicely accomplished for us by the ancients. While astrology and astronomy guide themselves with the use of "constellations", in a cubic space, the ancient Hebrew had a very unique 5-letter groupings of words that mapped space according to known positions of stars but according to the electromagnetic pattern. Thus, they were able to show a myriad assortment of toroidal shapes and where they intersected providing a neat little picture of the structure of the universe and how to navigate it. They even provided the blueprints for a vehicle with the necessary propulsion system and navigation system for "sailing" the seas. The merkhaba vehicle is a perfect example of the type of vehicle that would be needed to take advantage of the unique structure of space/time that is becoming more clear to us as time passes. Whether merkhaba is realizable or not, a vehicle of its magnitude is necessary to get the job done. In short, it must be capable of accessing non-local speed via the use of "tunneling" points and, therefore, reach effect before cause--time travel into the past. Not only is it possible, scientifically speaking, it is foretold and mapped in the minutest of details for the use of some future generation which would unlock its secrets and escape this planet which may quite possibly become "sterilized" by foretold natural and not-so-natural disasters. If there was ANY place that I would look for a time-traveler from the future planting information to warn the planet of future destruction and the way of escape, I cannot think of any other more viable document than the Torah. It has been painstakingly copied exactly for thousands of generations and destroyed completely if a single letter was in error. It took a genius beyond our understanding to construct its computer-like construction.

The question arises, of course, about what our effect would be in going to the past. Again, this is a question of perception. The "romantic" version of time-traveling is, at best, an illusion. Any thought of "influencing" time at any local level (or non-local for that matter) would hardly hold any interest to us since "being" in that state of existence would be far more "interesting" than the mundane order of existence that "matter existence" does. It would be very much what "ghosts" are to us now. An interesting curiousity but having little to do with our everyday life. Call it evolution, enlightenment, whatever--but I doubt we'll ever want to come back here again but for brief visits and for no other reason than to "daydream".

Who labels time? we measure it in seconds, who says anyone else does. Basically I'm saying there is no actual standard for space/time coordinates and until it is created this whole thread is utterly useless.

I agree that the problem of hitting a "target in time" is a lot more complex than plotting a 4D coordinate based on your current 4D coordinate. You have two complex moving systems in an expanding universe ruled by General Relativity. On top of the two 4D systems of spacetime coordinates you'd need to factor in the total linear and angular velocity and rate of expansion of the entire universe, the local linear and angular of the Earth...and make an assumption that all of that is the same at the target spacetime coordinate. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

But time is a simple conversion of units.

If c = 300,000 km/sec then we have a constant with which to define time, length, mass and velocity in same units.

c = 300,000 km/sec --->
one second = 300,000 km

Use the Schwarzschild Static Black Hole solution to convert mass to length. Take a given mass and calculate the radius of a black hole that it would form. That radius represents the conversion of mass to length.

If you then set c = 1 (unitless) you can convert time, mass, length, energy, momentum and velocity to unitless numbers by making them decimel portions of "c" (1). "One" is a good number. 300,000 squared is a bad number.

By doing it that way we get rid of arbitrary "human" units based on the length of our feet, our walking stride, how many times the Earth turns through 360 degrees as it makes one complete revolution around the Sun, etc.
yah, DNA is cool. I wish I had more. lol.

Seriously though, I read around 1 trillion cells in our body are composed of our DNA, another 90 trillion or so are mostly bacteria, up to 500 different types, doing all sorts of things to help keep us alive. So even if we understand the complexities of DNA we still won't be grasping the whole picture.

just a thought.
you read about that too huh? Did you also read in the article how the voyager spacecraft are not affected by the same problem?

The Torah is definitely interesting, but a book from the future? I prefer to think of it as a book from God, but I am sure we could debate that one all day long.

Yes we can get rid of human measurements for length. The Metric system is a step in the right direction, but we really need a supercomputer far beyond the scope of what is available today to calculate all of the variables. Basically I'm saying even with all the calculations the technology is still out of our grasp. Eventually I am sure.
RMT said > BTW. We already know (and have defined) that Mass is composed of three dimensions. Do you know what they are?

b-member assists in moditor, as asked by RMT, does anyone here, know what this is? Good point.

>>Refernce file, Chronos-technologies, time travel today.
"There is an experiment going on now to measure the "curvature" of space because one of its spacecraft is "not where its supposed to be". It is hypothesized that it is not traveling in a straight line, but following a "drift" of space."

Yes, I believe our friend Dr. Anderson spoke about this a while back ago, in the 4rth pargraph of his archived interview, he refered to it as "Frame-Dragging"

As for the torroid effect, and CTC's I do believe we have had many conversations attributing to these particular processes and their respective correlations to the curvature of Space-Time.

I heard about an entry made in Hitler's diary where he spoke of converstions pertaining to our universe looking like "swiss cheese" which corresponds to the latest discoveries of super massive and micro sized black holes in space which are heavely concentrated within close proximity of the central regions of galactic centers.


By studying the torroid with more detail, we could perhaps learn how to manipulate the warpping of space to our advantage.
No T12, more like a weird sort of bubble the universe is.

If you look at the entire universe from a distance, you see it as a odd shaped sphere.

So add the two Cartesian coordinate qualities and they are, a sphere moving in space at a set rate.

B. is the sphere never moves, however repeats its motion from point logo, to stop then resets.

Refine this thought, then it does not matter that the universe either moves at a distance, or stays almost still and wiggles.

The next sub-coordinates, are point logosB and this is that any density can be such, as long as there is communication from any point to another.

In A. this is from points B internal, to density refined Z, which is process to near a heavy density, to wormholeM.

Now extrapolate datas, from A to any length, and you have transit over densities.END

In view, you have where distance is viewed as time, however is never realized as motion, unless the outside of the sphere of the universe is Z or process.

>sque' where any density is at it maximum, from near center point, then any track out, to lesser densities, is always considered a locus of transit, however but at no set transit line.

Example, if I had wanted to travel a quadrillion quadrillion light years, but not considered as viewed distance, then my time of departure would always be considered from point genesis, of A locale, or here.

If my intended path, is to Angels quarters, near the outermargin, then any path that I enter, is never viewed visually as time, however only as a transit path.

Density is only a product of M+ irregularities in null space non-mass-mass, as all densities will be what they will.

Densities are not responsible for themselves, however are only part of a movement plan, which in time dissolves.

So super-dark matter moves, but wiggles, in situ, wherever this must be.

>To all, I'm sorry if you don't not understand some of what I have said, however this is physics from elsewhere.
T12' I know Darby said Dr. Anderson does not exist, or did things real, but I liked him anyway.

I did read on the lasic formulas, that he had talked about in his interview.

The re-make of the time machine even points this out, where a rotating set of frensils, at near sub-rate of C, had produced a bolate of C over M+ as a capsule.

The physics for the remake of The Time Machine, were awesome.

I really liked what they did in this, as the concepts were concrete abstrastual, to Einstein's thinking, where C as an overtensed pheninom, gave license to time travel.

Whatever you were Dr. Anderson, from the brief time I read and knew about you, you were okay in my book.