2567 CE and its dull dull dull

Hmmm.... I like to keep it simple here in the "old" days... As long as it's fun and pleasure-filled, that's good enough for me. I take it, in your day, our primative idea of intercourse is no longer exciting enough for your developed species. Sounds like an exciting enough future to me... It's better than all the other doom and gloom "futures" on this site.

If a recent documentary by Michio Kaku is anything to go by, the good old fashioned squelchy stuff is fast being abandoned in favour of pixel love. Once they begin to add tactile sensations to virtual worlds.....I have a feeling that one day one might hear a comment like ' What ? You mean you had REAL sex ? How strange ! '
Joyous news! I apologise for the lack of updates (I'm not really sorry but I don't want to upset you primitive evolutionary throwbacks in the 21st century, alright, I'm not sorry at all) - I am very pleased to announce that the Timeship Zodiac has been sold for scrap to a bunch of Lizardan traders and we have all now moved into TITOR TOWERS, a lovely floating condo off the coast of the United Fascist States Of Amexicanadamerica!
I've got a fantastic penthouse suite, Johnny boy Titor has got his anti-grav sex centre next door (very popular with the time travelling ladies since the publication of his 5-D fantasia 'How I Time Travelled Plus Beer And Chicks'), his little nephew Ethan Titor is next door to him then down on the hover floor we've got Creedo299 his very own pond and kennel, plus an amazing underwater closet for Zeshua. Don't worry Warrior361 we remembered you and have a bed-sofa ready in the hall if you ever make it to the 27th century using time travel (which, lets face it, is as likely as discovering a parallel timeline where the evil worldwide One World Order Government didn't take over the entire planet Earth, oh i'm sorry were you masturbating over that particular fantasy?)

More tales from Titor Towers to follow, its wild!