Re: your time device...


Check this forum out; its about 1V83 and time line 2
On Open Minds forum.

Check TL at the bottom of page 1 about 1V83
I think he is an insider.

1V83 insider

Recall why don't you start a 1V83 thread it is really
hard to find your information and where to post.
Re: your time device...

Recall why don't you start a 1V83 thread it is really
hard to find your information and where to post.

Recall made me read all that Timeline 1.83 stuff.

Sadly now it is a done deal. Even rense says he doesn't know what timeline we are on and that timeline 1.83 is no longer viable and made a public statement saying so.

I Like RMT's version he says we are on V1.69.

The Big BOOBY timeline. He has surmised that all the women in his timeline chests have expanded. I tend to agree because everywhere I go all I see are big boobs.
Re: your time device...

I Like RMT's version he says we are on V1.69.

The Big BOOBY timeline. He has surmised that all the women in his timeline chests have expanded. I tend to agree because everywhere I go all I see are big boobs.

'Tis a good thing, 'tis. And I am not planning to leave this timeline anytime soon. And anybody who tries to mess with this timeline is going to have to deal with me and my .357 Magnum!

Re: your time device...


Check this forum out;

Thanks i got more regarding the many past/future History books including Ray Timeline ...


<font color="red"> Transcript conversation between an "insider" known as Preserve Destiny and Dondep [/COLOR]

<font color="blue"> PreserveDestiny: They feel they have a line into the truth of history. They are mistaken.
While the group is no longer functioning, I think that would be an accurate assessment, yes.

DONDEP: What is the "truth of history" as both they and you see it?

PreserveDestiny: To the alphabet ops present: this will trace back to the Lotus desk, so you may be just better to call them and ask for helpdesk support!

PreserveDestiny: There are many truths, sir.

DONDEP: And why are they mistaken?

PreserveDestiny: You have, as I have come to understand, an adequate assessment of the issues.

PreserveDestiny: The future has as many books of history as the present.

DONDEP: My assessment includes a PX scenario, lurking over all these proceedings, and on that issue I am not clear. But to the point of the "many books of the future".....history of the past is merely a matter of perspective, not a matter of choice. Is that true of the future, also?

PreserveDestiny: We are making choices daily. Some are choosing to fight changes that would wreck our future, others are trying to blunder in and move where angels fear to tread. PX, Planet X?

DONDEP: What changes would wreck our future?

PreserveDestiny: Our line dropped. Must be my sec watching. Please repeat your last entry.

DONDEP: I asked what changes would wreck our future.

PreserveDestiny: The group causing difficulty wishes to not only right the wrongs that led to their predicament, but more.

PreserveDestiny: The serpent, as Dan calls it.

DONDEP: Not only restoring what was lost/taken away of our DNA, but more yet? As in, what?

PreserveDestiny:They wish to restore their neurological wellbeing. The "more" regards the Ed(i)n scenario.

DONDEP: Also, I did want to address the PX scenario, because I know it is the most controversial subject, coloring all of these collective efforts. Do the 'others' want to return us to Eden?

PreserveDestiny: As I understand them, they wish to restore the time before the Fall.

DONDEP: Now you are suggesting what has been indicated before, that while Lucifer means 'bringer of light', this should be a good thing. Apparently it is not, and our own God wants us to remain in a certain dumbed-down state. Is this an accurate assessment of the Luciferian agenda?

PreserveDestiny: Good question, that. -

PreserveDestiny: No, in part.

DONDEP: At one time, Dan had indicated to certain individuals that he understood this to be the 5th of 6 times around before we get it right.

PreserveDestiny: The Illuminists have their agenda, we ours. We are not Illuminists.

PreserveDestiny: I don't have a reference in front of me regarding the number of times and I am not certain that it is so.

PreserveDestiny: Regarding the Lucifer situation,

DONDEP: Which is why the job of sorting out good guys and bad guys is so hard; are the 'good guys' in favor of keeping us 'dumb'? As in, it is too late to go back to the time before the Fall and better to plod along in this 2-dimensional DNA?

PreserveDestiny: their agenda proscribes their enlightenment as the 'Truth of God'. I do not agree with that assessment.

DONDEP: They believe, then, that by 'illuminating' all, this is the will, or Truth, of God? Not that it is right or wrong, but is that their position?

PreserveDestiny: I would regard myself as a "good guy"- sometimes. I don't believe that the population would have difficulty regarding these issues, for several reasons.
It is their position in so far as they filter their regard for the TRUTH through a Luciferian strainer.

DONDEP: So you believe the population could be prepared to accept the facts of the situation, eventually? And the 'Others' also believe in the population knowing, though for different reasons perhaps? So it has nothing to do with whether this Illusion is exposed, but to what ends?

DONDEP: (your moniker is revealing.....I presume it is related to the infamous Project Preserve Destiny) So is it the spirit with which this desire to 'illuminate' is represented, more so than a philosophy?

PreserveDestiny: The path being followed by the rogue group only wishes limited exposure of Dan, for the reasons outlined above. The population's exposure to these extraordinary issues would be self limiting. Many will not grasp them. Their lives are framed within a certain space. These are some of the reasons for the necessary maintenance of Domestic Tranquility.

The AKA is appropriate. The spirit to illuminate on the part of the Luciferian Illuminists, is directed in the manner that the name, Lucifer, would suggest. [/COLOR]

more at:
DonDep and Preserve Destiny /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Mabey, we would have to ask its porpoise.

I know Recall does though:

Follow this if you can.

PreserveDestiny: Yes, an op in Cali.

DONDEP: so same team, different timeline?

DONDEP: does that mean they should be withheld? The caption on "Embrace" leads me to believe this is from the IMINVSBL faction

PreserveDestiny: Not really. He interceded on our behalf when we were being threatened by the rogues. He swiped the images and thought he had clear instructions.

DONDEP: Is IMINVSBL with these 'rogues'?

PreserveDestiny: Yes, he is an op with them.

DONDEP: These rogues want, what, the Lotus early and a bump up in the abduction rate, correct?

PreserveDestiny: Among other tidbits.

DONDEP: and are they for or against disclosure?

PreserveDestiny: They are for disclosure in so far as it is concerned with Dan. They feel they could get better access to him that way.

DONDEP: or is it only a matter of disclosing the 'enemy', vs. disclosing the true conflict?

PreserveDestiny: The true conflict is between mankind and time I feel.

DONDEP: That leaves me speechless.....there are, however, this rogue faction and your team, correct?

Dondep-- you aint the only one...

Recall I think is on a purpose of MIS-information and confusion. We all know it's the reptiles.
Recall I think is on a purpose of MIS-information and confusion. We all know it's the reptiles.

if i want to mis-inform you...

I will post thing like these:

<font color="red"> For a century the Lambeth Conference has been one of the events keeping intact this largest Protestant church grouping in the world.

Now, for the first time, and just when the Anglican Communion is most at risk of disintegration, almost a third of the bishops invited to attend have decided to boycott the meeting. [/COLOR]

end quoted


which agenda ?

The signs are that Gafcon will decide against an immediate split, but the boycott of Lambeth is an early sign of how much influence a powerful traditionalist lobby could have inside.

We are four thousand miles away from Lambeth, but they are right on the doorstep.


Muhahaha -Manipulators of time and space.

Ok thats enough reality already.
Yet another change on this timeline:

MADRID - Spain's parliament voiced its support on Wednesday for the rights of great apes to life and freedom in what will apparently be the first time any national legislature has called for such rights for non-humans.

Parliament's environmental committee approved resolutions urging Spain to comply with the Great Apes Project, devised by scientists and philosophers who say our closest genetic relatives deserve rights hitherto limited to humans.

"This is a historic day in the struggle for animal rights and in defense of our evolutionary comrades, which will doubtless go down in the history of humanity," said Pedro Pozas, Spanish director of the Great Apes Project.

Spain may be better known abroad for bull-fighting than animal rights but the new measures are the latest move turning once-conservative Spain into a liberal trailblazer.

Spain did not legalize divorce until the 1980s, but Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's Socialist government has legalized gay marriage, reduced the influence of the Catholic Church in education and set up an Equality Ministry.

The new resolutions have cross-party or majority support and are expected to become law and the government is now committed to update the statute book within a year to outlaw harmful experiments on apes in Spain.

"We have no knowledge of great apes being used in experiments in Spain, but there is currently no law preventing that from happening," Pozas said.

Keeping apes for circuses, television commercials or filming will also be forbidden and breaking the new laws will become an offence under Spain's penal code.

Keeping an estimated 315 apes in Spanish zoos will not be illegal, but supporters of the bill say conditions will need to improve drastically in 70 percent of establishments to comply with the new law.

Philosophers Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri founded the Great Ape Project in 1993, arguing that "non-human hominids" like chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans and bonobos should enjoy the right to life, freedom and not to be tortured.

read more:
link to GLP /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
MADRID - Spain's parliament voiced its support on Wednesday for the rights of great apes to life and freedom in what will apparently be the first time any national legislature has called for such rights for non-humans.

Next up on this timeline: We will see the first person demand that their marriage to their pet ape be recognized, and therefore they should get all the tax benefits that other "normal" married people get! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

You think I am kidding? Watch...something like this is coming!

I do have to say that Linkman was a determined wanna-be John Titor. On 19-JUN-2008 he opened the thread here, opened a similar thread on Anomalies (but as a sock-puppet), opened a thread on Wreckless Media Radio and posted a YouTube video.

He made exactly one post on WMR before he was flamed back into time. The thread was locked, closed and ultimately deleted. To view the first page of the deleted thread you have to Google "Linkman +John Titor" and select the cached link to Wreckless Media Radio for "John Ravel Linkman, ... John Titor". It also picks up the YouTube/AOL video link.

To paraphrase the Firesign Theatre - "Looking fondly back to the future from the Future Fair we decided that everyone on this bus is a bozo."
April 18th 2046 5:57 @ 3:40 on the vid.

Nice catch Darby.

Also make me think about my revision to searches.

I can understand his whole effort but where he really throws me off is why he pushes the whole Portuguese thing. I mean I know that his I.P. is from there.

Just a little look into his psychology, I guess.

The Raelian's almost got it right....

yup, ive got a million of em... psychology you say?

do you know what my most favorite thing is? :D
hmmmmm Waldo...?

<font color="blue"> Song of the Lady

Written by Ada Sunstorm Sunday, 22 June 2008 07:38

Attention, open in a new window.

To you I write with dire haste,

To reveal to you what I foretaste,

The lady she did point to Three,

Whose meanings she evinced in me.

The circle storm is the first piece,

And Fourty score in it deceased,

For then the cycle shall begin,

And with it comes our great Chagrin.

And this is what she showed to me,

And this is how it will surely be,

The Lady’s dreadful prophecy,

She promises we'll certainly see.

And of the West there is a man, of wondrous faith and healing hand,

And when he saw his Eightieth year, the masses trumpeted wondrous cheers.

But on the day the Moon is new, I tell you the number shall be Two,

The faithful will begin to fray, and usher in the end of Days.

The song I sing will louder grow, when winds born of the South shall blow,

And bring with them a tide of death, for most there will be nothing left.

And in the wake He shall proclaim, to drink His words and ease the pain,

And all the while He hides his face; to show it once he wins His race.

And on this day was divided before, a city shall divide once more,

The star of the East will burn in spite, and fires will glow throughout the night.

And from this He will make his way, with words he spoke that dreaded day,

For three days from the people’s cry, the moon will eclipse in the sky.

After the change from Eight to Nine, I promise that there will be Three signs.

The first will appear from the heart of the West, in a time of great social unrest,

Where a man to be known as Americas Son, will rest on his faith and take up the Gun,

And one by one the children shall fall, all in the name of his false battle call.

The second shall rise from the East with wrath, moving in secret and growing so fast,

Then blood shall be spilled in holiest site, and the armies of Juda shall combat the fright,

And Americas Son will take up the torch, and the victory shall be swift and short,

But in the wake the houses shall shift, and in the Great West there shall be a rift.

The third sign shall be the most terrible of all, and it will appear late in the fall,

The sky will burn for Thirty plus Eight, and the though the damage will not be great,

With this the prophecy shall be fulfilled, for He stood unhindered and forcefully willed,

You will not count but several years, to watch play out the world’s greatest fears.

read more:
Link to: Help me docode this... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
"Song of the Lady

Written by Ada Sunstorm Sunday, 22 June 2008 07:38

Attention, open in a new window.

To you I write with dire haste,

To reveal to you what I foretaste,

The lady she did point to Three,

Whose meanings she evinced in me.

The circle storm is the first piece,

And Fourty score in it deceased,

For then the cycle shall begin,

And with it comes our great Chagrin.

And this is what she showed to me,

And this is how it will surely be,

The Lady’s dreadful prophecy,

She promises we'll certainly see.

And of the West there is a man, of wondrous faith and healing hand,

And when he saw his Eightieth year, the masses trumpeted wondrous cheers.

But on the day the Moon is new, I tell you the number shall be Two,

The faithful will begin to fray, and usher in the end of Days.

The song I sing will louder grow, when winds born of the South shall blow,

And bring with them a tide of death, for most there will be nothing left.

And in the wake He shall proclaim, to drink His words and ease the pain,

And all the while He hides his face; to show it once he wins His race.

And on this day was divided before, a city shall divide once more,

The star of the East will burn in spite, and fires will glow throughout the night.

And from this He will make his way, with words he spoke that dreaded day,

For three days from the people’s cry, the moon will eclipse in the sky.

After the change from Eight to Nine, I promise that there will be Three signs.

The first will appear from the heart of the West, in a time of great social unrest,

Where a man to be known as Americas Son, will rest on his faith and take up the Gun,

And one by one the children shall fall, all in the name of his false battle call.

The second shall rise from the East with wrath, moving in secret and growing so fast,

Then blood shall be spilled in holiest site, and the armies of Juda shall combat the fright,

And Americas Son will take up the torch, and the victory shall be swift and short,

But in the wake the houses shall shift, and in the Great West there shall be a rift.

The third sign shall be the most terrible of all, and it will appear late in the fall,

The sky will burn for Thirty plus Eight, and the though the damage will not be great,

With this the prophecy shall be fulfilled, for He stood unhindered and forcefully willed,

You will not count but several years, to watch play out the world’s greatest fears."

theres nothing to fear, except fear itself.