Massive Black Hole Discovered within Einstein Lens

These black holes could be the result of multiple past collisions of two seperate black holes that merge together into one. The collision will create ripples in spacetime (the gravity field) that radiate as rings, like in a pond if you throw a rock in. The collision will also eject a lot of electromagnetic energy, that the gravity waves will trap, resulting in the lending effect and in the broad shells of material, IMO
These black holes could be the result of multiple past collisions of two seperate black holes that merge together into one. The collision will create ripples in spacetime (the gravity field) that radiate as rings, like in a pond if you throw a rock in. The collision will also eject a lot of electromagnetic energy, that the gravity waves will trap, resulting in the lending effect and in the broad shells of material, IMO
36 billion solar masses does sound a "bit" excessive. Silly numbers like this only push us further to accept that there are 2 missing variables in the relativity equation;
#1 Black Hole size
#2 Black Hole rotation speed
36 billion solar masses does sound a "bit" excessive. Silly numbers like this only push us further to accept that there are 2 missing variables in the relativity equation;
#1 Black Hole size
#2 Black Hole rotation speed

A lot of equations in Einstein's relativity use the variable r which represents a radius for a sphere. So, black holes are spheres. You'll see the radius is often raised to some power in Einstein's equations.

When it's 2, the equation is dealing with a circle on a plane. Combined with rotation of the grid, it typically creates magnitude, or a scalar value

When it's 3, the equation is dealing with a sphere on a 3D grid made of three intersecting planes. Combined with rotation of the grid, it creates vectors that have magnitude and direction.

When it's 4 or higher, it's dealing with a hypersphere and Hamiltonian mechanics

The case of 4 usually refers to spacetime, and can describe angular momentum, or rotaring vectors. Rotating vectors are spinner bundles (fibers) that appear as particles. String theory treats these as manifolds.

The case of 5 usually refers to the expansion or contraction of spacetime. Another way of saying this is it is gravity.

The cases 6 through 9 refer to different slices of the singularity outside of spacetime. These form the shared characteristics in families of particles (leptons, muons, etc)

The case of 10 refers to the entire singularity in a maximum saturated state.

The cases 11 and higher refer to new space created by a singularity. 11 dimensions is also what string theory has. It's the point at which a big bang happens.

Cases 12 and higher set the constants of the new universe and thereby its physical laws.

These are generalities in the timeline theory.
this only push us further to accept that there are 2 missing variables in the relativity equation
Can you point out where Schwarzschild failed to include the black hole "size" (I'm assuming you mean mass) in his metric for Schwarzschild black holes? The last time I checked Schwarzschild stated that a black hole is fully defined by stating its mass, electric charge and angular momentum.

And where did Roy Kerr fail to include the black hole "rotation speed" (I'm assuming you mean angular velocity) in his metric for rotating black holes? Kerr was demonstrating the specific effects of a rotating black hole even though Schwarzschild had already included angular momentum in his metric.

Both metrics for black holes are interpretations of General Relativity.

As to supermassive black holes, try TON 618. It's a bit over 10 billion LY away and based on evidence given by its gravitational effects it is estimated to have a mass of 66 billion solar masses. Is that any more impossible that the entire mass of the universe contained in a singularity of infinite density and zero diameter?
Can you point out where Schwarzschild failed to include the black hole "size" (I'm assuming you mean mass) in his metric for Schwarzschild black holes? The last time I checked Schwarzschild stated that a black hole is fully defined by stating its mass, electric charge and angular momentum.

And where did Roy Kerr fail to include the black hole "rotation speed" (I'm assuming you mean angular velocity) in his metric for rotating black holes? Kerr was demonstrating the specific effects of a rotating black hole even though Schwarzschild had already included angular momentum in his metric.

Both metrics for black holes are interpretations of General Relativity.

As to supermassive black holes, try TON 618. It's a bit over 10 billion LY away and based on evidence given by its gravitational effects it is estimated to have a mass of 66 billion solar masses. Is that any more impossible that the entire mass of the universe contained in a singularity of infinite density and zero diameter?
NASA seems think that 95% of our galaxy is magical ghosts "dark matter".

The sensible solution to the missing mass equation is missing information, but perhaps not in the form of this imagined variable....

Let's try a more sensible solution:
Gravity from Sagitarius A is 20X stronger than our theoretical models

Now that solution writes dark matter out of the equation completely, the simplest solution.

Based on that information, the Andromeda Black Hole doesn't need to be 35X the size of Sagitarius A, when a more moderate twice the size will do just fine if black holes are 20X more powerful than initially calculated.

My gut feeling is dynamic gravity output based on black hole rotation speed variables from active vs sedentary diets. Do we notice this variation from Sagitarius? We "might" observe astronomical doppler shifts in light entering our galaxy from external galaxies as the relative time rate within the Milkyway gravity well is sped up / slowed down. Is our galaxy suddenly going to fly apart when Sagitarius goes on a "diet"? Doubtful.... but our viewpoint of the other galaxies might speed up or slow down, doppler shifting the color of those galaxies.
NASA seems think that 95% of our galaxy is magical ghosts "dark matter".
Can you show us the quote where NASA believes dark matter is "magical ghosts" and is responsible for "95% of the [mass] of the galaxy"? A URL would be nice if it is linked to a peer reviewed paper in a major journal.
That is the peer review that the NASA article references. Astrophysicist are playing ScoobyDoo & GhostBusters with our tax dollars. God help us.
Here's the articles history:
Article history

13 September 2021

Revision received:
17 December 2021

21 December 2021

04 January 2022

It doesn't explicitly state that it was peer reviewed. However there was a revision received three months later. There was some sort of review.

The article states, "It is theorized that in the current model of the observable Universe, ordinary matter (baryonic) consists of 5 percent of the total energy. Dark matter (non-baryonic), that we cannot see, consists of 25 percent (Wechsler 2018). Neutrinos and photons make up a tiny amount of the energy. It is estimated that all but a few per cent of the mass of the Milky Way galaxy (MW) consists of dark matter (Watkins 2019). The components of the MW consist of the disc, a central bulge (roughly spheroidal and confined to the inner few kpc from the Galactic Centre (GC)), a stellar halo (spheroidal, extending out 10s of kpc from GC), and the dark matter halo extending out several hundred kpc from GC (Eilers 2019; Piffl 2014). The dark matter halo contains most of the mass of the Galaxy. In the Milky Way the dark matter is measured by observing the rotational circular motion of the Galaxy about GC and measuring this velocity as a function of radial distance. It is observed that this velocity does not decrease in distance as one would expect from Keplerian motion based on the Newtonian gravitational inverse square force. Instead, it levels off. This has been measured precisely by numerous observational studies. The predominant conclusion is that this is caused by the dark matter (Arbey 2021; Wechsler 2018)."

This isn't fantasy, magic, Scooby Doo or Ghost Busters. It is observational data collected by numerous sources. It is unexplained but it has affected the Pioneer spacecraft. "Several examples are considered of operational spacecraft. Two such spacecraft are the Pioneer 10, 11, launched in the early 1970s. In the early 1990s it was observed that an anomalous force was acting on the Pioneer spacecraft."

This paper was not intended as some silliness as you suggest. It is a caveat for future study with respect to calculating launch paths out of the galaxy for intergalactic exploration. Because dark matter and dark energy had not been observed in the 1970s neither Pioneer 10 or Pioneer 11 programming took those forces into consideration. Twenty years later in the 1990s, as the explorers passed out of the inner Solar System it became apparent that a previously unknown force was acting on them contrary to Newtonian gravity laws and Keplerian orbital mechanics

The paper is 10 pages long but it can be downloaded free as a PDF from:
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2 temporal officers are performing a gravitational temporal transit in a 1967 Corvette. Officer Darby is sitting in the drivers seat next to the gravity emitting time machine. Officer Judas is sitting in the trunk of the Corvette.

Do both officers experience the same static rate of gravity and space/time dilation OR the same relative dynamic rate of gravity and space/time dilation based on each officers independent relative proximity to the gravity source?


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