To Oblivion and Beyond

  • Author Author Traveler 25042
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 2 min read
"All for One, and One for All!" I shouted, manifesting the Keyblade into my hand. I put my blade in the middle.

"ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL!!" Odin thundered, summoning Gungnir. All Father put his spear in the center along my weapon.

Hades seemed just a little unsure. "Heh. I've always known how my time ends, but not when. I don't think you all want me in on this pact. There's a near certainty I will fall"

"Calm yourself, brother." Odin rested his hand on Hades' shoulder. "We're in this together. All for One. One for all."

"All for One. One for All." Hades said gently. "It's just…please forgive anything I may do."

Kairos let out a quip, "You are forgiven in advance."

Hades laughed and returned to form. A comforting chill combined in the air with Persephone's energy.

He drew a soft, deep breath of the cool, fresh air for the first time in his life. He drew another breath, using the embryotic breathing method. He drew a third and final breath, using the breath of the void.

Hades then let out a charmingly wicked smile. He extended his arm above the circle. The Erebos Blade manifested within his hand, which he then laid in the middle with the others. "ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL!" he exclaimed.

"ALL FOR ONE, AND ONE FOR ALL!" Persephone said back with her most mischievous smile. She grew her Styxflower Scepter from under my feet as if to tease me, before touching it in the middle with the others.

A brilliant flash of light appeared from Baldr's back. It was the Sunbreaker Bow. It looked as if a rainbow was captured and crystalized, which glistened from the smallest traces of light. "All for one. One for all" he said, putting the bow with the others.

Floki jumped in "Near certainty of death? Count me among you! All for One, and One for all!" He manifested a rather unimposing but beautiful dagger, which he flipped around a few times like a magician before putting it with the others.

"All for One, and One for all" Kairos said last, summoning the Vorpal Sword around the group. "Sorry I can't really put my sword in the middle, but I can put us in the middle."

"No worries, friend." Odin said to Kairos.

I was briefly distracted by the deep ringing of a bell, and missed when Kairos transported us inside the halls of Outpost Omega.


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Blog entry information

Traveler 25042
Read time
2 min read
Last update