Zero Point energy may allow for time travel


Temporal Novice
The ether (which is essentially the fabric of empty space that is saturated with vacuum energy or zero point energy) may play a key role in time travel. If One can somehow tap this energy by manipulating electromagnetic waves, then one can warp time and space. There are numerous devices made by zero point energy advocates, such as the Moray free energy devices, Searl discs, and magnetrons which seem to be able to harness the ZPE. I would be interested to hear comments about these technologies that could potentially manipulate time and space.

I also came across this story on Keelynet about a guy who built a short-wave radio that sent him back in time,
Some of the claims seem outrageous and unlikely, but there might be some truth to the story because the writer of this claim says that his SW radio worked like a magnetron, thus possibly tapping zero point energy which could acquire the massive amounts of energy needed to warp space-time.

There is also lots of research going on around the net. Check out to read about the work on alternative energy (ZPE) being done by Russian researchers and technicians. They also have an interesting claim (dubious perhaps) about building a device that can manipulate local spacetime to a small degree (see

Comments please.
Wow, that whole story did seem a little bit far out, but it was a good read nevertheless. I liked the part about the hypothesis that the earth is oscillating, and who knows, perhaps if we did find some way to exclude ourselves from the rest of the universe or "shield" ourselves as the were saying, then we might just be able to move around in time while the earth is oscillating.
I find that intiresting because I have had one idea similar, of course with no math to back it up as of yet its completely theoretical.

it would be a series of magnets on a gyro of sorts spinning in different directions, while gaining speed they would eventually create a void in time/space and harnesing the ether create a black hole or some other anomaly. using that hole as a gateway to who knows where.

of course highly unstab;le and uncontrolable even if it were to have any validity. but you never know.
... it would be a series of magnets on a gyro of sorts spinning in different directions, while gaining speed they would eventually create a void in time/space ...

What you just described is The Merkaba. My avatar is a sample of what a Merkaba would look like. Each tetrahedron is spun at a specific speed, with each also being comprised of oppposite types of energy. The effect would be, when done correctly, a void, or a place that is seperate from time and space within the construct.

Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. MerKaBa is a term which means 'chariot' in Hebrew. It is the spiraling of energy. It consists of counter- rotating fields of energy.

One tetrahedron - electrical energy - the apex faces up towards the sun, the second point facing front. The other - magnetic energy - the points face the back and downward towards the earth.

The Merkabah is also the shape of the Star of David which takes us to Kabbalah. Merkabah - Kabbalah. So there is quite a bit of information on your idea. The problem is extracting what information is appropriate and how to put it all together to build a working Merkaba.
Intiresting, I never thoguht that kaballah would be a part of it the MerKaBa (pronounced in hebrew Mechava) is intiresting, though kabbalah for what it is would not be so intirested in time travel. that isn't what it's use is.

if you have any references i'd love to see them. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
though kabbalah for what it is would not be so intirested in time travel. that isn't what it's use is.
Perhaps you have only been taught the uses for Qabalah that others wanted you to know about? I can assure you that there are uses for Qabalah well beyond what the religious zealots (who think they define appropriate uses of Qabalah) say.

For instance, I have a great many applications and uses for Qabalah in both science and engineering. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Oh I don't doubt that... Kabbalah, for what it is, is just a better way to understand god. There's a story of someone who wasn't on the level to understand it and his head exploded. Any 'powers' given to someone is through divine intervention blah blah blah. Kabbalah when created (without getting into details of who or where) had no intention of having any influence other than to provide insight into gods will. The entire thing wasnt even written down untill hundreds of years later, it was origonally passed between teacher and student. It wasn't a manual, though as many spiritual things go I'm sure that it unexpectedly has other information in it.

I remember a piece about how gods chariot is carried, but is it meant to be taken literally? many things in Kaballah are quite obviously not as it would seem. There is a saying in the Talmud "Someone who believes in nothing is a fool, someone who believes in everything is an even greater fool" commenting on certain things in the Talmud and Kabbalah. If you want to take things literally I could tell you when the world will end. A great book about all this is called "Derech Hashem" in english, "The Path of God." It's I think about a couple hundred years old but still in print (ArtScroll makes english/hebrew versions), when first came out people discretided it and said it was blasphemous though it still became a very popular book. What it attempts to do is take some of the lesser points of Kabbalah and put it into terms that wecan understand. Mixed in with some boring topics there is Angels, Demons, Good, Evil. Of course the finer points of Kabbalah is nearly incomprehensible. It's a really good read and I reccomend it.

Anyway, I've become horribly off topic so I'll just stop here. By the way, hows your dog?
Kabbalah, for what it is, is just a better way to understand god.

The Qabalah goes beyond the understanding of (as much as possible) regarding God. Scientific data is encoded in its texts. The letters have numerical values and many of the Cabalistic texts can be translated into revealing artifacts.

Sepher Yetzirah

This link demonstrates what can be extracted from Cabalistic texts.

The Tree of Life can be complicated, since it encompasses so much material. It is difficult to study, and it is easy to become distracted. Many "Theological" disciplines have abused the knowledge of the texts, because they do contain powerful information regarding the 'secrets' of creation and existence.

As has been mentioned previously, at the time the information was compiled, was during a time when any ideals against the ruling powers resulted in extreme demise. So the researchers had to encode their findings and knowledge in formats that the ruling ppwers would not see. The origins of the Tarot Cards are just that, not as a scrying tool, but as a method of recording information in a symbological manner to be handed down safely from one generation to another.

What better way to ensure its survival than by disquising it within a religious "jacket" ?

If you want further information, read through the God? Thread. Alot of Qabalistic information was posted within that thread. As with any study, you have to read through alot of other material before finding what you seek.

Now, one thing I must make completely clear...even though I have said that encoded information was infused into the Kaballah, does not mean it loses any importance as religious artifacts. The texts actually clear up alot of mis-translations that have occurred within modern versions of the Bible. Perhaps, it was even designed this way by The Creator for us to decipher when we were ready and able to do so. But that is a completely different topic.
Really intiresting, I'm fascinated by all of this. The primary source for that article is Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, of whom I had a chance to meet before he died. The man was a genious in all manners. I do not doubt the validity of any of the codes found in Kabbalah, just the way there are codes hidden in the bible as well though I wouldn't go far to say that the information contained within sustained itself by hiding in religious texts, I believe (as did Aryeh Kaplan) that these are byproducs of what happens when god puts things on earth. Kabbalah when it was made was, like I said before, a way to better understand the secrets of god.

The Sephardic form of Kaballah eventually found a home in Tzfat (Tzfas) in Israel, I was there not 4 months ago for a weekend. Learning the Talmud with great scholars of the area then visiting the synogauges of the greats who once were. I really find the whole idea of this remarkable as a further to my own personal studies. If you're really intirested in the scientific mysteries hidden in Keballah I can give you a phone number if you're willing to call israel, the man is one of the greatest and kindest men of our generation if not the most.

On a side note I should point out that mostly this is the kind of thing that I look for, as do most who delve into religious texts, for example I noticed recently while reading the texts of Genesis that it says that the sun set after it was created, but yet there is no mention of a sunrise, what happened there? You lose a lot in the translations though, that's the hardest part.

N: I don't know why you and others call it 'Qabala' or 'Cabala' (though the C is still close enough) In hebrew it's the letters 'Kuf Bet Lamed Heh' Though the 'Heh' is not always there, which spells out 'Kabbalah' as it would be in english, I'm just wondering where you got it from...
Kabbalah when it was made was, like I said before, a way to better understand the secrets of god.
Exactly. And those are the secrets that we call the power of Creation. And the ability to Create is what we, as sentient beings, share with God, right?

for example I noticed recently while reading the texts of Genesis that it says that the sun set after it was created, but yet there is no mention of a sunrise, what happened there? You lose a lot in the translations though, that's the hardest part.
And a point of fact here: Genesis is the very FIRST book of the Bible, which is a code of God's secrets of Creation. Therefore, within Genesis 1 are encoded the scientific and mathematic "secrets" of Creation.

At least that is what I have found Genesis 1 to be... a treatise on the formulation of the 3x3 Matrix of Massive SpaceTime.

I understand what you are saying rmt, and I find it quite interesting. What amazes me is that you are a scientist yet not nessicarily a athiest. You use the bible but essientially use the bible to "decode" it to figure out how God does things. I would caution you however from digging too deep. But what type of things have you got out of this line of research? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Creedo is sitting in the back of the room, with blue dark tinted sunglasses on.

He's not smoking anything, but looks up over the noise of what was said and then puts goes back to reading his newspaper.

RMT understands Howdy Dootie.
Hi Shangra,

What amazes me is that you are a scientist yet not nessicarily a athiest. You use the bible but essientially use the bible to "decode" it to figure out how God does things.
Yes, I know people think this odd. But as OvrLrd points out, quite a few religious texts were penned in such a way as to cloak amazing scientific knowledge within a wrapper that controlling theologists could and would accept. Once one separates the "story" of Genesis from the topological, mathematical, and geometrical underpinnings that are evident from such knowledge as Sepher Yetzirah, I find it hard to believe how people can dismiss it as coincidence or fluff. There is clearly a great deal "there". As anyone who has put it into practice can tell you.

I would caution you however from digging too deep.
Too late!
I'm in deeper than you might expect.

But what type of things have you got out of this line of research?
Wonderful things. "Secrets" of Creation. Should we all not be capable of inheriting & learning the ability to mold Mass, Space, and Time into events that align with our Free Will? Why do people insist on believing that they are limited by their linear, physical bodies? Why shouldn't we all evolve to the next level of Energy organization?

If you ask me what 2012 is going to be about, you might hear a story very much different from what other people are claiming is going to take place. 2012 is going to be a grand and glorious time for those who understand the quantum shift that is headed our way.

What sort of future do you wish to create and live in, Shangra? I am of the opinion that the more we discuss and describe the world we wish to live in, and the less we describe a fearful world that idiots like "John Titor" tell us we are destined to live in, the more we can create a world of peace and avoid a world of war.

Intention is the most powerful force in the none.
Pbbbbbbbllllllllllllfffffffffffftttttttt! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Those sunglasses won't protect you from lethal farts, Creedo!

It is blowing big holes in your newspaper. And you are getting annoyed, I know.

But what type of things have you got out of this line of research?

I know you directed this question to RainmanTime, however, I hope you dont mind me giving an answer as well.

If you click on the link ( Sepher Yetzirah ) in the above post, this will provide you with what type of things that have been extracted out of this line of research.
I am EXTREMELY interested in this, as you know RMT I am a saved christian but am also intrested in other things as we have talked about in other posts. Thanks for the input too overlord. I have always felt science and religion were connected, i.e. GOD created the earth and all creatures in seven days, but whos to say Darwin(even though he repented on his deathbed and said he was wrong and accepted Christ as his savior)wasn't sctually right? Because who knows how long seven days is to God? Our own version of seven day's isn't God's verision. I am more interested in your version of 2012 if you want to pm it to me RMT. Or anything from anybody else. Kind of like how does GOD stay in charge of all these worldlines? Anyway, Making my small contribution , Shang.
I don't know what Zero Point energy is, but if humans want to travel in time they should know exact space coordinates, from their point of departure to their point of arrival. If you are going to travel from New York to LA, you have to know where LA is, a simple matter, if one is not also traveling in time to LA. But if you want to go from New York to LA 50 years in the future, you have to know where LA will be in space 50 years in the future. Exact space coordinates are not available to us as yet. We know where planets in our own solar system will be 50 years from now, and to some degree of accuracy where our Solar System will be in the Galaxy 50 years from now. But the problem is, we have no idea where our own galaxy is going or how fast the Universe is moving or expanding, if it is. In other words, everything is moving, the Earth is rotating and revolving around the Sun, which is revolving around the center of the Galaxy which is probably revolving around some unknown point of the Universe, the Universe is possibly moving at some unkown speed. Time travel cannot be accomplished in a vacuum, as in the movies . We are all part of the Universe and as such we must abide by it's laws regardless of the vehicle used for time travel. Zero Point energy may allow time travel, but you better know where your point of arrival is at whatever "time" you decide to get there, or you will be "Lost in Space".
Rainman: There is evidence of the world being created throughout the bible, you just gotta look.

If you're really intirested hop a flight over to israel and visit the garden of eden (it does exist). There's actually a very intiresting book out ('The science of god' or something like that) Which explains things in scientific terms that I cant begin to understand, how the 7 days of creation were actually 7 days because time wavelengths were different then. stuff like that. I heard a speech by the guy and it was unbelievable, really. I'll find more stuff on it later.

Shang: As a Jew, I don't accept the big JC, and have afew theories as to how he did his 'miracles' (it's recorded in ancient texts, though no one knows for sure), but I can assure you Darwin was wrong on many levels (though he was right on many as well so don't yell yet) there was recently proof about the fact that pretty much all origonal sea life sprung from the depths and didn't evolve as much as we think (this was gathered after doing research in deep sea crevaces) (source is the above book 'The science of god' if that's the title, I don't have time to remember).

It's really amazing stuff. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif