I was saying five as an average yes. But how accurate can memories be from when you were two years old?I don't believe that it would be possible to know some of the details that might be needed to time-travel with your mind. (Time, location, etc...)(I'm just assuming these factors are necessary to be able to travel through time with your mind.)
Right. I figured you were talking about averages, but I think we have, yet, to see research get to the bottom of this question of when memories begin. I think, my two year old memory is fairly rock solid. I am sitting in a folding chair eating popcorn in a school auditorium, my grandmother is beside me, my sister is sitting on my mothers lap. I try to give my sister popcorn, my mothers says, no. My sister does not have enough teeth to eat popcorn. My aunt (yes, she is only 3 years, plus couple months older then me, my grandmother had my mother at age 14, with 8 children, mother the oldest). It is May day, and my aunt is on stage in a clown costume in a performance. So, I have date, approximate time (before lunch), smell of the popcorn, and location. My aunts age was 6 years 3 months, mine was 2 years 11 months. Not sure, if this is my first memory, just one of my favorite.
The problem with our minds is they do not work very well, our memory is extremely poor and contrary to popular belief we have a tendency to change our memories to some degree as time passes. That is why when three old friends might talk about an event they all shared in the past the versions are slightly different. As time passes they start to agree with a common version of what happened in the past.
True, but the reality is whether the facts are similar or not, the fact is the memory is real for the individual. It is this way, even when a group experiences an event simultaneous. It will always vary on perception. Again, my perception is my reality.Now, when it comes to the ability of our mind working well, I would not presume to cut short the power of our mind, nor the ability of our memories.
Yeah, my first memory was when I was 2.5. I was looking out a second story window at our swimming pool during a flood. It was surreal because there was like 5 feet of water over the swimming pool, but you could still see that the swimming pool was under it. Nobody in my family remembers that vision, so it wasn´t something that was described to me and I mistakenly thought it was my own memory. Of course the flood was famous, so it was easy to set the date and my age.I also don´t think memories are time travel because you cannot change or affect things in your memories. They just play out exactly the way you happen to remember them.. and if you do make mistakes in your memories, it won´t affect the present anyway.
Yeah, figured that had to be others with memories that go way back.I see your point (and others) about the memories in our mind not actually being time travel, but fairly certain this is the closest we will ever get, at least, in my lifetime.