Hello my name will be undisclosed due to my major impact in society during the yr 2601, mo. march.
I cannot explain to you past-civillians, what has happened because it might endanger my life. For the past yr, i've been chased around the galaxies by people, who you might consider as galatic police. They haven't caught me yet, since I made my jump back to your yr 2004. If the society of 2004 finds out what i have done, my life would be in threat by your people.
I have busted my warptronic band, so it seems im stuck in this time for now, until i find another way back. all I can say is prepare your descendents for the inevitable.
I cannot explain to you past-civillians, what has happened because it might endanger my life. For the past yr, i've been chased around the galaxies by people, who you might consider as galatic police. They haven't caught me yet, since I made my jump back to your yr 2004. If the society of 2004 finds out what i have done, my life would be in threat by your people.
I have busted my warptronic band, so it seems im stuck in this time for now, until i find another way back. all I can say is prepare your descendents for the inevitable.