
This Alien Connection, sounds like a good name for a movie, what is the connection? do they string a rope from their home world to ours?

WWIII, how does it start? any ideas? Where do these predictions come from? Do you have anything to back them up or are they purely circumstantial.
aliens take over the world. or there is a world take over.

ww3 simply happens.

i gained this knowledge through various hypnosis NLP work.

hope i will guess 2/2 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
No offence toglu, but I hope you get 0/2. Why doesn't anyone ever predict something like "and we all lived happily ever after" ??
and in 2006 the aliens attack but they all die when we find out their heads blow up when they hear yodeling music. In 2015 there is a nuke war except now the aliens want to help us so they blow up all the missiles and sign a peace treaty and we all lived happily ever after.

- The End.
lol, and you got this from...?(Ren)

PS. And thinking about 06.06.2006 seems like an actual date for WW3, which is supposibly going to be a nuclear war. Why? that date indicates the following: 666, the number of the beast.
thy are actually vampires disguised as martians...[hehehe]

Did you in fact get this info from the 'Hypno Toad'? :-)

Of course you and about a million others have had insights into the future, anyone remember that Nun who said that the shoemaker levy comet would hit earth? She even took out a full page advert in the Times newspaper in London I think to tell everyone. Where is she now I wonder? And what happened to the comet? Oh yep it hit the solar systems great hoover, Jupiter.