Titor is a fake, he/them have not predicted anything that has come to pass. It was a group of people who thought it'd be a blast to wind up sad little people who should know better.
It would also seem that someone/group, has now got money making ideas out of this fake. What a coincidence eh? I would say that if anyone believes the fraud, then they are incredibly sad, and they really should learn not to gulp down lies like that.
Think about it, the person calling themself titor, was sent on a mission, he isn't supposed to be known when/where he goes, but oh look, he starts mouthing off on the web, a place with no one central computer, so that 100 years from now you'll still find this stuff we're chatting about being found and read. I for one would stop the fool from going back if i found out what he was doing. Just don't go on about time anomalies because of this, I don't care to discuss that. If I was a TT, and I had to go back in time, which fills me with a depressing dread anyways, I wouldn't be stupid enough to tell people I'm from the future, I'd go back, do what I am told, maybe get annoyed at the stupid humans from that time, but I'd go back to the future, finish my mission, then relax and grab me some mushroom soup, a good hunk of bread, and some cool refreshing water. Then I'd read Mein Kampf, and laugh gently to myself about the 21st century and its high polluting ways...