Would you remember the present?


Temporal Novice
I wonder if you were able to travel backwards or forwards in time would you be able to remember your life in the present day whilst you are there? Would you be so disorientated by arriving at a time in history or the future that is so alien to you that you would experience some kind of amnesia? Would you become so immersed in this new life that you just forget about everything in your present day life?

Think of it as having lived your life at a certain frequency in the present day, but the time travel shifts you to a different frequency, the original frequency still exists but you have no recollection of it as your entire being is existing on a different frequency that has no links to the old one.

The whole subject of time travel is so interesting as the questions it raises are endless.

Hmmmm, so what you're saying is if I travel to the future I will forget everything I am in the present time me. And I will accumilate every information of who I am in the future?

I was merely raising the possibility of how time travel may affect our memory, i was suggesting travelling through time may involve shifting to another level or frequency and we may not carry our memory back and forth between these frequencies.

If as i suggest we lose all recollection of our present day lives if we travel through time, then equally we may lose the information that our minds have attained from the past or future when we return to the present.

It seems like it would be pointless if you don't remember why you're there. But that could explain a lot of the cases of amnesia. They get here, don't remember who they are or where they've been. In this scenerio is the time travel machine set on a timer or controlled by someone else? I don't see how you would get back otherwise.

I understand your thinking. I would hope if I were to travel time that I would be able to remember the present. However, I could see how one's mind going in the past could confuse itself by reliving events. When the person returns to the present they would have memories of two of themselves. That would be mind blowing. It would play out with the future too. They would have sets of memories when their present self reaches the future.

The possibilities are indeed endless! Time travel poses so many questions that are never answered. I guess it's totally different from what the movies tell us and the ideas are really confusing too. I think if time travel were to happen, it would really mess up our memory and thoughts because it's a very complicated thing in itself.

This is an interesting question, Most mental illness or cases of amnesia are caused by people's perception of reality not matching up with reality. If the future or the past differed vastly from the present the person could have a mental breakdown. A lot of mental anxiety people suffer from today is caused by the human body not evolving fast enough to keep up with technology. This is the cause of many automobile accidents for example. Our reflexes and instincts where not designed for us to be traveling at 50+ miles per hour. People forget that 150+ years ago when trains where able to go 60 miles an hour it was considered to be unbelievable.

On some levels it does make sense that time travel could affect our memories. All that temporal messing about could cause our memories to be displaced, which is an unnerving thought as that implies we might be stuck in a given timeline unless the time traveling happens to be spontaneous. If on the other hand we do retain our memories across timelines, it could really mess with us because we sometimes remember events incorrectly. Lots of food for thought here.

It could be possible, as travelling can cause the brain to be altered and also it can be worse if you have another you who takes your place and leaves you in his time than you are stuck there forever. We could think if it even happened and also, we could go back in time or further and depends on who we meet and also would be interesting to see what happens also. I think that, we could change some things but also cause other things to happen which could effect the timeline as well.

I think so, why you shouldn't remember your life in the present? At the moment we aren't aware of something that let you forget the present if you time travel but still ,maybe, there is a possibility to do so if in the future we get to know more about this topic.

I think it would take a while before the thought that I actually travelled through time sunk in, so I wouldn't be able to remember much since I'd be a little bit shocked.

After that I'd probably be able to remember the present.

If one were to strictly travel forward in time, there's no moment in which one is altering the continuity that one had experienced and thus one's memories of that continuity would of course be unaltered (at least not beyond the standard mundane faults of human memory).

The more interesting scenario arises when one travel backwards in time, and in turn alters the continuity that one had previously experienced.

If one is creating an alternate timeline by travelling backwards, parallel to the timeline that one had previously visited: I very much think that one's memory of the timelines that one had visited as one had indeed experienced them would remain unchanged.

If one is instead re-writing the continuity of a single timeline by changing its past, then the situation is considerably more complicated and I'm at a total loss as to how the paradox would resolve itself.

In any case, I doubt that one could simultaneously maintain the memories of the original and the altered continuities without at least being perpetually confused if not driven complete mad! Likewise for the process of having the memories of one continuity overwrite the other!

I wonder if you were able to travel backwards or forwards in time would you be able to remember your life in the present day whilst you are there? Would you be so disorientated by arriving at a time in history or the future that is so alien to you that you would experience some kind of amnesia? Would you become so immersed in this new life that you just forget about everything in your present day life?Think of it as having lived your life at a certain frequency in the present day, but the time travel shifts you to a different frequency, the original frequency still exists but you have no recollection of it as your entire being is existing on a different frequency that has no links to the old one.
The whole subject of time travel is so interesting as the questions it raises are endless.
Time travel is based on a continuous shift between timelines so if you enter the time machine to visit the future will be different from the future you'd have on your timeline . It is impossible not to remember because a shift spacetime does not involve physical harm( excuseme for hypotetical grammatical error)

I wonder if you were able to travel backwards or forwards in time would you be able to remember your life in the present day whilst you are there? Would you be so disorientated by arriving at a time in history or the future that is so alien to you that you would experience some kind of amnesia? Would you become so immersed in this new life that you just forget about everything in your present day life?Think of it as having lived your life at a certain frequency in the present day, but the time travel shifts you to a different frequency, the original frequency still exists but you have no recollection of it as your entire being is existing on a different frequency that has no links to the old one.
The whole subject of time travel is so interesting as the questions it raises are endless.
Are you confused? Are you disoriented? Why not, you are always and forever living in the past. That's not an opinion. That's a fact of the laws of physics.
How do you perceive the world around you? Through your five senses. Light and sound arrive at your eyes and ears traveling at the speed of light and sound respectively. Smells arrive at your nose traveling at the speed of the air around you. It took a finite length of time for the signals to travel from emission to reception. Touch is a contact sport. Internally those sensory inputs travel, at a maximum, at the speed of sound through your body (and actually much slower than that because they are electro-chemical events). By the time that your brain processes the original events they are in the past. You really have no concept of the present.

I was merely raising the possibility of how time travel may affect our memory, i was suggesting travelling through time may involve shifting to another level or frequency and we may not carry our memory back and forth between these frequencies.If as i suggest we lose all recollection of our present day lives if we travel through time, then equally we may lose the information that our minds have attained from the past or future when we return to the present.
I think this is doubtful. Memory is just chemicals and anatomy like the rest of our bodies. If there was a likelihood that we couldn´t remember anything, it would be just as likely that we couldn´t control our body temperature, breathing or involuntary muscles and we would die.
Sometimes, very rarely people forget events based on trauma, but I don´t think that would apply.
