Would like to share my time travel story with you all...


Temporal Novice

I found this site many years ago and was actually quite surprised to find that my membership here hadn't expired. Well, I've written a story a long time ago as a child and it has always disturbed me for some reason or another. It's been one that I could never really get out of my head. From dreams to nightmares, this story has been with me, urging me forward to write it and put it out. I eventually managed to copyright the story and a few years back started to put it out in 3D comic form on the web.

It's a sci-fi story but I thought I would share with people who might appreciate it
(you know time travel buffs and such)

Hope you enjoy! And if you don't mind I may stick around these parts from time to time and discuss Quantum stuffs if you'll all have me

You'll find my story at the link under my siggy! And thanks for giving me the time of day
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"
Im impressed with the site, and the story sounds good. Few Questions:

If the variable is an Unknown, how did they find it?

In order to infect eveyone with a virus, it must be eithor Airborn, or the first person of the family tree was infected. how could they infect an entire race with this virus?

I would put my story online in such a creative fashion, but im too afraid someone would steal it at this point.

In any case, i see your trying to prey of my popularity boom, and thats a good stratagy, and i salute you

Interesting site you have going! Cool looking 3D charactors! I like your little News chats to yourself, boy it must be lonely living alone with just 2 Cats and a computer!

I like the little SQUIGY mouth watering joke you sugjested, I was chuckling so hard my ears where rolling off my head! Well it wasn't that funny, but it was cute!

Anyways, I knew Vertigo and you would connect. You two have allot in common. Maybe you could use each others talents and expertice and conspire together in making your stories.

By the way Pandarus I'm confused at your perception of time travel between your posting and your web site? How are you working Time Travel into you story? It it through the Virus or your 3D graphics?


Ok, first questions first.

Vertigo, mostly due to the way the story flows I have to leave that portion a bit vague for now, but to clue you in somewhat, the unknown variable is something that the scientists notice as a sort of "anomaly" in history/throughout known time. As the definition for anomaly suggests, something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified. This peculiarity begins to show a pattern, and the pattern begins to scare the people studying it, because they fear that it could be leading up to a disastrous climax for all mankind. To give you an example it's kind of like looking into outer space and seeing a big black mass like object coming towards earth but several light years away still, and not knowing exactly what it is, but knowing that it's not changing course and headed our way QUITE fast. It would be a bit scary to say the least. So you might want to study it and see what it's up to. Well that's kind of the premise there. There's something happening but they don't yet understand it.

(perhaps I should have used anomaly instead of unknown variable, but I was only about 9 when I first started to put this story down on paper to get it copyrighted with my parents help)

But anyways, while the scientists have no clue as to what "it" is that they are trying to discover, the story will reveal more in due time.

As for the virus, that's another part of the story that hasn't been put out yet. But there's an explanation as to why everyone gets it as well. A clue however can be found however in the story when you look at the fact that prior to military involvement the United States as we knew it was fine. Can't give much out or I'll give away part of the story.

Now what else? Oh yes, your story!, Well, quite honestly, I had no idea you were riding a popularity wave round these parts! Guess my "TIME-ing" was perfect
I actually visited this site a long long time ago when I was first getting my story out, I had been researching time travel topics and discovered this site. If you notice this may look like my first thread, but my posts show that I've actually posted over twenty times or so. Back then I had several discussions on "Time Machines" because I was looking for reference material to help me create my 3D comic. I wanted to have real world references to model my time machine after. That is until I found that no one (least back then) had even designed any specs for what a time machine could possibly look like. So I had to make one up. But I just peeked over at your ideas, very cool twist on the subject of time. I see some "Time after Time" inspirations in there (I loved that movie!) I am willing to bet that your story would come across very cool on the web
You could copyright it, then put it out. Or if you didn't know how to you could write it all down, mail it to yourself and leave the envelope sealed. This way if it was ever questioned, you could present the envelope to the courts and show them that you mailed it (and it has an OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT stamping on it) and that it was never opened. Since it was never opened, when the court opens it, they can see that you had to have written your story prior to whoever stole it. Otherwise how could you have sealed it in the envelope and have the post office back date it? Did that make sense?

Ok next one, CAT:

CAT, quite honestly, while time travel is a part of the comic, it's a very small part of it. If you noticed the way that issue 4 ends ("Exodus"), the time travel begins. But what takes place soon after will take the story in a WHOLE new direction that will finally show what is going on. It will explain a bit more about the characters, the past scientists, etc. It's all a bit of an enigma right now since "Eve" the main character is still up in the air about her existence etc, but it will get explained soon enough. As for the 3D portion, that's just MY means of presenting the story by using 3D to present it. Sorry if it sounded like I meant that 3D was going to be how the time travel was initiated. Although that could prove to be someone elses interesting story I'd bet

Hope that explained alot more.

P.S. Vertigo! Keep up your popularity wave I like your story ideas so far, I'll surf behind ya and catch the leftovers
Thanks for breaking the ice and the warm welcome.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"
My main insperation to keep the story going is my Grandma on my moms side. She offered to get it copyrighted as soon as i get the first book done.

Something i havent told everyone yet:
i hardly have anything about my story writtin down. everything i wrote on these forums i had in my head.

Im still deciding on the first story's plot design.

Like you, i also came here along time ago. I think i was using the name Vertigo, but i could have been called CAToPLUS as well.

they kicked me out because my attitude for these forums was the same for the others im a part of, and this was, and in some respects is, still a serious board.

hehe. Just like your story, Time Travel plays only a small part, with the main focus on the battles surrounding the Spark Family.

I noticed that you use Poser in your 3d comic. What do you use for Back ROund pictures? it looks a BIT like bryce, but i cant do anything that..."Indoors" on bryce

And again, CAT, i need to talk to you dammnit
Oh hadn't seen this response before I posted to your Q&A thread. But here's what I would suggest: WRITE IT DOWN and pronto! You don't want someone to take your ideas as you put them out here. Write it down and mail it to yourself, even if it's not finished yet. Get the general "jist" of it down and mail it. Then as you finish more and more portions of it, mail them too. But NEVER open the envelopes. This way they are officially sealed and there is proof that you came up with these ideas in a sealed document.

When you mail the updates you can just put inside the envelope, "This is update number (put whatever number here) to the previous letter" and date it. This way you can show that it's a work in progress and you are updating it until it's finished.

As for my backgrounds, I use Rhino. It's a VERY cool 3D application that's easily learned. I am also going to be using 3DStudio Max 4. It's not so easily learned haha but very good for modeling and rendering. It's used to make video games but you can make your own images as well. But being that this is a time travel forum, I'll try not to stress anyone out by straying from time topics. If you want, visit me at www.big-i.com. I'm a moderator there. You can ask all the questions in the world about 3D and graphics stuffs there and me and the gang will be more than happy to help you out!

btw, aren't grandma's the best? They are so supportive
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"
Oh sorry I was over there and didn't see your post over here.

You can go like you did into the Town Square and introduce yourself. Then you can go into the Poser forum, or perhaps the Bryce forum and make a few friends first. Be polite and ask nicely and you may get stuff done for you. That's the trick really, if your nice to people, they'll be nice back to you. Also try and barter with them. if you want something, try giving something back as well. This way it's not all gimmie gimmie gimmie and more let's share the wealth together

For instance you say you use Bryce correct? Poser as well? I read part of your stuffs about your story and the bracelets. If you could give me an idea of how those bracelets look in more detail, I could "maybe" knock some out for you and post the file to the site. Then you could use them on your poser figures. I can't promise much else as really all I have much time for right now is something simple like the bracelets. But I do know that others round those parts are wizards when it comes to making armor in 3D.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"
here is basicly what i need:

A picture of Pyro, with a black backdrop. hes looking at the camera, but his body is kinda facing tword the camera/to the right. Hes got a cocky smile on his face. Hes wearing a long black leather overcoat with a plain white t-shirt and denim blue jeans, and his hair is black and standing up a bit in the front. Hes about 34 years old, and hes about 6 11
i need about 3 inches on his right side to put a Bio

i can make Vertigo's picture.

i will need one of luna, and the armor, and Jacob....and some other things...ill try to get Pyro's picture first.
hes holding a sword over his sholder.
Sounds cool, post that at in the Poser section at Big-i. Your sure to get someone to bite! (if your lucky someone like GhostofMacbeth will respond, he makes some amazing textures!)<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"
Hey Vert,

<CAT, i need to talk to you dammnit>

Ok, Ok!!! I have an idea! The special element room at the school used for training. It could contain a biofeedback device that would be likend a holographic sphere and could make attitude adjustments and formulate proper thought patterns by adjusting ones frequency or spectrum. Kind of like fine tuning an instrument. They would use this like a (shower) of light either before or after entering the room. As there would be left over remnants of dangerous elements like bacteria.

Hey Panda,

Are you lonely on this Friday night? Well order yourself some pizza or Chinese, and a cat nip and tonic and get cracking at the drawing board! What sort of cool graphics and shady characters are you up too?

Why don't you design a Cat character that fits my description! I'm tall and skinny 5'9 145 pounds, long dark brown hair, extremely athletic, elegant, stylish and sleek! Make me tuff looking with claws that curve and gleam in the moonlight and whiskers that shoot out like bullets. And a tail that can whip Godzilla back to Bancock!

Were you able to help Vertigo out with designing a character for his story? He made his character extremely tall 6'11 Sheesh I hope he can fit the armor!

Your Virus story is kind of different...You wouldn't be a vampire in hiding now would yaaaaa?

I only wish I had the time to design something like that!
I'm so busy trying to get my own site working it's not even funny!

But there are cat characters out there already that fit that description! I've seen them.

As for being a vampire hehe...I do love me vampires I do I do. And yes there's that funny thing I do every Friday night to Saturday night, but that's just for religous purposes. I haven't had to hunt for my prey for years
Although if your sharp you can locate a website I abandoned years ago at Geocities. You'll find your "vampire" there. Mu-HAHAHAHAHAHA!<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"
Hi Panda, I almost missed your posting!

Well, thanks for the kiss! but now I have to go clean myself all over again! Its a neurotic compulsive disorder common in Cats! Well you should know, step in any hocked up hair balls lately?

Whats with this church thing? You know there is such a thing as TOXIC FAITH!!! And sometimes it can really obsure reality and send you off into tangent dimentions...

How many times haves you stepped up for confession just because of unpure thoughts? (to even think it you have already commited it! you might have to go back after reading this post!) You know the internet can be a dangerous tool and this Cat can get pretty frisky! I wouldnt want to put you in any sort of delema that could bring you down spiritualy!
