Ok, first questions first.
Vertigo, mostly due to the way the story flows I have to leave that portion a bit vague for now, but to clue you in somewhat, the unknown variable is something that the scientists notice as a sort of "anomaly" in history/throughout known time. As the definition for anomaly suggests, something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified. This peculiarity begins to show a pattern, and the pattern begins to scare the people studying it, because they fear that it could be leading up to a disastrous climax for all mankind. To give you an example it's kind of like looking into outer space and seeing a big black mass like object coming towards earth but several light years away still, and not knowing exactly what it is, but knowing that it's not changing course and headed our way QUITE fast. It would be a bit scary to say the least. So you might want to study it and see what it's up to. Well that's kind of the premise there. There's something happening but they don't yet understand it.
(perhaps I should have used anomaly instead of unknown variable, but I was only about 9 when I first started to put this story down on paper to get it copyrighted with my parents help)
But anyways, while the scientists have no clue as to what "it" is that they are trying to discover, the story will reveal more in due time.
As for the virus, that's another part of the story that hasn't been put out yet. But there's an explanation as to why everyone gets it as well. A clue however can be found however in the story when you look at the fact that prior to military involvement the United States as we knew it was fine. Can't give much out or I'll give away part of the story.
Now what else? Oh yes, your story!, Well, quite honestly, I had no idea you were riding a popularity wave round these parts! Guess my "TIME-ing" was perfect
I actually visited this site a long long time ago when I was first getting my story out, I had been researching time travel topics and discovered this site. If you notice this may look like my first thread, but my posts show that I've actually posted over twenty times or so. Back then I had several discussions on "Time Machines" because I was looking for reference material to help me create my 3D comic. I wanted to have real world references to model my time machine after. That is until I found that no one (least back then) had even designed any specs for what a time machine could possibly look like. So I had to make one up. But I just peeked over at your ideas, very cool twist on the subject of time. I see some "Time after Time" inspirations in there (I loved that movie!) I am willing to bet that your story would come across very cool on the web
You could copyright it, then put it out. Or if you didn't know how to you could write it all down, mail it to yourself and leave the envelope sealed. This way if it was ever questioned, you could present the envelope to the courts and show them that you mailed it (and it has an OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT stamping on it) and that it was never opened. Since it was never opened, when the court opens it, they can see that you had to have written your story prior to whoever stole it. Otherwise how could you have sealed it in the envelope and have the post office back date it? Did that make sense?
Ok next one, CAT:
CAT, quite honestly, while time travel is a part of the comic, it's a very small part of it. If you noticed the way that issue 4 ends ("Exodus"), the time travel begins. But what takes place soon after will take the story in a WHOLE new direction that will finally show what is going on. It will explain a bit more about the characters, the past scientists, etc. It's all a bit of an enigma right now since "Eve" the main character is still up in the air about her existence etc, but it will get explained soon enough. As for the 3D portion, that's just MY means of presenting the story by using 3D to present it. Sorry if it sounded like I meant that 3D was going to be how the time travel was initiated. Although that could prove to be someone elses interesting story I'd bet
Hope that explained alot more.
P.S. Vertigo! Keep up your popularity wave I like your story ideas so far, I'll surf behind ya and catch the leftovers
Thanks for breaking the ice and the warm welcome.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">PANdaRUS~
"Time Means Nothing"