saikat mukherjee

Temporal Novice

In physics, a wormhole is a path that links two different space-time.It is a
hypothetical topological feature of space-time that would be, fundamentally, a
"shortcut" through spacetime.

How can be it created?
. For a simple visual explanation of a wormhole, consider spacetime
visualized as a two-dimensional (2D) surface. If this surface is folded along a
third dimension, it allows one to picture a wormhole "bridge".A wormhole is, in
theory, much like a tunnel with two ends each in separate points in spacetime,

Is worm hole present in our universe?
There is no observational evidence for wormholes, but on a theoretical level
there are valid solutions to the equations of the theory of general
relativity which contain wormholes. The first type of wormhole solution
discovered was the Schwarzschild wormhole which would be present in
theSchwarzschild metric describing an eternal black hole, but it was found that
this type of wormhole would collapse too quickly for anything to cross from one
end to the other.the quantum foam hypothesis is sometimes used to suggest that
tiny wormholes might appear and disappear spontaneously at the Planck scale,and
stable versions of such wormholes have been suggested as dark matter

Worm Hole like as a time machine.
Traveling in past is not theoriticaly allowed in Specal theory of Relativity.But
if some one can creates a worm hole,he may be traveling in past.If one can make
it ,we can go to any other galaxy ,and return within few hours.But i dont think
that,it is possible, because,if one can cmake it,he should come form future to
our past time.
Twin paradox

The Twin Paradox of Special Relativity actually isn't a paradox at all. It only appears to be a paradox when you view the situation as observing the twins after one of them has accelerated to near the speed of light and is thereafter coasting in an unaccelerated frame. From that perspective neither twin can unambiguously state which one is traveling near the speed of light and which one's clock is ticking too slowly.

But one of the twins was accelerated to that velocity. That twin felt accelerating forces. For that twin to return and compare clocks with the other s/he will twice more feel accelerating forces: on the turn-around to start the journey back and when the brakes are put on to stop back at home.

The paradox no longer exists. The twin that felt the acceleration is the twin who aged more slowly.
Correct. It isn't a paradox. The twin who traveled at the speed of light aged slower than the twin who stayed on Earth. The twins are a different age and this is a fact of Special Relativity.

Traveling as slow as the slowest thing will not slow or reverse aging.
Traveling around the Sun or Earth opposite it's natural rotation will also not send you back in time.
Pushing the rewind button on a recorder does reverse time on the video and audio.
Because we can do that in nature, time travel does exist.
Maybe Thomas is refering to what an old friend of mine said a long time ago, that friend being Anselmo di Candia, a Benedictine Monk and Philosopher. He stated and actually proved through his Ontological Arguments that if you think of something and that something can somehow be experienced on an intellectual level, that something is possible although not presently accessible.


However, to think that something is possible or that something exists is rather dangerous. If I can make my car go up a hill that doesnt mean that I can make it go up the Mountains of Heaven. As an archetypical thinking pattern is alright, but to actually believe that is actual evidence of possibility is quite dangerous. It could lead to grave misconceptions and error.

I once met a man who thought his followers were invincible and the men thought themselves invincible as well. They all believed this folly and they all marched up a hill covered in snow, very few of them returned from such treacherous journey. They believed it to be possible....but it was not accessible.
Correct. It isn't a paradox. The twin who traveled at the speed of light aged slower than the twin who stayed on Earth. The twins are a different age and this is a fact of Special Relativity.

Technically it isn't a fact of Special Relativity because SR is given in terms of "a uniform motion of translation" - an unaccelerated frame. General Relativity expands SR to include accelerated frames. That's why the Twin (non) Paradox exists. The initial 1905 form of SR doesn't include sufficient information when taken in its strictest terms to resolve the question of who actually aged at the slow rate.
Ontological Arguments that if you think of something and that something can somehow be experienced on an intellectual level, that something is possible although not presently accessible.

Star light took a long time to reflect into our eyes. We're seeing the distant past.
For this reason.
Reflective water and mirrors are also a time machines. We're seeing our face in the briefest past.
A photograph. We're seeing our face in the distant past. That past exists as long as the photograph does not disintegrate.
A video.
A holographic video recording depth.
So what is next? As you said, if we can walk up a mountain we can also some day reach the stars.
If we can film and preserve the past we can one day go in to the past.
Can we influence the past? That would be a very sophisticated device.
Interesting. As I was driving across town I was thinking what right do we have to meddle in the past or future. Time its very delicate you. Its not about going back, but about existing in a space where you weren't supposed to be. Imagine that you go back and land in a sidewalk next to a busy street. In the original time you werent there so people walked as they usually do, but when you were there someone diverted its path and got run over by a car. If you look at people, they have ruined most ecosystems except the deep ocean and that's because they can't get there. I wonder what will happen to the next frontier of time.
I would also like to add that a wormhole is mathematical fiction. And just as real to some folks as pink flying elephants.
I would also like to add that a wormhole is mathematical fiction. And just as real to some folks as pink flying elephants.


Believe. It is real.
Technically it isn't a fact of Special Relativity because SR is given in terms of "a uniform motion of translation" - an unaccelerated frame. General Relativity expands SR to include accelerated frames. That's why the Twin (non) Paradox exists. The initial 1905 form of SR doesn't include sufficient information when taken in its strictest terms to resolve the question of who actually aged at the slow rate.

Now do a twin paradox experiment with 8 set of entangled particle pairs. 8 particles in current time and 8 other entangled particles in the future. And use photon (laser) to do quantum teleportation between them and you got a byte (8 bits) of information communication system that travels through time.

Quantum Physics
Extraction of timelike entanglement from the quantum vacuum
By S. Jay Olson, Timothy C. Ralph