Temporal Navigator
World War III dream I had on May 11th 2008
The drapes were open on all the windows
Martial law must have been declared as US tanks were in the streets
protecting us, but it seemed intrusive, and one giant tank continually
drove down into our driveway over and over.
We weren't allowed outside of our house and were eating food rations.
We shared them with other people in our house, and the rations were
very small, they consisted of things that we had and were not food
storage, but consisted of things such as jellybeans, spagetti, crackers
and whatever was in the pantry or droors. I overheard someone say,
or maybe it was on the radio, but someone said "The war started within
hours of the printing of the first gold penny". And I had a handfull of
gold pennys, they were lincoln US pennies but were gold, and I handed one
to each person, and I broke one of the pennies open and it opened just
like a chocolate candy penny, but the inside was not chocolate it was
like melted gold colored chocolate. We didn't know who attacked the US but it was figured
that they were from arabia or the middle east, and I heard another
announcement that declared the attacks first took place in California,
I assumed it was an attack that took place at the coast by boat, but I
wasn't sure, and something was mentioned how "If they take California they will
move closer to us and take us, or if they take california they will
be unstoppable" something to that effect, and great fear and panic
was felt during this entire event, it took place in the middle of the
night, it was very unconfortable knowing in the middle of the night
with all of the lights on in the house that our window drapes needed
to be open and uncovered and that the troops friend or foe could see
us inside the house as an easy target. I don't know what the gold penny
meant but I suppose it was symbolic, perhaps similar to the steel penny
made during world war II, but I don't think it meant literally a penny
made of gold, perhaps it meant something having to do with the state
of the US economy, the house I was in during the dream was the house
I grew up in, in santa ynez California.
The drapes were open on all the windows
Martial law must have been declared as US tanks were in the streets
protecting us, but it seemed intrusive, and one giant tank continually
drove down into our driveway over and over.
We weren't allowed outside of our house and were eating food rations.
We shared them with other people in our house, and the rations were
very small, they consisted of things that we had and were not food
storage, but consisted of things such as jellybeans, spagetti, crackers
and whatever was in the pantry or droors. I overheard someone say,
or maybe it was on the radio, but someone said "The war started within
hours of the printing of the first gold penny". And I had a handfull of
gold pennys, they were lincoln US pennies but were gold, and I handed one
to each person, and I broke one of the pennies open and it opened just
like a chocolate candy penny, but the inside was not chocolate it was
like melted gold colored chocolate. We didn't know who attacked the US but it was figured
that they were from arabia or the middle east, and I heard another
announcement that declared the attacks first took place in California,
I assumed it was an attack that took place at the coast by boat, but I
wasn't sure, and something was mentioned how "If they take California they will
move closer to us and take us, or if they take california they will
be unstoppable" something to that effect, and great fear and panic
was felt during this entire event, it took place in the middle of the
night, it was very unconfortable knowing in the middle of the night
with all of the lights on in the house that our window drapes needed
to be open and uncovered and that the troops friend or foe could see
us inside the house as an easy target. I don't know what the gold penny
meant but I suppose it was symbolic, perhaps similar to the steel penny
made during world war II, but I don't think it meant literally a penny
made of gold, perhaps it meant something having to do with the state
of the US economy, the house I was in during the dream was the house
I grew up in, in santa ynez California.