World spiral


Temporal Novice
I cannot explain everything, I will try as much as I can.

A world spiral, is what multiple world lines form.
Every action has two world lines.
If you choose to do one thing, you would create a world line for that action and a world line without that action.
A world spiral is what keeps it all together.
It is similar to a tree branch,

I am from the year 2072,
My name is JacobTitor,
Son of JacobTitor and MarissaLunge

The worldline that you live in is currently known back in my world as "287866"
The worldline that I am from is known to my world as "1"

I have travelled to 3 different world lines not including my own. And studied 287866 for 3 years.

WL287866 is unhealthy, the earth, the race of human and the ocean.

This world has limited time before its own version of N-Day.
Quite soon, just over 3.4 billion people are going to all die.

A very rare siting of a hurricane - typhoon fusion will soon begin when their paths meet.
The typhoon will sit around the equator until the hurricane is created, pushed north east, few days later this hurricane will reverse direction going back through its path of destruction and meet up with the typhoon.
The world storm (as my associates describe this as) will be alive for 42 days,
Through out its lifetime, 3.4 billion people will fall.

My father lacked on his rules when he visited 287866, 36 years ago.
He said too many names, the rule is zero.
Hence his actions, this has split your worldline more times than usual speed.

If anyone would like to ask questions, feel free.
I will answer as much as possible.
People from the future are idiots who cannot read. I come to this conclusion because they continually post their claims in Time Travel Discussion, and cannot read that there is an entire forum for their TT claims.

Thread moved.
People from the past are ignorant, arrogant and unappreciative of the effort that goes into time slips.

You are correct, I do claim I am from 2072, however I posted into discussion for people to discuss the near future.

I may have the wrong meaning on discussion, could you please refine for me?
You are correct, I do claim I am from 2072

I know I am correct, but thanks for confirming. Since you are making a claim, you belong in this forum. Nothing else about your discussion matters once someone decides to make specious claims.

I may have the wrong meaning on discussion, could you please refine for me?

Quite simple, in fact: Anything you wish to discuss about time travel as long as you are not pretending to be a time traveler and making said claims.

My father lacked on his rules when he visited 287866, 36 years ago.
He said too many names, the rule is zero.

Hmmmmm, seems you are 0-3 then:

My name is JacobTitor,
Son of JacobTitor and MarissaLunge

But ah yes, now you will say "these are not my real names". But then again, that is not part of your "rule", which says "zero".

Gotcha (already)
This doesn't make sense. You've been here 3 years and yet you only talk about a world storm now when this storm hits on the East Coast? Seems as if your story has holes and you just made it up to fit what's going on now.
This doesn't make sense. You've been here 3 years and yet you only talk about a world storm now when this storm hits on the East Coast? Seems as if your story has holes and you just made it up to fit what's going on now.

Yes, it does seem that way, doesn't it? Were he a real time traveler one would think he would show up BEFORE Sandy!
People of EarthTR125.0212 how are you guys.....wait.....whats that? Someone calling this worldline 287866? Oh gosh!! I go away for some days and this is what happens....preposterous!!!! Someone is trying to steal my lines I guess. However, I love to talk with the visitors, so I shall ask something; but not the same old is your time machine made of?

This time I shall ask a question but as you answer it, I shall test my new Tempus Drive. It will zero in on you and you will feel its power as it tampers with your Lifeline. I shall tune it to the lowest setting.

Question Number One----Where can a number be real and imaginary?

Question Numer Two-----Since you know so much about worldlines.....please can you express a worldline in a mathematical formula?

Question Number Three--You say every action creates by definition an opposite reaction (sounds like opposite world in DC Comics circa 1964), What happens when there is no action taken, or said action is contrary to the opposite of the inverse action not taken? o_O
Are you referring to Hugh Everett and his use of an intelligent amoeba as a metaphor—the concept of splitting in multiple universes?

As far as time travel is concerned, I know without a doubt that it’s happening. I witnessed an event—as it was occurring—in July of 2005. I even posted my account of what I had seen on the Conspiracy Café forum back in 2006. So, for me it’s not a question of believing or having faith that it may be possible, but knowing, without reservation, that it’s absolutely possible and happening.

Every action has two world lines.

Two and only two? What if the action is taken on a particle that has more than two possible quantum states? (Ray, an engineer, would classify these states as DOF's - degrees of freedom). Do we just ignore the fact that there are more than two possible outcomes for the event? I could be wrong, but it seems to me that systems have classical and quantum states such as charge, parity, spin, mass, velocity, momentum, angular momentum...with all of this existing, at a minimum, on a 3d+1 playing field. The spacetime coordinates (3d+1 playing field)is layed on vector field allowing an infinite number of permutations for the outcome of the action.

Whatever action is imparted on our previously pristine system has to be delivered by some mechanism that, likewise, started out with it's own states. When we "collide" the two systems we end up with a lot more possible end states than two. It is infinite. True, the rise of the probability distribution curve will likely be virtually verticle in a classical interaction but there is still some run to the curve however slight, the curve is a line and a line in composed of an infinite number of points. (Sorry to toss in some high school algebra terms like run and rise.)
When we "collide" the two systems we end up with a lot more possible end states than two. It is infinite. True, the rise of the probability distribution curve will likely be virtually verticle in a classical interaction but there is still some run to the curve however slight, the curve is a line and a line in composed of an infinite number of points.

This reminds me of the Cosmology of Branes, specially the Ekpirotic Model, where two parallel universes collide forming a whole new group of universes, all within a quantum wave function and without having to resort to a singularity. Its interesting because these universes are not even on our dimension, rather in a higher dimensional state. It is "there" that they collide and the resulting "explotion" is what makes the whole new group of universes, its energy and then matter.

On the other hand.....the time traveler disappeared. It never answered any of my questions. For the moment I will simply have to .....Emit Time
This reminds me of the Cosmology of Branes, specially the Ekpirotic Model, where two parallel universes collide forming a whole new group of universes, all within a quantum wave function and without having to resort to a singularity. Its interesting because these universes are not even on our dimension, rather in a higher dimensional state. It is "there" that they collide and the resulting "explotion" is what makes the whole new group of universes, its energy and then matter.
The colliding multiverse theory seems to be catching on, as stated in this article.

It's an interesting time in science with "a" Higgs Boson's existence being confirmed and no more LHC power-ups until 2015. Where are all the time-traveling tourists back from the future? Don't they want to see this first-hand? Give us a shout you worldline crossing TTer's!