world lines, predictions, fate and time travel


Temporal Novice
i believe that they are connected in a way. take this for example (and this is a true story):

i had a dream which came true word for word. in the dream i was sitting class and everyone was in differnt places (differnt from our seating order (only yr 5 i think)) and i turned around to talk to someone (naughty me) and we were doing maths, and he had drawn all these random pictures in his book, i said "why do you do that?" and he turned to me and just shrugged and muttered "i dont know..."

a few months later we all swapped places to the positions of my dream, i just didnt take any notice of it, then a few days later my drew came to reality, word for word, picture for picture, everthing.

im sure a lot of other people have had similar expiernces. i am sure you could acount this as a sort of prediction, and a very accurate one at that. The fact that this dream came 100% accurate in real, does that mean it was possibly unchangable?

if it was unchangable, then that means that we have not got free will, so if a time traveler came from the future, does it either that he is from a differnt worldline (ie. created a new worldline by coming into ours) or is he the reason that event accuring, ie. fate?
This whole scenario - i believe - is what most people would call Deja vu. I think its just that most people don't remember the initial dream on a concious level, but know they have precieved the event before. often its an event someone has seen while in an altered state of conciousness (during sleep). the lighter stages of sleep are also connected to astral travel, which can be used in a way outside of linear time.

I'm not sure myself. It's still possible to see a future event (that does end up happening), but still have free will. 'Free Will' is the possibly the only certainty in our reality. After all you exercised free will to forget the dream and carry on talking in class when you shouldn't (or whatever you said was the situation) to let the precieved future event come about.

It is still plausible (with the concept of virtical time) to exercise free will in linear time, but to see all of the free will you use in linear time over a life time - via vertical time. Which will contain your present life (in this linear dimension of time) all in one instant. Even before you were born into it.

Free Will does still exist however. As hard as it may seem to work-out.
Reading this, I was struck with a thought that many of you reading this might find a little on the implausible side, but I'll say it all the same.


It's an idea from DC Comics, used to explain away potential glitches in continuity. The idea is that the Universe is sort of a Mobius cloverleaf of worldlines, where free will and predestination can run hand-in-hand. In Hypertime (better attach a TM@ to that, unless I want to know Time Warner WAAAAY better than I like), you can be a guy who's "destined" to destroy the universe, and opt to become a pacifist in a Buddhist monastery in order to avoid that "fate", and that choice would spin off an alternate reality in which you would be that peace-loving guy, while in another spacetime geodesic, an alternate you chooses NOT to embrace peace as you have, and so starts down that road to universal armaggedon. At some point, Hypertime would merge your geodesic and that of the alternate you, creating a set of circumstances under which you, still that peace-loving guy, are driven to take up the cause of war (say, losing the person you care for most in the universe). Thus, "free will" and "predestination" are both given their day. Makes some sense for me...