Women, this is for you. This is who you are.

This is all nice of course . But I think if men and women are equal , which I always believe they are, then they should decide for themselves who they are . Why is there a man on the stage telling them who they are? And why is he bringing God into it?

This video is all about the man's preconceptions and beliefs.

Women don't have to wait until a man tells them they can do something or be something. Progress comes when women (or men) just do what they want to do.

This is all nice of course . But I think if men and women are equal , which I always believe they are, then they should decide for themselves who they are . Why is there a man on the stage telling them who they are? And why is he bringing God into it?This video is all about the man's preconceptions and beliefs.

Women don't have to wait until a man tells them they can do something or be something. Progress comes when women (or men) just do what they want to do.
It is a christian inspirational that I thought was worth sharing. And since I'm a man I thought it would be nice to do ladies first.

Their is one for men too.

This is who you are.

I lost interest when he starts shouting and getting excited half way through. Anybody, man or woman who buys into this is just putting themselves into a box created by someone else's thinking, and therefore limiting themselves. there are lots of athletes, champions and successful people who got there on their own without being handicapped by believing they owed it to God. Are they any less awesome? Believe whatever you want of course, that is all our rights, just don't shout. :)

Well I'm sorry it only inspired criticism and contempt in you vodka fan.

I assure you it was meant in good faith and not to ruffle feathers or cause rifts.

Thanks titorite, my comments were not in any way aimed at you, I do not doubt your good intentions for one moment. I think the youngster's arrogance just rubbed me up the wrong way. Shouting at me about God and then stomping away at the end like he thinks he did something good....let's see him work in factories and drive fork lifts and grind metal for 40 years supporting a family and on the way watch both parents and a friend die and see what he thinks then! :)

People do inspire me every day- we are indeed awesome.

I thought he had done something good.

Good enough that it was of worthy to the greater glory to share.

I didn't think it would be the sort of thing that would ruffle feathers and upset folks and for the life of me I dont understand the why of that either.

Hi titorite, thanks for the song.

Ok, if you can't already see what was wrong there is probably no point me doing this, but I am going to try to break it down....

In the beginning of each video, before he starts shouting,

here are the words he uses to describe the qualities of women:






Worthy of Love and Affection





Here are the ones he uses for men:




Has Ability



(he goes on to list six occupations)







He makes no similar list for women, so obviously these avenues are not meant for women .

The qualities he lists are stereotypical , patronising and sexist.

Why does he not call a woman brave and capable? Why can a man not be also funny and kind?

From where in the bible does he quote these qualities? Nowhere that I can remember. It is his own version of Christianity.

Sorry, but the only thing I see in this kid's eyes is mindless, fundamentalist fanaticism.

Like I said I meant to share something beautiful and Uplifting.

I did not think it would be the sort of thing to invite ridicule and derision.

It was just supposed to be a nice thing, not an invitation to intellectual fist a cuff but a soothing balm to those that might already be hurting and in need of some uplift.

Like I said I meant to share something beautiful and Uplifting.I did not think it would be the sort of thing to invite ridicule and derision.
It was just supposed to be a nice thing, not an invitation to intellectual fist a cuff but a soothing balm to those that might already be hurting and in need of some uplift.
Ok no hard feelings. We just are seeing different things. Have a good evening titorite ! You got any of that snow? We have rain and floods...

Sorry to hear that. Is your son away somewhere?
MY son has been taken under false pretenses (she lied ALOT) by my estranged soon to be Ex wife ,,,whom has moved in with a former boyfriend, In canada. I must be in french court in french canada by 9 am feb 19 or else I will lose all rights to my son thanks to her actions.She has cut off all contact and wont even allow me to tell our son that I love him over the phone or skype. She was allowing that but stopped suddenly.

The last words I heard my son say were Daddy, Daddy, Daddy as she shut of the connection on us for the last time.

And know I go north in the worst winter storm of the century in faith.

Hi titorite that's really a distressing situation. Hope you get it sorted out. I don't know how the law works in Canada or the US but here you would still have rights no matter what she tries to do.

Once every two weeks I get skype visits with him currently. Trying to work out a personal visit at the moment. More then that I am trying to work things out...but I got an up hill battle... friends and family say all sorts of negative stuff against me to her. Anything they can can to foster further separation instead of reconciliation. I've come to learn that we should be building bridges instead of burning them down. I have no clue what shall happen but I've surrendered to her will. Lord knows, I've played my part in the fuck up but if she wants to work things out we will.. and if not then I am willing to accept it but not willing to abandon her and our son. I'll be there. I'd like to be there more.. I can never forsake them. I just can't /// it aint in me... only being separated have I come to understand this about her more.... What makes her great... what I didn't get is that she didn't forsake me... She accepted help. Sigh.... whatever will be shall be... I'm doing my best to do my best.


Thank you for sharing, because society tells us women just the opposite. I wish more men could express these things to their partners.
