Rain (i realise we are totally off topic now)
I will do a search on that tomorrow.
my understanding of 'truth';
God existances for us, we exist for God (ourself) and our eternal evolution. A child does not grow wise from being subject to strict rules of conduct (commandments). It grows wise through experiencing all possible manners of conduct and its effects first hand. I'd suggest ALL of us have made some pretty Horrendous 'Sins' in our past lives. Only by doing this do we learn the negative effects and to not repeat them.
Such an intricate virtual playground is not created with the safest, most moral way, sign posted back to God. Otherwise God (you) has wasted its time. This is not a perfect plan from and 'entity' that lives above perfection.
Personally i think the Taoists had it right over 2000 years ago. In many ways some of the Taoists philosophies were (shock, horror) more mature then the original Buddhist teachings.
For example Buddhists view the human body as a vessel of suffering, of negative material desires and illness. Taoists also realised this, but also realised the positives and brilliance of the human body and Harmony of the material world. To do this is to also realise the brilliance of gods design, process and creation. This is a more mature outlook in my view.
Also heres a thought;
without the 'evil'
that is the MAYA we wouldn't learn a thing in the material plane (and some of the higher planes). Therefore is the MAYA really an unwanted evil as many fanatics suggest?
Even people from the most profound systems, sometimes get it wrong.
Then again, there is no right or wrong opinion.
Kind regards,