Will Tsunami Death Toll Reach 144,000?


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Lessons we learn from this event should foment the creation of a worldwide disaster warning network. There is no doubt that a great many lives could have been saved with even 30 minutes of advanced warning to evacuate to high ground.

And yet it seems that the "sixth sense" of animals provided such a warning for these "lower" species.

Does anyone care to discuss the lessons we should learn as a result of this event?

On a brighter side, this will pull the people of that area much closer togeather in atempts to make sure this never happens again.
I can only take it to mean that your post of 144,000 is referring to the number who were saved in the End Days according to the new testament.

I'm not sure how you are connecting the two events, people who were meant to be saved in this manner were supposed to be Raptured and taken to heaven (supposedly) without Having to die. Well I've seen the news, these people unfortunately look like they suffered greatly before they died. So please leave it at that.

Furthermore, those 144,000 were supposed to be from the tribes of Israel. I'd find it hard to believe that ALL the descendents from the tribes of Israel were in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the other countries there who got hit.

You'd think they'd be, you know, in Palestine (or Israel if you prefer). Well, at least ONE of them.

And they were supposed to be carried up bodily into Heaven.
I can only take it to mean that your post of 144,000 is referring to the number who were saved in the End Days according to the new testament.
Perhaps. But do not assume that just because I am inferring this reference that I necessarily believe all of the "facts" that are related in the New Testamant text. This addresses your other comments, in my opinion:

I'm not sure how you are connecting the two events, people who were meant to be saved in this manner were supposed to be Raptured and taken to heaven (supposedly) without Having to die. Well I've seen the news, these people unfortunately look like they suffered greatly before they died.
Is this not relative to what happens at the supposed "End of Times"? (or what I have come to refer to as simply the "End of Ordinary Time") If we see the devastation in the coming years that Revelation describes, then one might be able to view these 140,000+ deaths (latest number being reported by CNN) as much less suffering than if they had to live through the years that follow.

I guess I am simply looking at the number that shows up in the prophecy, as talking about 144,000 souls. How and what happened regarding those souls, with respect to some prophecy interpretations, would be a secondary issue to the matching of the numerical value itself. The numerical value of 144,000 associated with individual souls is merely a "time mark" reference point. I guess that is all I meant with this post.

Furthermore, those 144,000 were supposed to be from the tribes of Israel. I'd find it hard to believe that ALL the descendents from the tribes of Israel were in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the other countries there who got hit.

You'd think they'd be, you know, in Palestine (or Israel if you prefer). Well, at least ONE of them.

And they were supposed to be carried up bodily into Heaven.
As I wrote above, I do not accept any of the "supposed to happen" predictions of the prophecy. I am merely suggesting that the number 144,000 is the more important thing to focus on in this prophecy...as another "mark in time" that marks the "End of Ordinary Time".

If you've followed some/any of my other posts here, it is my belief that we live in the "End of Ordinary Time". I believe upcoming technologies and advancements will help us transcend ordinary time towards the end of 2012, as predicted.

Anyone else here want to try to build a Merkaba? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ok well we have surpassed your 144,000 figure so it is now meaningless. Unless you are now going to infer it was just supposed to be Close to that number. If that is the case then I can probably come up with hundreds of events where approximately 144,000 people have died.

Last I heard they were above 150,000 and still waiting on more numbers to come in, this is just from the initial wave and does not include people who have died later on from disease or lack of food/water
Ok well we have surpassed your 144,000 figure so it is now meaningless.
No arguments here. I was only wondering and speculating. As far as I know, that is not yet against the law. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Apparently here in the UK, there already was a system that could have been in place if the funding was there. It measured Heights of the wave, Its 360 degree course and exactly how long it had before it would reach the specific parts of the coast outside of that initial 360 degree radius where it started.

Some of these places would have had substantial warning. Up to 30 mins for immediate areas and much longer for the coasts further out from the initial quake. It also detected the Quake the day before that probably instigated the Boxing day quake.

Just goes to show, No-one seems interested to plough the money into putting these things in place until we've been proved its urgently needed, By which point well over 150,000 are dead.

kind regards,
""5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places .

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.""

-From King James Version of The Bible-

Hmmm, makes for interesting speculation, doesn't it?
The reason why Christ is many, Is because 'christ' Is not a man.

Neither are we 'men'. In some ways (within reason), if someone claims to be christ. Their understanding has probably surpassed the bible,

Which is Very limited in scope. I certainly would not be surprised in the validity of Biblical codes. Infact i suspect they are valid. However this is not a quality indication of the validity of the 'truth' of the Bible.

Have they amended the 10 commandments yet?

Many Catholic priests practice abstinence for the sake of devotion to god. God does not demand this as a show of devotion. Neither does it demand devotion (doesn't have to). Soon this suppressed energy becomes stagnent. It becomes destructive - it does this because this is how it was viewed before it was (and why it was) suppressed. A couple of decades later the catholic church is now having its bank account cleared out by the sexually abused kids, wanting justice.

An example that some may not like (i'm not generalising Catholics here, either - don't get me wrong). But this is the lack of understanding of lead figures in the Biblical type religions. The higher understanding is not there. And these are the people allowed to dictate the course of the religion.

You can inhale some of the smoke from the Bible. But in its current form, It will never lead you to the fire.
They had over 2 hours warning, unfortunately due to various communications problems between departments nothing was done.
Hi Olly,

Many Catholic priests practice abstinence for the sake of devotion to god. God does not demand this as a show of devotion. Neither does it demand devotion (doesn't have to).

You are exactly right. This is one of the many fallacies about God that mainstream religions have propoagated thru the ages. God does not "need" ANYTHING from us. If God did, then God would not be God.

Based on this statement of yours, I think you might enjoy one of Neale Donald Walsch's latest books "The New Revelations". It lays out 5 fallacies about God, and 5 fallacies about Life (which he claims are one-in-the-same, and I agree). This is the same book I recommended to Roel. You should check it out, as it has some pretty harsh words for "mainstream religions".

Rain (i realise we are totally off topic now)

I will do a search on that tomorrow.

my understanding of 'truth';

God existances for us, we exist for God (ourself) and our eternal evolution. A child does not grow wise from being subject to strict rules of conduct (commandments). It grows wise through experiencing all possible manners of conduct and its effects first hand. I'd suggest ALL of us have made some pretty Horrendous 'Sins' in our past lives. Only by doing this do we learn the negative effects and to not repeat them.

Such an intricate virtual playground is not created with the safest, most moral way, sign posted back to God. Otherwise God (you) has wasted its time. This is not a perfect plan from and 'entity' that lives above perfection.

Personally i think the Taoists had it right over 2000 years ago. In many ways some of the Taoists philosophies were (shock, horror) more mature then the original Buddhist teachings.

For example Buddhists view the human body as a vessel of suffering, of negative material desires and illness. Taoists also realised this, but also realised the positives and brilliance of the human body and Harmony of the material world. To do this is to also realise the brilliance of gods design, process and creation. This is a more mature outlook in my view.

Also heres a thought;

without the 'evil'
that is the MAYA we wouldn't learn a thing in the material plane (and some of the higher planes). Therefore is the MAYA really an unwanted evil as many fanatics suggest?

Even people from the most profound systems, sometimes get it wrong.

Then again, there is no right or wrong opinion.

Kind regards,