Will The Real John Titor Please Stand Up 0/

Hmmmm...wonder why the guy is scared to start a thread here at TTI with his confession ?

What possibly could go wrong for the guy if he presented and discussed his claim with the members here at TTI?
No idea maybe a backlash from some people on all counts.

See if anything happens next, ive been read response post for him and its more question to why.

What happens after coast to Coast if he gets on will be interesting to hear.
I believe Pamela would know real fast. Does this guy know the secret song?

Nope. He said that the "code" song doesn't exist.

He does seem rather young to be John Titor, and as someone else pointed out he seems extremely nervous and is sweatin' big time.

Ran the roscojones thing through Yahoo Browser, came up with this, has a picture, but can't tell if it is the same guy as in the "confession video".

Roscoejones picture

Yep. A bit young. Looks can be deceiving but he appears to be somewhere between 16 and 19 years old in the video. That would make him somewhere in the vicinity of 5 and 8 years old in November 2000. If we go back farther to the 1998 faxes that makes him between 3 and 6 at that time. Even if he's in his mid-20's now that makes him 11 to 13 years old back then. The high end is highly improbable. The mid to low end, impossible.

That was the problem with Brandon Haber. He had the intelligence and the youghful pre-teen proclivity for being a troll on certain sites (he was TOS'ed a couple of times on gaming sites). But even a very bright 11-13 year old didn't write the posts nor was he marure enough to engage Pamela, a 30-something year old then, in a quasi romantic involvement off the boards via email.

Group Titor, though, could have pulled it off if an adult or two assisted a pre-teen. Could happen; but then if it did it would be on the very creepy side of ethics for a real adult to involve a child in the shenanigan.

As a side note I found it hilarious to see Raz screeching at him when the guy looks a lot like Razimus.
But he did say he'd answer any question to prove he's Titor. So, here's question for him:

Is Lawrence Haber your attorney relative to the John Titor Foundation? If he's not your attorney how is it that he filed the copyright to your materials (patch symbol, drawings, schematics, nom de plume and posts)? If he is your attorney will you release him from attorney-client privilege and let him tell his side of your story online as well, answering any and all questions relative to the the Titor Saga?

And, no. I don't plan to listen to your segment on Coast-2-Coast AM. I probably have better things to do Christmas night.
Looks can be deceiving but he appears to be somewhere between 16 and 19 years old in the video. That would make him somewhere in the vicinity of 5 and 8 years old in November 2000. If we go back farther to the 1998 faxes that makes him between 3 and 6 at that time. Even if he's in his mid-20's now that makes him 11 to 13 years old back then. The high end is highly improbable. The mid to low end, impossible.

Agreed. Looks can be deceiving. He responded to a question in which he claimed that the JT thing was a school project, which would be High School. Thought I saw him write in a response that he was a "senior" in High School, but can't find "that" comment to back "that" proclaimation up.

BTW: IF it was indeed a High School project, is there a teacher with verifiable employment records available to confirm that such a project was done by this claimant?

The thing that gets me are the people that keep saying TEE -tor. This was discussed way back when, that Titor was an anagram for Time Traveler. John TI (me) Travel)OR . Which would be t-EYE-tor!

At some point someone, somewhere, mis-pronounced the anagram,which makes the confession all the more un-reliable. The person/people responsible would know how to pronunce JT's name as the anagram, not based on someone elses error.

As a side note I found it hilarious to see Raz screeching at him when the guy looks a lot like Razimus.

Yeah, there is a resemblance to Razimus, and I believe Razimus also mispronounces the anagram. But, don't think it is Razimus. Razimus also seems to be more mature than the guy in the video.

Whomever this guy is, he knows that Pamela, at this stage, is the one to try and discredit. IF you are who you say you are...no need to become hostile, disrespectful, and make threats; which he has done.

I think it may also be an attempt to try and squeeze (or trick) Pamela into revealing her information as a rebuttal to his proof, which I hope that she doesn't do.

In fact, Pamela is the least of his worries in certain respects, and I think the people involved in the quest for the identity of JT through-out the years know what I am inferring by this statement.

The latest video posted is hilarious. The guy is sitting amidst a scene reminiscent of the TV show "Hoarders" and yet has specific books set-up to be seen by the viewers of the video. LOL..that in and of itself indicates a level of adolescence that I never saw in any of the 'valid' John Titor material to date.

He did RE-start a frenzy about JT, and is receiving attention. So...when he is proven as NOT being John Titor, still had accomplished 'something' within the Halls of Titordom.

So far all he has done is 'said' he is John Titor in a YouTube video, and has not shown (at least) one tangible piece of evidence that would support his claim. Seems to me that if you were indeed John Titor, that within the revelation video, you would have "someTHING" to establish that "maybe" you DO have a valid claim.
But he did say he'd answer any question to prove he's Titor. So, here's question for him:

Is Lawrence Haber your attorney relative to the John Titor Foundation? If he's not your attorney how is it that he filed the copyright to your materials (patch symbol, drawings, schematics, nom de plume and posts)? If he is your attorney will you release him from attorney-client privilege and let him tell his side of your story online as well, answering any and all questions relative to the the Titor Saga?

That also brings in some other points. To sign an agreement with Larry, the guy would have to be at least 18 years old. A contract signed by a minor, would not be considered valid unless also signed by a parent or guardian.

So forget the box.

In addition to the response of what you asked in your question, Darby, I want to see copies of the signed contracts and other legal documentation. Of course, "personal information" such as addresses and such can be blacked out or removed...but must have his and Larry's signatures on them; including the financial agreements containing the appropriate amount of information to support this guy's claim.

Anything else would simply be razzle-dazzle and would NOT warrant "any" merit relative to validating his claim as being the one and only John Titor.
But, don't think it is Razimus.

Neither do I. He simply looks a bit like him - that was just an observation into irony.

As I said, looks can be deceiving. But not not so deceiving that I can't made an educated and professional guess. The guys age is most likely in the 16-19 range but he could be into the mid-20's.

Problem is he's admitted to a lie and now wants people to accept "the truth" on faith and therefore ignore that he's admitted to being a liar. On the other hand is he's not Boomer then he's fostered a lie and wants people to buy into it.

Thus one has three choices WRT his recent story, none of which lead one to accept his credibility.

Another question for him:

It was a school project...

What school? What was the instructor's name? What was the name of the class? Who are the other students? How do we contact them (teacher and students) to verify your story?

When you were emailing Pamela, what email addresses did you use? (Pamela, I believe, still has copies of the emails, which means she has the headers).

Prior to appearing here as TimeTravel_0 what was your handle on this site?

Will you waive your original 1999 TOS rights on TTI and give Raul (MOP) permission to disclose your original user handle, email address and IP address? Will you do the same regarding your other account, TimeTravel_0? (Obviously you'd have to convince MOP that you are the holder of the right under the 1999 TOS rules).
... was just an observation into irony

LOL..irony noted, Darby.

Problem is he's admitted to a lie


Interesting to note that in following the video and some of it's details, there is a roscoejones, which then goes to a Rob Jones, which is a musician/band. Rob Jones has a Facebook page and within the profile photos there are a few photos of a drummer that looks very similar to the guy in the "confession" video.

Do believe you have to have a Facebook account to see the photo's as linked :


Interesting to also note that two of the screen saver's are musical themes. REM being the most obvious, with the image of the singer on stage. Don't know who the singer is being shown on the other computer to the left of the REM computer.

Granted, this is all subjective on my part, with no hard facts backing this up, and will leave that up to those who are able to compare these elements for themselves.

Seems to me that at some point that Larry Haber & Company will make thier enterance into this, IF it goes beyond a certain point, and that is something that this guy should be concerned with, not Pamela.

Wouldn't be surprised if this confession turned out to be a school project in and of itself, some sort of pyschological gambit or a publicity stunt.
With the questions you are presenting, Darby, is why the "confessor" will avoid TTI like the plague.

He knows all to well that the scruntiny he would be subjected to here would be too much to handle and wouldn't take long for the skilled and talented members we have on-board to grind his claim to confetti.
Yeah, Darby. Would definitely be interesting to see the confessor answer "those" questions. Shouldn't seem all that difficult to put together just such a list about his "school project".
I found info on JT's original AOL.com account. That info remains with Darby and only 1 other person. So unless Darby is JT, the name should be the ultimate (non-fakeable) proof of whatever you have. Lets see the guy answer that question. And because of the relationship to the account holder, there is no question that to the real JT this would be common knowledge.

Btw I'm back if anyone cares. Even if they don't.
ROLFMAO...after seeing the latest video, all I can say is "hilarious" !!!

What a production of hodgepodge. Can see sign substrate - banner material in the background, So, either these guys are graphic designers for a company that does some sign work, or are involved in the production of some sort that has a graphic design department. LOL !

Maybe these guys should consider taking this on the road as a side show at carnivals.

Although these guys video's did provide some entertainment value for awhile, continuing to watch this "act" would be a complete waste of time.