Will Steve-O (TAP-TEN) become the leader of the future New Age group as said by TTA? Shocking info

Tracker, you again…
What’s does this thread have to do with me? I didn’t make any prediction about some Steve-O character, being a new leader of Tap-Ten.

Who the hell is he?

What about Tap-Ten?

I don’t know what Time02112 has been doing since he first told me about creating it 3 years ago, but Tap-Ten is not my department. I am not up to date on its intentions.

I am far too busy to be taking more responsibility, even though I know I should... But I only post on one forum and in one area, Time Travel in the Time Travel Institute. Well, for now anyways

Heh.. Steve-O is a member of Tap-Ten (well obviously, what else can I say??) I know about him from the Tap-Ten mailing list.
