

Temporal Novice
Simple question:

Why would a "time traveller" from the not-to-distant future care enough to post predicitions and answer questions on a message board frequented by conspiracy theorists, nutjobs and science fiction fanatics willing to believe almost anything someone tells them?

Simple answer:

Because said "time travaller" knows this is the only place he could find people gullible enough to disseminate his bogus story.

Seriously people, I floated by this site out of curiosity and am appalled at the number of people willing to believe this bullpucky. Get a grip on reality and apply even the most standards of reasonable criticism to the story. First, I can understand the argument that someone might want to stay under the radar, however this argument doesn't hold up when one considers the fact that Mr. Titor went to great lengths to answer questions and "make a name for himself" so to speak. If there were any degree of truth to his story he couldn't have stayed under the radar with his actions. Consider his motives in posting. What are they? Why waste time posting on a message board when you have travelled back in the past? I could understand this if it had any kind of bearing on the success of his "mission," but it didn't. It makes no sense.

The bottom line is many of you are gullible beyond belief. You are the same people that believe the bogus pychics on Coast-to-Coast again and again despite the fact that 95% of the more specific predictions are completely false and never come to pass. Get a grip on reality and get a glimpse of the sun for once. Are your lives so wretched that you will be so willing to except the word of an anonymous Internet poster? Go make your own story and stop listening to the one invented by the guy who is laughing at you.
You never know. Some people might find it entertaining. It is nevertheless very intriguing to talk to an elusive unknown who claims to be a time traveller. Albeit, he had great knowledge in the matter of time travel and the story he weaves may sound quite interesting, but still it lacks what we call, believable evidence.

And no, not everyone here believes what he says. In fact, hardly anyone does although there are many who claim to be J.T, his associates or family.

But then again, you never know what might happen. For example, if you were forced to secrecy to hide a rare ancient manuscript, but you go out into a ancient collectibles enthusiasts forum and tell anyone about it anyway, half of them would be skeptical or ask for proof while you may provide pictorial evidence and extensive knowledge on the manuscript, not everyone will believe you anyway. In this case of J.T, this is so.
First, I would like to duplicate the previous sentiment that not everyone posting threads in this forum believes the JT story. If one takes the time to rent a movie, bring it home, watch it, and return it, does that imply that they believe the fiction they spent so much time pursuing?

Second, you have obviously listened to Coast.to.Coast or been to the site and ended up curious enough to come to this forum. What is it that makes you curious enough to invest so much time and passionate enough to go so far as to post a thread?

Third, in reply to:
Get a grip on reality and apply even the most standards of reasonable criticism to the story.

If you took the time to even skim some of the threads you would see that that is precisely what is occuring.

And finally, in reply to:
You are the same people that believe the bogus pychics on Coast-to-Coast again and again despite the fact that 95% of the more specific predictions are completely false and never come to pass.

If you listen to Coast.to.Coast enough to make that claim then you certainly must understand why some of us come to forums like this one.
Precept:The perception of the situation, is that we are watching a picture a man, taking a picture of a man, who is taking a picture of a man.

However, unlike linked mirrors of reflections from another mirror showing the movement ad infinitum, we know what is going to happen, so its not happening the same, if there was just a picture of a man.

Got it?