Why you?


Chrono Cadet
Consider this:
The Doctor, from the well known British television series "Doctor Who" visits you and your family.

He takes you aside and explains you may have a unique opportunity to time travel with him but he is a bit skeptical and hesitant about including you in his adventures through time (& space).

What reasons can you give to justify why you -- or anyone for that matter -- should be permitted to time travel?
I'd suggest to him;

that i found myself strangely attracted (possibly in a sexual way) to his other assistant, Billie Piper. And that i'd really appreciate the opportunity to get to know her better, whilst cruising around the greater universe.

I'd also suggest to him that he drop the tardis 40mm and get a decent body kit on it or i'm not going to be seen dead in it, even if it does have its own living essence!

I can't see how he would refuse....otherwise?