Why would a time traveler blog on a forum?

Jean Blanchette

Temporal Novice
I'm not going to get into extreme detail,but I figured it would be an interesting discussion.

Possible fractures to the time line.


Please , your thoughts. I am curious to know any and all takes on this subject.
And many others have, but are still undisclosed. I think that forums like these might serve as platforms for finding help and friends to the time traveling kind
Lol Darby as funny as that is the point is simple.Debunk or prove they would.No need for the sas.There is a split between members on such a subject.Even though I feel it would never happen if time travel is possible.But everyone has an opinion and I love to study differences in our species mentality.I'm a bit if a nerd that way.
Lol Darby as funny as that is the point is simple.Debunk or prove they would.No need for the sas.There is a split between members on such a subject.Even though I feel it would never happen if time travel is possible.But everyone has an opinion and I love to study differences in our species mentality.I'm a bit if a nerd that way.

It was a joke. Your comment that you wouldn't get into "extreme detail" followed by "Possible fractures to the time line.

etc...." made me laugh because it surely wasn't extremely detailed. ;)
So true....or mayhaps a time traveler would blog on a forum in order not to blab on a quad.

Despite the funny remark, I do believe a time traveler might engage in forum activity as a way to recon the environment, gather a "feel" of the temporal reality out there. As you may all know, many people in forums are quite smart and can hold very profound points of view which might be paramount for a time traveler trying to access information not normally recorded in history books, chronicles, newspapers, radio, CD's, holovids, WVD's, cloudpackets, memory banks, telnex, quantum radiants and even the omnicast.
This is an intriguing question. I also am curious as to people's beliefs in this regard.

Why would a time traveler comment on time travel forums?

An even more interesting question might be: what did they do before the internet existed?

Assuming those posts have a purpose, then how would they serve that purpose before the existence of internet blogs?
Before the Internet was invented, I imagine that time travelers influenced powerful historical figures. Disney's Merlin advised Arthur for example.
This is an intriguing question. I also am curious as to people's beliefs in this regard.
An even more interesting question might be: what did they do before the internet existed?

they were busy giving people ideas to create personal computers so they could blog on a forum. :)
Oh I can give you a detailed account on that. Way back there were these places called university libraries. There they had very good records about books everywhere. If you needed a book on a particular subject (and you had the time) you would look it up on the huge reference department and then order it as an inter-school book loan. That's what we did way back.
Why post on this forum you ask. Numerous reason, but here are a few: 1) share information for the benefit of sharing knowledge, 2) disclose previously unknown information to observe if changes have occurred upon return (experimental action). 3) multiple possible results, either observed by a third party, or perceived by the test subject, may be of importance scientific value.
All test subjects, upon return (if successful), demonstrate an interesting new type of perception, in that, they appear to be capable of merging 'past' and 'present' observations into multiple perceptions. This concept is difficult to understand if you have not experienced such, but, it can be very distracting, confusing, and has been shown to create variable emotional responses, as the experience, while purely technical in nature, tends to 'spill over' to the frontal lobe, creating effects upon the emotions which can, and have been, detrimental to the work involved. The idea involves the issue of what we call 'meshing'. This informal term refers to the fact that not all objects move through the continuum at the same rate. This idea is contrary to the idea of "c", but, proves accurate. In other words, many things from 'now' remain as they were 'then'. Many other things do not. The observer, then, upon return, exhibits a heightened awareness of this concept, and the brain is now attempting to process a great deal of conflicting information. 1) Someone who has never experienced 'time travel', will view all items as being from the 'now' perspective. 2) Someone who HAS experienced 'time travel', upon return to a specified 'now', will view all items as variants of the entire experience; a) some items appear exactly the same as 'then', and some items appear as 'now', and others appear 'altered'. It can be extremely confusing, in some cases, this result of experiment has caused test subjects to be unsure if they have actually 'returned' to their known 'now', or, if they are somewhere in the middle, or, some combination of both (meshing phenomena). Currently this issue is the most concerning risk associated with the experiments.
well 2266 we call that experience "alterviews" here kinda like a dejavue but different than you remember it. Everyone else remembers it as always being that way. You however remember it as being different and it is a shock to you that suddenly it has seemed to change.
I think you are talking about the same thing but maybe you can explain it more.
I apologize, Pamela, but no I was not referring to deja vu. What I was referring to, is a complex matter that occurs when a single mind (person) experiences temporal displacement, aka 'time travel', or, probably more accurately defined as a sort of 'reality shift', multi-verse phenomena, etc. In any case, the point at which a test subject returns to what you would call "now", he or she can, and will, notice very slight variations in their perceptual experience (most things appear as they did before, but some appear slightly altered. The current theory is that they are not returning to exactly the same 'time frame' if you will, but instead, a very similar frame of reference which has evolved in a slightly different way. Physics and quantum mechanics predict this property; however, how the human mind reacts to such a situation can never be predicted. Now, the same scenarios also exist during experimentation, wherein, the test subject travels to 1910, and experiences what he or she believes to be the exact historical 'time frame'. In fact, he or she is experiencing a very similar, but not exact replica of the [so-called] historical time frame. The current theories suggest a multi-verse situation, as shown through numerous experiments and the experiences of our test subjects, instead of an actual "movement backward in 'time' <whatever that term mean. Now, the experience, for all intents and purposes, is correct enough to be considered the best possible experience of 'time travel'. Photographs and physical artifacts have been returned successfully, strongly suggestive of actual 'time travel'. (see my avatar icon: Paris aviation exhibition - 1908) What I am trying to explain here, is that the movement is simply a type of 'jump' between alternate universes (Multiverse theory). Of course we can not prove that is the case, as I said before, we understand how to manipulate the situation, but do not claim to prove M-theory as a physical law. It may be something else entirely, who knows. Further, when I mentioned "meshing", the intent was to help describe the effects upon the mind AFTER the experiment has concluded. It is a very strange sensation, to see things here, that existed there, yet still exist, combined with things which did not exist before. This phenomena has a distinct effect upon the mind of the test subject, and is currently considered the highest risk. Also, the fact that this phenomena exists at all, is suggestive of many of other questions, such as, is everything and all 'time' connected? There are many questions that remain unanswerable, yet our work will continue.