Why Titor needs verified:


Epochal Historian
One of the main reasons I was trying to verify as to whether Titor was real or not, is the end result of a full scale nuclear conflict, as a result of said U.S. slipping into a civil war.

There are drastic structural problems here in the U.S. that were never addressed by a liberal application of transference, of Earthbased mankind to nearer points off this globe.

There were extenuating circumstances, to this relation and this is all I will say at this time.

The main reason I am not in said favor of a full scale nuclear exchange, is that once those missiles are launched, as a result of mass nuclear detonations, a radioactive particulate lens is formed over the Earth, in the upper atmosphere.

This lens stays there for years.The sun shining through it, irradiates every single living thing, with the suns rays pick up, going through this lens layer.

This irradiates plant matter, animal matter and mankind.

Probably in lethality, for a period of two to possibly five years time.

If this Titor exposé is a ruse to make somebody money, then we should know, if not then plans should be made in a concerted way, to at least translocate Earthbased mankind to other reaches of this galaxy, if certain groups so desire.

You wont be able to walk around in the daytime, for about two to five years after this event.

Breeding and the continuation of crops, will have become almost imposable.

The psychological impact for this, will be one of the most tremendous events, that mankind has ever known.
One of the main reasons I was trying to verify as to whether Titor was real or not, is the end result of a full scale nuclear conflict, as a result of said U.S. slipping into a civil war.

How is it possible to verify a "future" in an near infinite number of future probabilities? Any number of cruxes are possible.

This timeline has been under the nuclear spector for 60 years. Anyone from the future is from a "possible" future, not necessarily this timeline will move too.