its possible, coz of the speed time relationship.
present is never standing, we can make it stand at a speed travelling with time.
time is an instance its compared with speed of light.. it just means eXtremely high speed, but this speed can cause infinite mass as acceleration is increased, if we can fight the pull and get infinite energy we've done it. for this we need a ppm ( perpetual motion machine) if we're willing to believe in past travel thrs got to be a ppm and if this is true its against one of the laws of newton i don rem. wch one. i think 3rd one.. i believe that if a pulling action is made instead of a thrust with electromagnetic fields attracting the vehicle in a circumference of tubes, it could be possible, but thrs trouble again for the centrifugal force if it turns out to be a circular path, i dont see any other infinite route which wud suit, if anyones got another idea do write in.
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