Why Time Travel does not exist.......


Temporal Novice
...In the Physical sense.

I have been Astral Projecting for 18yrs now and I have been saying this for years. Time Travel can only exist in the Sub-Atomic realm. CERN know the basics, other shadow people have known it for ages. Why? because Time is not linear in the Sub-Atomic realms and Unseen realms (where I frequent). Linear Time is an Illusion of the Physical world and a thought manipulation from the great civilizations gone by.
By knowing this, misinformed people on here can put away their SCIFI videos and wake up.

If you look at quantum physics it is staring you in the face..The double slit experiment? some of the photons split into 4.Waves and interference patterns blah blah blah its all mechanics of consciousness. Forget the term quantum mechanics, ill call it consciousness mechanics.

The Astral world is based on thought and so is this physical world but immensely denser and harder to realize this fact. However, when CERN with the LHC start smashing, what I say will become easier to stomach. The new particles they will discover (and they will,many of them)will show outright that this physical 5 sense world is merely an illusion and the particles they will eventually find will be a building blocks for crystalization of thought, i.e thought becomes matter.

The only way to Time Travel is to unplug the mind from the 5 senses and ride the consciousness wave of pure thought. You want to go back to the 1950s? its just a thought away!

I have done this so I am a Time Traveler? I don't come on here to say I'm the only one for there are many.

Boy, did you drop into the wrong site or what? Hope you have your asbestos underwear on. (But you already saw what's coming in your astral travels.
Since you are making a time travel claim, isn't it the case you should provide your thesis in the Time Travel Claim forum, and await peer review?

Rather than lobbing up in the discussion forum and trying to channel... Who? Helen Blavatsky? Doctor Strange? Hard to tell.
No absolutely not, I am no New Ager!! I cannot stand their Movement.

I have found my beliefs through hard graft (so to speak) its not easy.

I would pay anyone $1million if they prove that I am wrong in my first posting.
"I would pay anyone $1million if they prove that I am wrong in my first posting."

care to put that in writing? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

are you the same guy the was using the freeman name a few months ago? i do play half life ya know...
are you the same guy the was using the freeman name a few months ago? i do play half life ya know... undefined

no I am not, I am new here.

I will honor my bet of $1mil which is less than £600,000 as I am English. Disprove me.
I would pay anyone $1million if they prove that I am wrong in my first posting.

Asking someone to prove a negative, eh? Moreover, you have given no concrete definition of what you claim to do. This would be required before anyone could prove you are not doing it. Otherwise, each time someone proves what they think you are claiming as being untrue, you will simply change the target. Hence why you think you are sly in offering $1M to do it. There is a bigger question, though: How, exactly, is someone supposed to prove you do not "astral travel" when, per your own description, all of this is going on in your mind?

But let's see what John Baez says about this:


<font color="red"> "10 points for offering prize money to anyone who proves and/or finds any flaws in your theory." [/COLOR]

Just to be clear: Gettting points on Baez's scale is NOT a good thing! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Let's continue to see where you and Baez collide:

I have been Astral Projecting for 18yrs now and I have been saying this for years.

Baez: <font color="red"> "10 points for beginning the description of your theory by saying how long you have been working on it. (10 more for emphasizing that you worked on your own.) " [/COLOR]

If you look at quantum physics it is staring you in the face..The double slit experiment? some of the photons split into 4.Waves and interference patterns blah blah blah its all mechanics of consciousness. Forget the term quantum mechanics, ill call it consciousness mechanics.

Baez: <font color="red"> "10 points for each claim that quantum mechanics is fundamentally misguided (without good evidence). " [/COLOR]
Baez: <font color="red">"10 points for each new term you invent and use without properly defining it. "[/COLOR]

Asking someone to prove a negative, eh? Moreover, you have given no concrete definition of what you claim to do. This would be required before anyone could prove you are not doing it. Otherwise, each time someone proves what they think you are claiming as being untrue, you will simply change the target. Hence why you think you are sly in offering $1M to do it. There is a bigger question, though: How, exactly, is someone supposed to prove you do not "astral travel" when, per your own description, all of this is going on in your mind?

Well its quite easy to get literature on how to do it! look on Amazon for gods sake, anyone can do it if they try hard enough.

"10 points for each claim that quantum mechanics is fundamentally misguided (without good evidence).

Well could I be any clearer? once you are in the fully immersed world of our unseen dimensions, then it is plainly obvious.

10 points for each new term you invent and use without properly defining it

Well could I be any clearer? the modus operandi of consciousness.
Did you learn your time travel from: Dr. Quantum Presents: Do-It-Yourself Time Travel

wow, no actually I have never ever seen that in my life! what synchronicity, its good to know other people have found the 'Real' time machine.

All I can say is try it before you assassinate the idea.
Can you just go to the past only or is
the future possible to travel to also.

Do you also have anything to share with
us who aren't sceptics of the future or

Just a warning this site has changed over
the years. I think you know what I mean. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I would pay anyone $1million if they prove that I am wrong in my first posting.

Stop it, already. Proving a negative has been discussed at length here. Here's one for you - prove that "right now" is today and not tomorrow.

The "prove me wrong" ploy is covered in the Baez Crackpot Index:

#13: 10 points for offering prize money to anyone who proves and/or finds any flaws in your theory.

Hmmm...Ray already referenced Dr. Baez.

Anway, good luck. I'll check back in on the thread in a couple of weeks. No disrespect intended but it's a common OETWO thread and I don't have the inclination...

Why don't you, instead, take a stab at proving your theory. You know, something entirely different...a person who makes an extraordinary claim and who is also willing to provide extraordinary evidence to back it up.

And besides all that, it's not likely that you have the £600,000 and even less likely that you'd allow, say, me to be the judge of whether or not you've been disproved. No, I rather suspect that you'd insist that you would be the judge - meaning that there's a zero chance of disproving you no matter what evidence was submitted.
Astral projection, eh?

Nothing could be simpler. What is sitting on the table top next to my television where I am typing this? I will make it easier- there's a DVD remote control and a white cig lighter, and a Tigger shaped mug full of pens and what not... And there is one more thing. Astral project, see it, and post it here.

I dare you, I double dare you, etc.

Astral projection as the literature sets it out seems like it would be able to achieve this little thing really easily.

Over to you, OP.