I gave myself a problem of time travel not being possible since matter would build up in the past at every tick of the clock. So in other words matter would have to exist in the past so we could visit it. So if there is no matter in the past then time travel would be impossible since you would land in a void of nothingness.
At the time I came up with an experiment in which I placed a bar of gold in front of a time machine 4 hours. Then after the 4 hours expired I would go back in time one hour at a time pick up the gold on the outside of the time machine and place it in the time machine. Then I would repeat 3 more time going further back into the past. In the end this would result in 4 gold bars instead of just one bar and thus the conservation of mass problem occurred. So which is the real bar of gold and where did the extra matter come from.
So this conservation of mass over time gave me a problem for quite a while but I think I came up with a partial solution.
The past does still exist but only as a probability and is not solid most of the time. But it only come into existence when there is an observer. The reason why I can say this come from a classics experiment done a long time ago. This experiment was known as the double slit experiment I believe.
If there was no observer the light does one thing and if there was an observer it would do something else. I have to do some more research myself to solidity this idea though.
All I am trying to get across is the observer has an effect on an object by solidifying the probabilities in matter from the quantum level void. So in essence no observer result in no matter but just a probability. But with a true observer matter exists.
And the greatness of all this is that it does not violate the conservation of mass over time since there is no mass in the past if there is no observer.
Thus everything works out ok then.
We could call this quantum solidification via the observer theory.
There is also another theory that I found that states basically reality(matter) winks in and out over time thus shows again another theory to be possible to support conservation of mass over time.
Basically I'll sum it up as that matter blinks in and out at a quantum level to maintain the conservation of mass over a wide range of the time continuum so it shows up when there is an observer or needed when there are changes in events.
Thus matter is shared over a range of time and therefor conservation of mass in guaranteed.
At the time I came up with an experiment in which I placed a bar of gold in front of a time machine 4 hours. Then after the 4 hours expired I would go back in time one hour at a time pick up the gold on the outside of the time machine and place it in the time machine. Then I would repeat 3 more time going further back into the past. In the end this would result in 4 gold bars instead of just one bar and thus the conservation of mass problem occurred. So which is the real bar of gold and where did the extra matter come from.
So this conservation of mass over time gave me a problem for quite a while but I think I came up with a partial solution.
The past does still exist but only as a probability and is not solid most of the time. But it only come into existence when there is an observer. The reason why I can say this come from a classics experiment done a long time ago. This experiment was known as the double slit experiment I believe.
If there was no observer the light does one thing and if there was an observer it would do something else. I have to do some more research myself to solidity this idea though.
All I am trying to get across is the observer has an effect on an object by solidifying the probabilities in matter from the quantum level void. So in essence no observer result in no matter but just a probability. But with a true observer matter exists.
And the greatness of all this is that it does not violate the conservation of mass over time since there is no mass in the past if there is no observer.
Thus everything works out ok then.
We could call this quantum solidification via the observer theory.
There is also another theory that I found that states basically reality(matter) winks in and out over time thus shows again another theory to be possible to support conservation of mass over time.
Basically I'll sum it up as that matter blinks in and out at a quantum level to maintain the conservation of mass over a wide range of the time continuum so it shows up when there is an observer or needed when there are changes in events.
Thus matter is shared over a range of time and therefor conservation of mass in guaranteed.