Why John Titor cannot/will not return!


Temporal Novice
All right... I'm new here, but I have been following the John Titor story. Although I unfortunately was not around to witness his 'live' posting, I have read each and every forum post preserved on johntitor.com in an attempt to satiate my own curiousity on the subject.

Whether or not I believe his story is irrelevent (in fact, I do, but that's not important,) what IS important is how aggravating all those 'John Titor's' and 'Timetraveller_0"s out there are, attempting to fabricate false stories, and pretending to "be" John Titor returned from the future.

I've been pondering this question for awhile, and I've come to this conclusion: he COULD not and would not come back for the following reason.

-- If anyone actually read his posts, he said that he first went to 1976, and then to 2000. When he returned to 2036, he had to return to 1976, and then to 2036. If John were to return to give us some 'doomsday prophecy' he WOULD NOT RETURN TO OUR WORLDLINE. Logically, he would simply jump back to the year 2004 from 2036 DIRECTLY... thus decreasing the divergence (the difference between each worldlines) and arriving on a worldline MUCH more similar to his, where a civil war would be inevitable. If John REALLY cared about saving anyone, why would he jump back to 1976, and then to 2004 just to get to our worldline again, to warn us about something that has a slim chance of not happening, when he could more easily and precisely return to a worldline where there would be a point of 'warning' people?
-- As well as this, John mentioned that he wasn't here to save ANYONE. Why would his 'military' give him leeway to jump back in time to yell at a bunch of morons on the internet who think he's either Jesus reincarnate, a looney, a hoax, or so totally believed that people would follow him into a meat shredder in hopes of travelling to the future? Honestly now.

Thoughts... :D
Who knows if Titor was a hoax?

Unless, of course, you're some super-secret agent of the government who knows that sort've stuff? *winkwink*

Nothing can be proven. I can't prove it, and you can't prove it. It's all in our opinion, isn't it? I won't argue for or against, because I don't feel like expending the energy when I could be offline, having a life.

"And if he were real what reason would he have for coming to 2004?"
-- Exactly my point.

When I first heard about the John Titor story I was very intrigued. You are right when you say you don't know the truth and can't deny it as well. I really enjoyed the story and possibility of this being factual. Whether or not the events he predicted actually occur might be the only plausible way to come to a conclusion. But so many people just have this lust of latred and enjoy posting on forums of how John Titor can't be real or how impossible it would be for him to travel to our worldline. Just keep an open mind. If someone tells me tomorrow is the end of the world, I'll listen. When tomorrow comes I'll make up my own mind and continue with my life. I won't make it my mission to nag and complain on some forum or to try to prove how smart I am or how stupid I am. That's for me to know and you not to.
Lol! Next you'll be telling us the Sherlock Holmes existed!
If you can't figure out that Titor is a hoax then you are a gullible fool who most certainly has a problem with reality. I suggest a course of padded room with a side order of straightjacket.
Also I am fed up with Chronohistorian as well, I know he is a hoax, and tripping him up has been easy, of course he is finding it harder to remember what he said in previous posts hence my asking questions asked before.
Now there are no timetravellers here, you won't likely see any here. And why, because if I were a timetraveller I wouldn't let any of you know, I would maybe find it funny that all these posts about such and such coming from somewhen would be from liars. Disturbed crazy liars, who have to go see the doctors quick.

So, get over it, discuss your timetravel ideas of course, but don't expect real timetravellers to demean themselves.
Dear "Modus Operandi," although you seem to be somewhat intelligent, it's unfortunate that you try and demean others when they don't agree with you. And, although I should snap back and call you some sort of childish name (gullible fool, etc) I won't, because it isn't getting me anywhere, and, because I asked for 'thoughts' - and I suppose I got them... although they were not tremendously intelligent or thought-provoking.

My question is, why did you post?

If you really hate people like 'me' so much, how in the world did you have the time to post JUST for myself and the other fellow there to tell us we're idiots and that we belong in insane asylums.

It's a sad day when someone is so locked into their own reality that they can't contain their own anger long enough to provide a response without sarcasm.

Now tell me... if today was September 10th, 2001, and I told you that America would come under attack, and that it would lose thousands of its citizens by jetliners slamming into the World Trade Centre complex, would you believe me, or would you call me a lunatic who needs to be in a straight jacket?

Open that rusty little mind of yours before its wrenched open for you.
I for one cannot tell if John Titors claim of time travel is real or not.

I do have one question though, if we dream of a futue event, in the futue that event becomes real just as you dreamed it, then did we not in some wiered way time travel in the future?

To either witness what is coming or prevent that event from happing?

Dreams can baffle the mind sometimes.

~ Dark~