Why I believe there is life on other planets


Temporal Novice
This seems to be a subject that has been debated over the years. Is there life on other planets? Some think it isn't possible because well the planets in our solar system don't have habitable atmospheres other then the earth. Well, habitable atmosphere for a human that is.

Then there are those like myself who believe there is life on other planets. My feeling is all right lets say there isn't any life on any other planet in our solar system, that's not the entire universe. It turns out there are other planets beyond our solar system and we have seen a couple of them now. One of which resembles the earth. So, could there be life on these planets? That's a question that is now out there being pondered.

I think the thing that trully makes me believe there is life on other planets is how large the universe is. Its vast and why would it be so huge if only one planet had life on it. This would seem like a waste of a whole lot of space, pardon the pun.

That's a perfectly logical argument. Whether you believe in creation or evolution, there is no reason life couldn't, or even shouldn't exist elsewhere. If life was created, there is nothing that precludes God from creating it wherever He wants. Perhaps, that is an explanation for why the universe IS so big. That way, we can't mess the other's lives up.

For me it feels like common sense. There's no reasonable argument against it. As vast as the universe is odds and averages say life had to have formed on more than one planet. The argument that we haven't seen any evidence is no more valid than the argument that the earth is flat. I just write people off as silly and niave when they don't believe. I have faith one of these days we will have undeniable proof and I won't have to tolerate those silly, nonsensical arguments anymore.

For me it feels like common sense. There's no reasonable argument against it. As vast as the universe is odds and averages say life had to have formed on more than one planet. The argument that we haven't seen any evidence is no more valid than the argument that the earth is flat. I just write people off as silly and niave when they don't believe. I have faith one of these days we will have undeniable proof and I won't have to tolerate those silly, nonsensical arguments anymore.
What is your definition of undeniable proof? Because I would say there is undeniable proof already here. If you look at the statistics for alien abduction testimonies, cow deaths, I mean the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Surely ages and ages of evidence should be sufficient proof of the existence of ET.

What is your definition of undeniable proof? Because I would say there is undeniable proof already here. If you look at the statistics for alien abduction testimonies, cow deaths, I mean the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Surely ages and ages of evidence should be sufficient proof of the existence of ET.
I agree completely. I consider those pretty undeniable! However, there are a lot of people out there who prefer to come up with ridiculous alternative explanations. Either that or flat out denial. They love to talk about crop circles being a haox, cow deaths are caused by man, abductees are either insane or just want attention... always something that is way less reasonable ( if not impossible) than believing aliens are visiting our planet. The only truelly undeniable proof is going to be an alien standing in front of them, giving them a smack in the face. I apologize if I sound hostile or angry or anything else like that. I just get so frustrated with people who refuse to even consider the possibility out of ignorance and denial rather than looking at it objectively and coming up with a valid argument. I have yet to hear a valid argument against their existence.

That's a perfectly logical argument. Whether you believe in creation or evolution, there is no reason life couldn't, or even shouldn't exist elsewhere. If life was created, there is nothing that precludes God from creating it wherever He wants. Perhaps, that is an explanation for why the universe IS so big. That way, we can't mess the other's lives up.
Good point I am of the belief that God would create life on other planets. What made the earth so special that it was the only planet to get life from a higher power? Also, I tend to believe in both God and evolution. For me I don't see why it has to be a choice of one or the other. I think evolution happened because God brought it about. But then this is just my opinion on that over all subject of the creation of life.

The vast amount of documented UFO sightings (120,000 in the modern age) and the number of people that have claimed to witness a UFO (150 million) is evidence enough that life must exist elsewhere.

There is nothing so special about planet earth that it can be the only one to support life. Mars has always been the most likely candidate where life may be found but now there is another possibility. Europa a moon of the planet Jupiter could well have water beneath a layer of ice according to scientific research, so could potentially support human life.

I do believe there are other life forms on the other dimension of this world. Considering the lot of alien and foreign voices and sounds heard from outer space. There are also evidences that UFO's had landed the planet, our planet, it is just that we fail to believe that the aliens had visited us millions of decades ago.

That's a perfectly logical argument. Whether you believe in creation or evolution, there is no reason life couldn't, or even shouldn't exist elsewhere. If life was created, there is nothing that precludes God from creating it wherever He wants. Perhaps, that is an explanation for why the universe IS so big. That way, we can't mess the other's lives up.
This my take on it as well. I don't understand my fellow Christians getting so bent out of shape over the concept of extraterrestrial life! It seems like that really puts a limit on God. I absolutely believe it is possible, and probable.

This my take on it as well. I don't understand my fellow Christians getting so bent out of shape over the concept of extraterrestrial life! It seems like that really puts a limit on God. I absolutely believe it is possible, and probable.
it is because human thinking is so tiny, some are not open minded to accept that there might be a life out there

It is rather selfish to believe life only exists in this tiny tiny speck of the vast universe.

My theory is that life on other planets could function completely differently from what we know and maybe we lack the senses to find other lifeforms. I'm thinking we are bound to our senses and we could only see, hear, smell, taster or touch aliens, but maybe alien life forms could exist in other forms which we are not aware of.

For me it feels like common sense. There's no reasonable argument against it. As vast as the universe is odds and averages say life had to have formed on more than one planet. The argument that we haven't seen any evidence is no more valid than the argument that the earth is flat. I just write people off as silly and niave when they don't believe. I have faith one of these days we will have undeniable proof and I won't have to tolerate those silly, nonsensical arguments anymore.
I feel the same way. With all the planets out there, I think it's almost impossible that not a single one of them has life. Billions of planets.. and we are just beginning to grasp what is a habitable planet and what is not. Remember, there are creatures on our own planet that live without daylight, that survive radiation, that live in both extreme heat and cold. So why couldn't a life form that evovled in another planet adapt to an environment that we cannot even imagine?
Hopefully we one day find REAL evidence to support this. Maybe that evidence is even in our own solar system.

Given the sheer, gargantuan size of the known universe, the abundance of the basic chemical building blocks of life throughout the known universe, the great many galaxy clusters within the known universe, the great many galaxies within each such cluster, the great many stars within each such galaxy, the probability of a planet orbiting a star within the so-called Goldilocks region in which liquid water can naturally occur, and the probability of life (of whatever intelligence level) evolving on such a planet: it seems to me quite reasonable indeed to suspect that extraterrestrial life would exist elsewhere in the universe, albeit perhaps rarefied to some degree. To suggest that Earth is the only life-baring planet is rather odd and arrogant in the face of that.

This is the same logic behind the semi-famous Drake Equation (albeit more of a guess than a hard equation) meant to estimate the number of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations within our galaxy capable of radio communications.

Of course, that being said: any of these extraterrestrial civilizations actually achieving interstellar travel and visiting Earth is an entirely different matter altogether.

It just seems unlikely that there’s no other life out there. I tend to think it’s a matter of whether the majority of us can actually perceive it. Alien life forms could be so vastly different from life as we know it, there could be one sitting on my shoulder right now and I’d never be aware because it exists on a frequency I can’t comprehend. And of course there could be plenty of alien equivalents of single-celled organisms out there.

I don't know any logical reason why there couldn't be extraterrestrial life, so I am inclined to believe the possibility that it does exist. I don't think they are any more capable of space travel to other worlds, any more than we are. But then again, who knows?

Come on! There's simply no way a human could firmly affirm that there isn't any life out there. The Universe as we know it is infinite and continously expanding, and given this infinity we're all aware of, the odds of there not being any life beside us is absolutely irrational and unfounded.

So, to conclude, I absolutely agree with you. There is life on other planets whether we want to believe it or not. Them being as sentient as us, well, that's another kettle of fish...

There are billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars. Most stars probably have planets. There would have to be worlds very similar to our own. If you think about it, we can't be the only ones in this universe.There's evidence out there, and yet people want to be in denial about it.

Look at the drawings in Egypt, Mexico and Arizona. All of the drawings are similar in some type of way. There's other intelligent life out there, way more advanced than we think. What other evidence do we need?

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It's pretty hard to imagine that we are the only ones in the universe, virtually impossible. Also, quite a few evidences of aliens do exist, I just believe that "higher powers" have those hidden due to economic interests.

As the saying goes, if you have enough monkeys banging away on a typewriter, eventually on of them will type the works of Shakespere. So it is a simple matter of probability, the size of the universe is almost infinite. We now know that other stars have planets. The age of the universe is 6 billion years. So the odds that life did not occur on some other planet in the universe at some time is almost a certainty.

Yes, there has to be life, it's as normal to exist life as it's normal that we with our limited senses are unable to communicate with them. We need to develop ourselves further to see further, but sadly we just focus on war and money.
