Re historical post
Please note the following.
The Alpha Draconians said about two days ago, that they would come for anyone who wanted to be relocated off of Earth, to any point in the galaxy, no questions asked.
They had promised safe passage too.
I know for certain, that by saying yes to their web offer, that some Alpha Draconian did appear and make their appointments.
At least they were honest with us and this is more than I can say after reading this post from yahoo,tap-ten
copy follows>Message: 1x
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:52:05 +0000
From: xxxxxxxx
[email protected].
Subject: Re: Re: *Regardless* of "who won" this (totally manipulated)
Election ..
You have missed the bigger picture all together.
I will give you a hint...
Problem - the human population is beyond what the planet can support,
every species
of plant and animal is suffering, millions of humans are starving or die
of thirst, and
resources are being depleted.
Solution 1 - identify several hundred million excess humans, give them a
label "terrorist"
create a war, losses of a billion humans in the coming will alleviate
the population problem.
Solution 2 - create and release a number of created viruses, give them
nice 4 digit acronyms
like "aids - sars, etc..." this will kill another billion humans.
The Goal - reduce the human population to 500,000,000 and establish a
single world
government and a single world religion dominated by the USA.
The American people lost control a long time ago - around 1963, your
military is running
the whole show now.
Creedo speaks>I'm going to say something here, because at this point it looks like the military is very dishonest, while the supposed very evil Alpha Draconians are at least giving us a chance to vacate this world if we want?
The question is asked, did at one time the Alpha Draconian have property rites on Earth as one of their staging areas and if so, does the military realize this and if this is the case, then please show us the proof?
If this is so and then then is Earth a type of rookery, to develope mankind and most of this religion a morality play?
How does this new information contrast with the book The Andreasson Affair, by Betty Luca?
I had trained and bid for the office of an offworld ambassador.
Outside of closed aerospace shops, and a good knowledge on computers, I do not have any other leanings.
Do not expect any loyalty from me, if you people can't at least tell the truth.
Also know that if there is planned euthanasia, then this story will be told offworld.
In the future, due to this say here, it will be impossible for your heirs to travel in space and get the things they need, if they are morally blackballed?
And yes there are offworld historians that come here and take note of the progress on Earth, all of the time.
Those involved in this Titor charade, are only fooling themselves.
You people had better speak up here?!