Who is Peterfoss79 ?
Memories of a Time Traveler - Time Travel Technique - Peterfoss79
Groups of similar worldlines can look almost identical to each other at a given
time, then they may swiftly diverge from each other to very different conditions
and stories, only to converge close together again a few days or years after.
Every possible choice into every possible universe is being experienced and
chosen within the multiverse matrix.
From a social point of view, it is up to the consciousness of each person to decide
and "grab" the worldline where to live and be.
It has been proved in many experimental missions that new social pattern
attractors can be seeded into worldlines thus causing them to split up to new,
unpredictable futures. This phenomenon is also called the prophet syndrome,
and it is believed to have played main role in key points of the human history and
in the creation of religions.
A good prophet can see the near future events.
If he is good enough, he will scream the truth, thus obliging the people around
him to take action and avoid the mayhem. As a consequence his prediction will
not become true, and a new historical pattern has been created.
If the prophet behaves instead as a silent watcher, then his forecasts may well
became true, in accordance to what he saw but did not tell.
Memories of a Time Traveler - Time Travel Technique - Peterfoss79
Groups of similar worldlines can look almost identical to each other at a given
time, then they may swiftly diverge from each other to very different conditions
and stories, only to converge close together again a few days or years after.
Every possible choice into every possible universe is being experienced and
chosen within the multiverse matrix.
From a social point of view, it is up to the consciousness of each person to decide
and "grab" the worldline where to live and be.
It has been proved in many experimental missions that new social pattern
attractors can be seeded into worldlines thus causing them to split up to new,
unpredictable futures. This phenomenon is also called the prophet syndrome,
and it is believed to have played main role in key points of the human history and
in the creation of religions.
A good prophet can see the near future events.
If he is good enough, he will scream the truth, thus obliging the people around
him to take action and avoid the mayhem. As a consequence his prediction will
not become true, and a new historical pattern has been created.
If the prophet behaves instead as a silent watcher, then his forecasts may well
became true, in accordance to what he saw but did not tell.