Who is Pamela?


Temporal Navigator
Hello guys, Iam very much familiar with Titor story but I never came across this Pamela u guys talk about. It would be very helpful if anyone gives details on her.
Pamela used to post here and now appears to post only on anomalies.net. She had many thread convo's with JT. Use the search function and look up JT I'm sure you'll find some of her posts and his replies.

As you read all of the original Titor and TimeTravel_0 posts you'll see Pamela (Moore) posting.

The short version is this (and there is no particular accusation - just the facts):

On November 2nd, 2000 "TimeTravel_0" started posting here on a thread called "Time Travel Paradoxes." The thread was started by a kid in Ireland named Paul M. Curran.

On the first day, a couple of hours after his first post, Pamela responded. Within 36 hours she was basically his prime advocate and the intermediary for much of his communication with us.

She almost immediately volunteered to be his information conduit and without Titor's solicitation (that we are aware of) promised on the board to keep confidential anything about him. That occured in either her second or third post to him on the thread.

By November 3rd she was receiving email from him, taking questions from the BBS and having him deliver the answers to her via email - which she reposted on the board sans and email header information. They shared email and chatroom conversations for the next few months.

To our knowledge she never actually met him and, absent his giving her specific information they they shared and promised to keep confidential, she probably could not identify him.

But the shared information is her ace-in-the-hole to verify a person's identity if they insist that they are Titor. (Though it appears that Titor shared the information with Group Titor. At one point she was convinced that the JTF was either Titor or had intimate knowledge of him because they shared some specific information with her that only she and Titor knew. For some reason she backed away from that position. I don't know the reason why.)

She's no longer posting on Anomalies on a regular basis. She last posted on or about January 7th, 2005.
I think it's funny.

P.M. has pictures of herself holding an ice cube tray, but the photo is darked out, so that you can't make out her facial features.

Not only this, but P.M. does an interview with T-12 and T-12 is sitting in this lawn chair, by a pool looking nothing like he does in his diving profile.

I mean he looked like Charlie Sheen, with a crewcut.

I think this was hysterical.

I supposed that you look like Fernando Lamas, Darby?

I won't even peruse this line of thought, as it borders on the ridiculous.

The next person involved in the J.T. saga, which be honest Abe, from Missouri.

Bo' don't take my criticism too harshly, afterall, wasn't this supposed to be fun after all?

Pamela does get emotional in some of the exchanges with and about J.T. though.

But I don't know if she has an acting career?

When you study acting, they can teach you to become emotional, about a bottle of ketchup.

So I don't know?

On the paradigm shift that to come Darb, the Q-people are currently trying to pump information out of this board.

To be honest, what they don't know, they could find out in books.

Darby, do you remember the first Ghost Busters?

What do you think of the scene in the movie, when the G.B.ers are ontop of the building and they encounter a god, working out.

What do you think of her statement, "Are you a god"?

Like to have some return input from you on this Darb?
