Who can help me find out


I'm not sure about what you mean by "John Titor's original prediction". Anyway, these are the threads that TimeTravel_0 (known as "John Titor" on Art Bell's old site - Post-2-Post):

Time Travel paradoxes

Paul Curran started the thread. TTO doesn't come onto the thread until 2-NOV-2000 (Election Day)

The thread continues after page 11 here:

Topics Limited to 11 pages?

He also posted on this thread:

Parallel Universe

This thread was started by Roel van Houten.

You can see his other thread, from Post-2-Post, "I Am From 2036" (as John Titor) here:

"I Am From 2036"

This one is on Anomalies Network and is a copy of the original thread. Art Bell's original site no longer exists.

To find his "predictions" you have to read through all of his posts.