RE: White hole defintion, \"well that too, CAT?:
Well ahh-e-a yes that too, but can you show me?
I mean do you have one that you can redily show me?
By the way, this tirade on Eschalon, (that web site you had offered) CAT, does Dr. Alan Blatecky's doings really get you that badly bent out of shape?
I to like you, do not feel that one should have a secret camera focusing in on them, as they are using the bathroom stool??!
However what are we supposed to do CAT-a-maria Albergetti?
Do I catch a flight down to San Fran and then you and me like Luke Skywalker and Hans Solo go after Darth Dr. Alan in South Carolina?
"I get it now, we' Darth Alan and I are fighting at the top of a cellular relay tower and I am swinging my computer mouse at him, but he raps me in the nads with his keyboard wrist foam rest.
I am about to fall and he extends his hands to me, saying, "I am your father's sister's brother's room-mate"
Before I let go and fall onto your milineal Chevy Impalla, "like through the roof", I yell what does this make me? and Darth Alan says, some kind of neighbor, but don't kiss my daughter.
Wait, we need a droid for our great adventure, we will recrute TTA and morph him into C-Th-TTA, or C-th-T&A See that tits and A**.Not exactly C-3PO, but he'll do, hmmm??
When we get tired of TTA talking too much, we can simply turn him off.Great idea, yes, no?