While We're At It: How About a Nov 2nd "Do Over"?


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While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1100480989RainmanTime">

Ruler Of The Free World Do-Over Election
Instructions: We are all to assume that John Titor was a real time-traveler, and all the wild stories he told us are true (I know, the premise already stinks, but hang with me here). You are to vote for one of the following choices for President of The USA:
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Bush, who of course is the AntiChrist.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Those two John guys. What's their names again? I forget already.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Ambassador to Sirius Major, Creedo Blatecky
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />Zerubabbel, the One Wise with Age (but not THAT old!)

<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />Roel Van Houten, Esquire
<input type="radio" name="option" value="6" />CAT...We need a smart woman president. Not Hillary!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="7" />OvrLrdLegion. How could you not want to vote for a guy with "Lord" in his name?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="8" />Arnold Schwarznegger. That law WILL be re-written, trust me.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="9" />RainmanTweak. I heard that this guy is TOTAL fruit-loopy! Out of his gourd!
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

Please don't talk to the exit pollsters. They don't really know how to count all that well, anyway.

Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

RMT said&gt;Ambassador to Sirius Major, Creedo Blatecky//

Creedo says&gt;Please note, that poster Creedo299 has in reality applied papers mailed to two presidents on if the position ever opened up.This was because of the alien-UFO knowlge that Creedo299 does have on this subject, would be glad to serve as an alien liaison offworld ambassador?

Please note that additionally, there are new developments concerning a certain, set species, on this planet.

So the position semantics of a proposed or assured offworld to alien ambassador, may have had the situation to this proposed post, changed in political flux?

See the movie, Alien Vs.. Predator, the part in the story of propriety of aliens on Earth, as opposed to information of other aliens being here, as said by poster Alienchild, at TTI?

link info said&gt;http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370263/
Copy&gt;AVP: Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
Add to MyMovies Photos Showtimes IMDbPro Professional Details

Genre: Horror / Thriller / Action / Sci-Fi (more)

Tagline: Whoever wins... We lose. (more)

Plot Outline: During an archaeological expedition in Antartica, a team of archaeologists and other scientists find themselves caught up in a battle between the two legends. Soon, the team realise that only one species can win. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: With its shameful rating, poor acting, awful writing and mediocre direction, 'AvP' disappoints the fans at every turn, and will probably leave non-fans feeling a little wishy-washy. Fox has taken two of thei (more)

User Rating: 5.3/10 (7,750 votes) END link info:

No I'm not sure? Thank you very much Ray; however some issues may have changed?
Re: I\'m in the lead with Arny?!?!

What Arny - that womanizer! He's not president material, he's a genetic experiment to breed a bullet-proof Kennedy! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Jeb Schwarzeneggers his brother so I'll have to go to the future and send somebody back to stop him!

If you vote for him he'll only make Kindergarten Cop II !

Creedos going to rig this poll with Chads!
Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

Given that he's not a natural born US citizen, the answer is never.

Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

Arnold Schwarznegger. That law WILL be re-written, trust me.

Ah good, otherwise I wouldn't be able to run for president either /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

By the way, here's my entire campaign:


Roel for President /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

Roel, my my what a starry guy you are!

Here's me, I'm the democratic Cat:


Here's my cousin Monica campaigning with Billy Boy...

Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

Arnold a womanizer? heh.. now Clinton is the womanizer and it didn't seem to stop his approval rating, Arnold admitted to fondeling, at least he admitted it without there having to be recorded tapes released beforehand, hey, after Nov 20th the vote count will be permanent, so if there ever was an arguable case it would have been mentioned, but there isn't.

--- Razimus
Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

Arnold admitted to fondeling, at least he admitted it without there having to be recorded tapes released beforehand

If only he were a democrat

Perhaps he should start listening to his inlaws better
Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?


Unfortunately Arnold will never be President.

He is my Governor and he's doing an outstanding job. But the Founding Fathers had good reason for not allowing Naturalized Citizens to be President. The "sleeper agent" is always a problem.

That doesn't mean that an American born citizen couldn't be a sleeper agent. We don't know if John Whats-His-Name is a Chinese sleeper (or either Clinton for that matter - all three contacted the Maoist government during the 70's).

The California State Constitution can be amended in a heart beat - and it's a mess for that very reason. But the U.S. Constitution remains almost intact from it's original form of 1787. Getting it amended is a long, arduous and (admittedly) paranoid process. It's not likely to happen.
Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

Arnold is basically a democrat, but not a new age hating democrat, an old school one like his idol John F. Kennedy. He is a liberal republican though so there's not much difference. I remember when he said he didn't want to be president, but now that his approval rating is so high and he's having so many supporters tell him he can be prez he seems to have changed his mind, but I don't think he will, what about vice prez?
Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

If only he were a democrat

He's much too intelligent for that.
And if the vote-getting of Democrats over the last 3 election cycles is any indication, Arnold just wouldn't fit in with their ilk. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Perhaps he should start listening to his inlaws better

So instead of just being accused of fondling women, then we'd see him driving them off bridges (or crashing airplanes) and killing them to boot? It would seem that maybe Arnold has some lessons to teach his in-laws in this regard! At least he admitted to having been a "bad boy".

In all my studies of our 2-party system, this is what it seems to come down to: Democrats like to preach about evil, but then deny their own evils, as if they are somehow "above" other people (Hillary is a good example of this). And then they wish to extend government to the point where they feel government should help fund some people's evils! Republicans' also seem to have their evils, but they are mostly constrained to wanting to make money and make businesses profitable. And "evil" they willingly admit to!

Although I don't find it surprising that a majority of Euros would tend to like our Dems, as European governments have always tended more towards the left, and socialist models, than towards a greater emphasis on personal responsibility.

Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

By the way, here's my entire campaign:

I like your campaign, Roel. I'd definitely vote for you over Kerry (who seems to have decided to sit on the remaining $23M left in his campaign war chest). At least you would be spending campaign donations on make-work programs, rather than hard-earned taxpayer dollars! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Latest Exit Polls Show...

... that we might be on the verge of our first woman President! Yes, CAT seems to have a fairly wide majority, statistically speaking. Although we have been hearing of some voting irregularities in the Amsterdam district. One exit pollster has told us that there is a polling place setup in a Koffieshop!?!? Maybe we should move that one over to the Rijksmuseum?

Candidate CAT: Is it true that one of your platforms in your campaign is to simply annex the rest of the world's countries and designate them all as a single state, called "CATatonia"? :D

Re: While We\'re At It: How About a Nov 2nd \"Do Over\"?

Congratulations for Hilary Clinton!!!!!

But What I wonder is, if Titor's words are true, will they conduct elections in the midst of a civil War?