Wherefore Art Thou, timeline_39?


Super Moderator
Just reviewing some historical (hysterical?) threads on this board. Specifically, the "John Titor I know you are still here" thread and the subject poster's handle.

Anyone suprised that we didn't have the "extreme" earthquake in the Ring of Fire? He was pretty firm on it coming to pass between NOV '03 and JAN '04. (yawn!) Maybe he will resurface, now that I have invoked his name, and explain the "technical" reason for that earthquake's absence from our worldline. (And then monkeys might fly out of my butt!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

BTW, JamesAnthony: I enjoyed your physics refresher for timeline_39 where you reminded him of *static* energy. Nice job! I can't see where he ever responded to that gotcha!

Perhaps there were some who may have been taken in by him...and if so, you might want to start asking yourself about how you feel about the John Titor Project/Experiment. Perhaps we can also then begin to truly OWN the very real fact that: We create the future.... both individually, and collectively. If you believe this, and accept responsibility for your own future, you can avoid being a "victim" of a future that was "dictated" to you, via fear, when someone came along pretending to be a time traveler, with a semi-cohesive story. We are much more powerful, and capable, beings than most of us give ourselves credit for.

Your Free Will is absolute, and inalienable, provided you fully embrace it and take responsibility for creating what you Will to come to pass. Not only is this the basis of a free and open democratic society, but it shares this aspect in common with the more esoteric practices of prayer and/or meditation. Change is eternal. And if you don't like something in your current worldline, the power and ability to change it begins with one person. You.

I do not intend to live in the world that said John Titor described for our future. Who else is with me on this one? :D

Kind Regards,
Actually between them times here in northern japan we had about 3 major earthquakes. Between 6.4 and 7.4. If I remember right but their scales seem a bit off from ours in the states. Never asked though.

As far as living on JT's Time line. well I know I will be doomed. IT's my luck. Or should I say the negative energies I put in to the world. You know the type of person to win the lotto and have the ticket blow in to the street. You go after it and bamb get hit by a bus and live. Then all your money goes to hospital bills. But hey your still alive.

I know if his time line is true then I will be having to serve my country aginst domestic enemies will having to fight out side influences. Then on top of that a nuke bomb blows us away. Bye bye air bases. Bye bye Stalker 619. That is how I see it if it happens. Then again I have had 2 dreams where I am in uniform and get blasted by a nuke bomb. Could feel the skin melt from my body as I blow in to the wind as ash. By this time I am standing next to my self watching this happen to my physical body.

Then again I have had a couple other dreams I was in colorado trying to make my way to Cheyenne mountain. I run across lots of cars buldozed to the side with some bodies still in them. I come up to a check point with ppl in chem gear. They then ask all for all of my information and to verify they us a bar code reader on my left forarm. I was asking what they were doing and said that the military had developed a new way to track it's troops. By reading the bio electric reading and dna coding from my body the computer cross refranced all the information to a LT in the army. They then gave me some shots to help with any illnesses I might have or will have. I then protested to them that I was no LT in the army but by this time I had awoken.

The other dream was me as a COL. leading tank divisions on a military instalation of some sort. It was raining and muddy. The place looked like it was just being constructed. Not much of that dream to remember but that. Might be clues in to what could have been or will be.
Like the old viking men used to say about thoughs who are sleeping. It is death and in death we see our families or the ppl long gone from this time.
Re Rainman:

It is normal to be afraid of events, that are posted by said Titor, to come.

In another board, a fellow from 2080, has verified that some of the tellings of Titor may be indeed true?

The options are of course, Mars.

The questions I had asked to be asked of Craig, who is from the future, has to do with the pools of mercury, which are a result of super-scalier devices once placed on Mars.

I have not gotten an answer as of yet, on this.

I know that there are Gray Hybrids on Mars, who are now settled there.

My knowledge of them is that there are some who seem to be pastoral and some who can turn on you, without even a second's notice.

So to me, Mars is their land and if we were to move there, of course, they would have priority.

The other option is one to live beneath the ground and two, to sit down during that special day and watch the fireworks.

This would be over in a fraction of a second, so there is not much to worry about.

Rainman, when was the last time you asked someone to hold you?

Sometimes this helps, as this process lets you become more intouch with yourself, rather than to hide hostilities, that should be dealt with in your own mind's eye.

A hint on this situation is, (how are humans truly made)?

Not how an oligarchy bent on control, by their devices, tells you are put together.

Be well.
Wow, Creedo. No sooner do I give you a compliment for a coherent post, with some thoughtful info in it, and now you are back to some of your more typical ways. I really can't resist. Understand that I am not trying to criticize you here, but I am trying to point out some deeper mode of thinking that may not have occurred to you. Take it for what you will:

It is normal to be afraid of events, that are posted by said Titor, to come.
First, let's replace "normal" with "natural". Then let me point out that fear is actually NOT a natural thing. We LEARN to be fearful as we are raised. The innocence of a child, and his/her wish to interact with the world does not understand the need to be fearful, at least of human-contrived events. Some concepts, like vertigo, are indeed pre-wired in our brains. Maybe Siegmund can add to this line of thought?

In another board, a fellow from 2080, has verified that some of the tellings of Titor may be indeed true?
HOLD IT! As you may know, the word "verification" means something very specific in engineering terms. Most often it means an objective test, with objective data for analysis. So maybe you can tell me how this person "verified" that Titor's material "may" be true. Beyond that, how did you "verify" that this guy was from 2080?

has to do with the pools of mercury, which are a result of super-scalier devices once placed on Mars.
I have not gotten an answer as of yet, on this.
I guess I am not surprised you didn't get an answer. Are you?

I know that there are Gray Hybrids on Mars, who are now settled there.
Can you enlighten me, and perhaps others, what the scientific basis for your "knowing" might be? In other words, what objective evidence allows you to know this?

This would be over in a fraction of a second, so there is not much to worry about.
Again, I am having specificity problems with what you are trying to describe. Can you let me know what you mean by "this"? What sort of event are you referring to that will be over so quickly?

Rainman, when was the last time you asked someone to hold you?
Creedo. Please. Stop. You seem to be on the verge of trying to psychoanalyze me, and I do not honestly believe you are in a position to do an effective job of it. Besides, if I wanted said analysis, I would probably look to Siegmund! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

A hint on this situation is, (how are humans truly made)?
Not how an oligarchy bent on control, by their devices, tells you are put together.
You may have a point here, and I am not referring to the "oligarchy" part. If you are referring to the *architecture* of the human species, this is where I agree there are BIG clues out there. And there is enough objective evidence to allow a person with a balanced mind to see this architecture for themselves and, literally, IN themselves.

I refer to the Qabalistic Tree Of Life. It is obvious from my website that I can see the evidence that the human body is constructed in this architecture (made in the image and likeness of God?). CAT has even offered more evidence that the human brain also follows this architecture. I am further developing course material to explain how our non-physical selves (our "software", if you will) is also structured in this manner. But no one need believe me, or CAT, or anyone else attemping to teach people about this technology. One only need to look for themselves.

Kind Regards,
Lets end this thread fast before somone brings religon into this and tries to convert the whole board, *ahem* no-names
Regarding the whole "fear" thing...

First off, you need a clear cut definition of "Fear" for the purposes of this discussion. What I think creedo means by being "afraid" of the predicitons of Titor is appriately labeled "axiety".

Fear, in it's most basic form as I understand it, *is* a very natural, primitive, and visceral "emotion". We experience both "fear" and "anxiety" from birth. Fear as evidenced in the "Startle Reflex" that babies exhibit. Anxiety when the child's mother leaves it.

I'm not quite sure where to go with this. It's late and I'm suffering from the flu... but I'll ramble a bit more.

Fear and anxiety are certainly related, but that's not saying much. I guess what distinguishes fear most from anxiety is the "fight or flight" response- the physiological response by the autonomic nervous system which stimulates increased production of andrenalin (epinephrine), increased blood sugar and pancreatic activity, increased heart rate (possibly palpitations), quicker and shallower respiration, increased skin conductivity, and perspiration (there are more symtoms, but I think I hit the major ones). "Fear" is usually a relatively intense, and relatively brief response to stressors.

Anxiety, on the other hand, starts off more subtley, and is longer lasting. It also has MUCH more damaging effects. Increased production of ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) and protaglandin can really take a toll on the immune system, metabolism, cognitive functioning and a host of other biological processes.

Another thing that I should point out is that prolonged or repeated fear responses can often lead to anxiety.

Where was I going with this?

Oh yeah. Depending on how you want to word it, you could say that children learn to "fear" stuff. But it's more like saying that they associate certain conditions with certain negative subsequent states. But I wouldn't call it "fear" from a biological viewpoint. It would be more like operant conditioning (If I do this, then that will happen, and "that" is bad).

I dunno... I'm tired.
Did I just make any sense whatsoever?

Yeah, you did. And I guess I stand partially corrected on the fear stuff. At least as far as the inborn "startle reflex" and autonomic responses.

I guess I was referring to anxiety then. Feeling anxiety about what the people in the John Titor Project/Experiment wrote about and predicted about. To me, that seems learned behavior. Anxiety about the potential for a civil war seems pointless, and it would seem a more useful trait to raise a child to avoid wasting energy on anxiety about the future, and instead use that energy creating a better future. And like you pointed out, longterm anxiety has a worse effect on the human.

That's where I was going with that point....way back up there, somewhere! :-)
Kind Regards,
Without reading most of this thread... lemme just say: In the event anything didn't happen as he said it would (Ex: The Earthquake) he has 100% denyablility with the whole 'worldline' thing going on.

I've said this before... but still.