Super Moderator
Just reviewing some historical (hysterical?) threads on this board. Specifically, the "John Titor I know you are still here" thread and the subject poster's handle.
Anyone suprised that we didn't have the "extreme" earthquake in the Ring of Fire? He was pretty firm on it coming to pass between NOV '03 and JAN '04. (yawn!) Maybe he will resurface, now that I have invoked his name, and explain the "technical" reason for that earthquake's absence from our worldline. (And then monkeys might fly out of my butt!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
BTW, JamesAnthony: I enjoyed your physics refresher for timeline_39 where you reminded him of *static* energy. Nice job! I can't see where he ever responded to that gotcha!
Perhaps there were some who may have been taken in by him...and if so, you might want to start asking yourself about how you feel about the John Titor Project/Experiment. Perhaps we can also then begin to truly OWN the very real fact that: We create the future.... both individually, and collectively. If you believe this, and accept responsibility for your own future, you can avoid being a "victim" of a future that was "dictated" to you, via fear, when someone came along pretending to be a time traveler, with a semi-cohesive story. We are much more powerful, and capable, beings than most of us give ourselves credit for.
Your Free Will is absolute, and inalienable, provided you fully embrace it and take responsibility for creating what you Will to come to pass. Not only is this the basis of a free and open democratic society, but it shares this aspect in common with the more esoteric practices of prayer and/or meditation. Change is eternal. And if you don't like something in your current worldline, the power and ability to change it begins with one person. You.
I do not intend to live in the world that said John Titor described for our future. Who else is with me on this one? :D
Kind Regards,
Anyone suprised that we didn't have the "extreme" earthquake in the Ring of Fire? He was pretty firm on it coming to pass between NOV '03 and JAN '04. (yawn!) Maybe he will resurface, now that I have invoked his name, and explain the "technical" reason for that earthquake's absence from our worldline. (And then monkeys might fly out of my butt!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
BTW, JamesAnthony: I enjoyed your physics refresher for timeline_39 where you reminded him of *static* energy. Nice job! I can't see where he ever responded to that gotcha!
Perhaps there were some who may have been taken in by him...and if so, you might want to start asking yourself about how you feel about the John Titor Project/Experiment. Perhaps we can also then begin to truly OWN the very real fact that: We create the future.... both individually, and collectively. If you believe this, and accept responsibility for your own future, you can avoid being a "victim" of a future that was "dictated" to you, via fear, when someone came along pretending to be a time traveler, with a semi-cohesive story. We are much more powerful, and capable, beings than most of us give ourselves credit for.
Your Free Will is absolute, and inalienable, provided you fully embrace it and take responsibility for creating what you Will to come to pass. Not only is this the basis of a free and open democratic society, but it shares this aspect in common with the more esoteric practices of prayer and/or meditation. Change is eternal. And if you don't like something in your current worldline, the power and ability to change it begins with one person. You.
I do not intend to live in the world that said John Titor described for our future. Who else is with me on this one? :D
Kind Regards,