Dimensional Traveler
I’m sure many have now heard about the President having knowledge about the terrorist’s attacks of 9-11, well over a couple of months before they happened.
The TTA and Cat, where some of the first who brought forth this speculation of the President knowing about these attacks before they happened, and doing nothing.
I’ll make this short and simple.
If we continue to refuse to hold our government responsible, we accept their actions of lying to us.
Had they really valued the thousands of American lives that were lost 8 months ago, we would have heard something, anything. Right? What’s so complicated about that?
Nothing… But according to the government and the News Stations doing their PR, it was, and that is their excuse for doing nothing… Pathetic.
Now the question must be asked, where is the justice and morals of this government? What are its principles and policies? Continue to lie to us to prevent fear and massive hysteria?
Does that really justify us not knowing what’s going on?
And now that the truth is told about it, are they just expecting us all to just roll over, accept it and be okay with them lying to us this time, and every time.
With their track record of lying to us, can we really trust our government from ever telling us the truth?
What more does the government hide from us? Shouldn’t we have a right to know? After all, they are not God, they do not have any right to keep us ignorant of things that are happening. Where is the “Freedom and Justice for all†in that? They may just care about protecting their own job, and doing a half ass job at that with it, but it is our lives that are at risk.
It’s a hypocrisy… Doesn’t anyone see that?
Does anyone not see the moral implication this places on each and every single citizen of this nation? The responsibility falls on every single one of us.
For it is “we the people†who says what goes. And if we do nothing about this, and offer the government no consequences for these actions or shall I say inactions, of protecting us, we slit our own throats in the end. For it is our vote that counts, and saying nothing, merely makes it an accepted policy.
P.S. Why you may ask I am such an Activist? Especially when it comes to people coming in here with their New Age crap, and TimeTravel wanna happen stories?
It’s quite simple… Because it’s my moral implication of telling people the truth. And if I never said anything, but knew what to say; then who knows what kind of forum this might have become. What would you people then think of me for allowing it to be a haven for New Agers to spread their ignorant views of the New Testament or cause some Time Travel Cult to happen where many would flock to someone believing he is from the future?
Inevitably continuing to make reasonable thought in the threads non-existent. Thus balance needs to be restored
The TTA and Cat, where some of the first who brought forth this speculation of the President knowing about these attacks before they happened, and doing nothing.
I’ll make this short and simple.
If we continue to refuse to hold our government responsible, we accept their actions of lying to us.
Had they really valued the thousands of American lives that were lost 8 months ago, we would have heard something, anything. Right? What’s so complicated about that?
Nothing… But according to the government and the News Stations doing their PR, it was, and that is their excuse for doing nothing… Pathetic.
Now the question must be asked, where is the justice and morals of this government? What are its principles and policies? Continue to lie to us to prevent fear and massive hysteria?
Does that really justify us not knowing what’s going on?
And now that the truth is told about it, are they just expecting us all to just roll over, accept it and be okay with them lying to us this time, and every time.
With their track record of lying to us, can we really trust our government from ever telling us the truth?
What more does the government hide from us? Shouldn’t we have a right to know? After all, they are not God, they do not have any right to keep us ignorant of things that are happening. Where is the “Freedom and Justice for all†in that? They may just care about protecting their own job, and doing a half ass job at that with it, but it is our lives that are at risk.
It’s a hypocrisy… Doesn’t anyone see that?
Does anyone not see the moral implication this places on each and every single citizen of this nation? The responsibility falls on every single one of us.
For it is “we the people†who says what goes. And if we do nothing about this, and offer the government no consequences for these actions or shall I say inactions, of protecting us, we slit our own throats in the end. For it is our vote that counts, and saying nothing, merely makes it an accepted policy.
P.S. Why you may ask I am such an Activist? Especially when it comes to people coming in here with their New Age crap, and TimeTravel wanna happen stories?
It’s quite simple… Because it’s my moral implication of telling people the truth. And if I never said anything, but knew what to say; then who knows what kind of forum this might have become. What would you people then think of me for allowing it to be a haven for New Agers to spread their ignorant views of the New Testament or cause some Time Travel Cult to happen where many would flock to someone believing he is from the future?
Inevitably continuing to make reasonable thought in the threads non-existent. Thus balance needs to be restored