Where is everyone?


Chrono Cadet
In answering a previous reply to a post, I suddenly realise that no one seem to live where I am.

This cannot be -- could it?

I mean, here I live in Los Angeles, one of the top three major metropolians in the United States, and there is no one on this very message board who happens to live in Los Angeles other than me!?

I cannot be the only person in Los Angeles here on this message board.
That is hard to believe.

Where is everyone?
Well, Professor, I "used" to live in the Los Angeles area. Depends on what radius you wish to use for living within the Los Angeles "area".

I grew up in Whittier...worked in Commerce..went to Church in Hollywood...visited the Huntington Library extremely often...

But alas, I moved to Texas.

I am aware of the fact there are several members of this board that live in the general area of Los Angeles. However, I will leave it up to "them" to decide whether or not to reveal their location.
the radius of convergence or Where is everyone?

Adopting an ad hoc mapping scheme, let me define what to me is the Los Angeles area.

Bakerfields is too far north. Perhaps, I shall let San Ferando Valley be the inner northern border and Santa Barbara is the outer northern border.

Irvine is within the acceptable radius but San Diego is outside.

Rule of thumb: if a person lives, by automobile, within 2 hours from Westwood (my centre of the universe), then they are within what I generically call the Los Angeles area.

(Aside, my Rugby team have travelled to San Diego within 2 hours (within speed limits) but for my purposes I still consider San Diego "outside" the Los Angeles.)
I live in Los Angeles, Westwood. I did attend ucla as a graduate student until recently when I decided to pursue a different area of study. so, i am actually moving.
Re: the radius of convergence or Where is everyone?

I cannot be the only person in Los Angeles here on this message board.
That is hard to believe.

Where is everyone?
Yeah... I'm here. Thanks for the local geography lesson. I live in a little area of SoCal commonly referred to by the initials OC. And in fact I work just south of LAX.

Re: Meet-up?

So when are we going to meet-up and confront (or interview) the doctor in San Fernado Valley who says that he can teach others to time travel?
I'm still waiting for some more background info that will help me assess whether the trip is worth it! Website? (And no, I should NOT have to give out a private EMAIL for this).

Whatever the case may be, best time is...?

"...whether the trip is worth it"

Americans, especially Los Angeles, so autocentric.
Spend 45 minutes hunting for a parking spot "up close" & "in front" when easier to walk the 2 minutes.

Complaint about the long drive and traffic on the 405 but happily spend up and down from Simi Valley to Irvine every weekend just for a visit to their favourite store, cinema house, or wherever.

Such hypocrisy.

If I challenged you to travel to, say, Istanbul in 48 hours for $1 billion dollars, then would you be rich in 48 hours?

To answer your question, well, I have a 3 hours audio file.

Scepticism aside, what is the lost in making the drive to San Fernado Valley. It is not like you are coming from Seattle or New York.
Come on. Are you seriously interested or not?

I am going myself with or without accompany some day after June 19. And I do not even know how to drive.
I am willing to go eariler if more convenient for them.
Either way, I shall need to contact him to fix a date for conference.
Re: Whatever the case may be, best time is...?

You make it sound as if it is all about convenience... and I really like the slap at the SoCal culture.

Scepticism aside, what is the lost in making the drive to San Fernado Valley. It is not like you are coming from Seattle or New York.
Come on. Are you seriously interested or not?
Have you given me any reason to be "seriously interested" other than heresay? Let's analyze this a bit further. You are asking me to:

1) Travel with someone I do not know (possibly even in my car)...
2) To visit yet another person I do not know, in THEIR environs...
3) To allegedly "discuss" something for which there is scant (if any) evidence of its veracity

Maybe we could go to Baghdad for lunch after meeting the good "doctor"? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Or... is he planning to be on Oprah anytime soon? We can catch his act there without having to travel anywhere.

Why doesn't he have a website? Assuming he is selling snake-oil (a good thing to assume if you are a logically-minded person), why is his only marketing avenue a 3 hour long audio tape? And moreover, why should I find a 3 hour long audio tape convincing about TT?

C'mon Professor!
Re: Whatever the case may be, best time is...?

Have you given me any reason to be "seriously interested" other than heresay?
I am sorry. I assumed that by your very activate participation in this message baord that your keen on wanting to time travel.
Perhaps you do not share that desire as I do.
Sorry for imposing my wishes upon you.

You are asking me to:
1) Travel with someone I do not know (possibly even in my car)...
2) To visit yet another person I do not know, in THEIR environs...
3) To allegedly "discuss" something for which there is scant (if any) evidence of its veracity

Yep, that about sums it up.
Do not worry. We men are only interested in kidnapping White women -- they are worth more on the human traffiking market.

Maybe we could go to Baghdad for lunch after meeting the good "doctor"?

Yes, if you have a plane or care to pay.
I am a student -- by definition, I have no money to spend on travelling.

...is he planning to be on Oprah anytime soon? We can catch his act there without having to travel anywhere.

No, but he was on Art Bell. I attempted to call during the live show but did not get through on air.
If you had acted sooner when I first asked you and replied to your concerns for evidence, then you could have attempted calling also thus doubling our chances of getting through on air to ask this guy live on the Art Bell show.
Now, must arrange a "consulting" time just to chat with him.

doesn't he have a website?
Yes, let me find it.

. . . why is his only marketing avenue a 3 hour long audio tape?
That is the length of the Art Bell show which featured him. Duh.
I keep offering to share my copy of the audio when he was on Art Bell prior to his most recent guest appearance.

why should I find a 3 hour long audio tape convincing about TT?
I am as sceptical as the next (intelligent) guy, but at least he was more persuasive than John Titor. Unlike some people, that will remain nameless, who love to talk about him still.

Again, if you are not interested, then no problem. I'll stop.
But you replied to my post. I did not extend a personal invitation to you.
I asked anyone who was interested -- not you in particular -- to join me.
Re: Whatever the case may be, best time is...?

Prof. Faustus:
I am sorry. I assumed that by your very activate participation in this message baord that your keen on wanting to time travel.
Perhaps you do not share that desire as I do.
I certainly agree I do not share the same desires that you do. I've said many times before that it is imperative for us to come to a better (more accurate model) of Time before we can hope to achieve TT. I am not on a scavenger hunt, willing to go run down leads (no matter how promising or questionable) in an attempt to achieve TT. Since I don't think we are as close to TT as some (hoaxers) on this board would lead us to believe, I am more interested in discussing scientific theories and models that could, some day, lead to TT.
No, but he was on Art Bell. I attempted to call during the live show but did not get through on air.
If you had acted sooner when I first asked you and replied to your concerns for evidence, then you could have attempted calling also thus doubling our chances of getting through on air to ask this guy live on the Art Bell show.
This may come as a huge surprise to you, but I would not consider C2CAM as being a stalwart of accurate, vetted, & validated scientific information. In fact, I would say the vast majority of the guests on that show have VERY little, if any scientific legs to stand on. I'll wait for his website, and hope that there will be some scientific derivation and even a little math therein.
That is the length of the Art Bell show which featured him. Duh.
I keep offering to share my copy of the audio when he was on Art Bell prior to his most recent guest appearance.
Perhaps, with consideration for your time and typing skills, you might be willing to transcribe certain, key quotes from that show that has piqued your interest. The fact you are a grad student and have exhibited good working knowledge of science and math should mean that whatever "caught your ear" (as it were) could be summed up by you, on this forum, in a few sentences that might cause me to have second thoughts. Could you humor me on this request?
I am as sceptical as the next (intelligent) guy, but at least he was more persuasive than John Titor.
That's why I'd like to know what, specifically, in that whole 3 hours got you thinking he might be legit.
Unlike some people, that will remain nameless, who love to talk about him still.
Why not name them? Is it ME? I thought I've made it clear that I will pass time debunking the latest Titor-like hoaxers, but I am certainly more interested in developing models of Time than I am in JT.
Again, if you are not interested, then no problem. I'll stop.
I am not interested in expending more effort than is required for this forum until I see something of substance that would tweak my professional interest. That might be the best way for me to sum up my position.

But I think you should already know, being a student of the sciences, that there is a WHOLE LOT OF SNAKE OIL on sale "out there".

In that case, I\'ll move on.

ProfessorFautus wrote:
I am sorry. I assumed that by your very activate participation in this message baord that your keen on wanting to time travel.
Perhaps you do not share that desire as I do.

RainmanTime replies:
I certainly agree I do not share the same desires that you do. . . .

My mistake.

Acknowledged. I shan't be distracted again.

RainmanTime wrote:
. . . I am more interested in discussing scientific theories and models that could, some day, lead to TT.

News upddate. The theories are out there and published. The time is over for theory, now it is time for application.

In a previous post of mine, I had given links to published, crediable papers on the theory of time travelling. Unless you find a flaw with the papers' claims, in which case I shall expect to see your published paper "debunking" these scientists' claims, attune to the matter of how to apply such theories instead of chatting about what has been proven already.
Re: In that case, I\'ll move on.

In a previous post of mine, I had given links to published, crediable papers on the theory of time travelling.
Sorry, I must have missed that post. Could you re-link it here so I can check them out?
Unless you find a flaw with the papers' claims, in which case I shall expect to see your published paper "debunking" these scientists' claims, attune to the matter of how to apply such theories instead of chatting about what has been proven already.
I will check them out, but I am not sure I need to follow the path you set out for me. For one thing, I believe there has been a fundamental error in the derivation and explanation of the dimensions we call Mass and Time. It is my belief that the correction of these errors within a much more comprehensive, and balanced, tensor model may explain an awful lot that is currently misunderstood about field effects.
Now, it seems you have cast some disparaging remarks about someone on the forum who speaks about tensors. Was that aimed at me as well? Feel free to name names.

Re: In that case, I\'ll move on.

"Time travel" research that is being conducted is mostly just looking at specific theoretical models present in General Relativity. Most of these models have already been thoroughly investigated on paper. I suppose you could consider some of the work being down on F theory in this category as well since F theory deals with the idea that some of the curled up dimensions of string theory are timelike.

As far as actual pratical research, I only know of one *legitmate* research program into this. At the University of Connecticut, there is a theorist Ronald Mallett who is developing a simple experiment to test one of his ideas with the assistance of the solid state experimental group there. PhysOrg Article: Physicist predicts Time Travel within century

I have no idea who you are talking about going to see but I havent heard anything about them.
Re: In that case, I\'ll move on.

As far as actual pratical research, I only know of one *legitmate* research program into this. At the University of Connecticut, there is a theorist Ronald Mallett who is developing a simple experiment to test one of his ideas with the assistance of the solid state experimental group there.
I am aware of Dr. Mallett's work, and I think he is following a good hunch that is backed by his analysis of GR. Moreover, he is building upon existing technology which uses constrained, counter-rotating light beams for sensing a body's rotational rate (i.e. pitch rate, roll rate, yaw rate). Historically, when mankind has been able to develop a means to SENSE something passively, we have then been able to build on this to achieve a level of CONTROL. So why not try to expand the concept of the ring laser gyro from being just a sensor to being a full-fledged control technology? I hope we hear something (either positive or negative) from his work fairly soon.
