Where can I get a time machine?

Well, if you can wait around till 2036, General Electric is supposed to start manufacturing them.
Well what if i don't want to wait, is there anything fairly easily accessible in 2015 i can use to make one?

Well what if i don't want to wait, is there anything fairly easily accessible in 2015 i can use to make one?
Just set a reminder for yourself in 2036 to come back to 2015 with the stuff you need.

Where would one begin looking for a legitimate time machine? Ive been curious about it for a while.
2032, General Electric C204 time displacement unit. I highly suggest a sailboat off the Florida straights until then.

Where would one begin looking for a legitimate time machine? Ive been curious about it for a while.
You can get them online however there is some education that you need in order to operate one.Also if you visit other timelines, one of two things occur.One is they know that your'e coming and will accept you so that you do no damage.Or two, you must blend in and not stick out at all.If they eat something called, (glup), for the evening and it stinks, then you eat glup.
If you attempt to goof off you may be intercepted by a time cop.They have a device that can send you back to your point of origin and will disable your time machine.There is also the problem of chronotron build up, to where you must degauss for chrono-trn buildup by a large metal vibrating mass of this time.

It's best that you let few know about what you had done, and make drawings, but it is advised do not attempt to take any pictures. Pinter

I am pretty sure I saw one at a garage sale in my neighborhood last weekend. I can go ask them if they still have it. Of course, I am going to require my typical finder's fee of 50% of the sale price. ;)


I can go ask them if they still have it. Of course, I am going to require my typical finder's fee of 50% of the sale price.
Don't buy anything from this man.The time machine he tried to sell me looked suspiciously similar to a toaster.My bread was well done, but I did not travel in time.Pinter

Ouch. That hurts. I think you could use a sound mixer, and maybe some autotune.RMT
haters gotta hate. gee whiz you really think I need more professional quality gear? frankly im glad it hurts you. listen to this one tell me what this one needs so that it is better.


Garage rock, if that "is" what you are attempting, has it's place but, the instruments can still be tuned correctly.

I prefer Psychedelic rock as an alternative listening experience. :whistle:

or Blues Rock. :cool:


And, keeping on track with the OP, there are no REAL time machines available online or in stores. Sorry to disappoint. :)

haters gotta hate. gee whiz you really think I need more professional quality gear? frankly im glad it hurts you. listen to this one tell me what this one needs so that it is better.

is a nice example of how to combine images, music, and words in a video. It is friendly to its audience in such a way that people understand its message.
Good luck!
