Where are the 'time travellers'?


Temporal Navigator
Where are the \'time travellers\'?

Its all gone a bit dull round here hasn't it primitives? Can a 14 year old who is pretending to be John Titor (calling themselves Ralph Time or something) please start posting some spurious claims

Or I'll do it myself under a different name - anybody fancy that?
Re: Where are the \'time travellers\'?

Can a 14 year old who is pretending to be John Titor (calling themselves Ralph Time or something) please start posting some spurious claims

Actually, it was Timmy Time (Adventure Parks,LLC), one of Larry Haber's clients at the "time".
Re: Where are the \'time travellers\'?

Claims have been posted and deleted. Good luck with your search.

The only claims that have been "posted and deleted" on this site and, for that matter, on Anomalies.net, have been deleted by the OP - not the TTI or AN Admins or Mods. That's why MOP finally had to set the "Edit Post" function on TTI to time out after 20 minutes - to stop the trolls from purposely disrupting the forum.

In fact I finally banned one of Dave's personal "favorites" for doing just that - posting and then after receiving replies deleting the posts - Creedo (though on AN his handle was Blargle). Creedo was a real peach. He didn't just delete his current "claim" on AN, he went back and deleted every post that he had ever made on the site - thus we also set "Edit Post" to time out after some time.

Now this is twice in the past few days that you've falsely accused MOP of misconduct. I'm neither a Mod nor an Admin here but it's been my observation and experience as an Admin that it is generally not a real bright idea to come on to a free of charge forum where the owner is paying all of the bills to keep the site up and running and falsely accuse him/her of unethical behavior.
Re: Where are the \'time travellers\'?

Well the disinformation agents can go on and on but I also go on and on. Bringing the truth to various places of the Internet.

Come on Lloyd. Bringing truth to the Internet?

Let's see - over the course of the past five or so years that you've been hanging around here you've claimed to be:

1. An expert in nuclear physics able to build a nuclear reactor at home

2. An expert in computer technology

3. A time traveler

4. An international commerce trader

I was very surprised that at my last few forums I was not challenged at all.

Are any of the following from "the last few forums" indicitive of not being challenged?

Posted 13 April 2011 - 01:33 AM

You f***ing moron. Most of us do the research on obvious hoaxers. Especially when they PROVIDE the data to do so. You are a blatant idiot. I knew you were [name redacted by Darby] from Liitle Rock Arkansas before Starlord did. All you have to do is google Reactor1967.


Posted 12 April 2011 - 11:50 AM

What in the f*** is he babbling about now? Are these the "facts" you pulled out of your dementia computer?

Re: Where are the \'time travellers\'?

In reply to:

Claims have been posted and deleted. Good luck with your search.


The only claims that have been "posted and deleted" on this site and, for that matter, on Anomalies.net, have been deleted by the OP - not the TTI or AN Admins or Mods. That's why MOP finally had to set the "Edit Post" function on TTI to time out after 20 minutes - to stop the trolls from purposely disrupting the forum.

In fact I finally banned one of Dave's personal "favorites" for doing just that - posting and then after receiving replies deleting the posts - Creedo (though on AN his handle was Blargle). Creedo was a real peach. He didn't just delete his current "claim" on AN, he went back and deleted every post that he had ever made on the site - thus we also set "Edit Post" to time out after some time.

Now this is twice in the past few days that you've falsely accused MOP of misconduct. I'm neither a Mod nor an Admin here but it's been my observation and experience as an Admin that it is generally not a real bright idea to come on to a free of charge forum where the owner is paying all of the bills to keep the site up and running and falsely accuse him/her of unethical behavior.

Don't really see where Reactor mentioned that the MOP or any of the Mods deleted any "claims". We haven't deleted "any" claims. As you pointed out, Darby, the only claims that have been deleted were done by the OP's.

Kind of ironic though; somebody that is guilty of doing just that, brought it up his own self.
Re: Where are the \'time travellers\'?


Yup. The obvious intention of a member who:

1. Posts then deletes his/her own posts and then

2. Complains that "someone" deleted the posts with the intent of "hiding the truth" (about whatever was in the deleted post)

is to suggest that it was done by the "gubmit" or site Admin.

We generally call that "trolling" and we generally ban the toll - something that has happened to Lloyd over and over and over. He's a troll and doesn't care if he's called on it and/or banned. When banned he moves on to another site and eventually migrates back, with a new handle, to the sites where he's previously been banned...kind of like what he's done here.
Re: Where are the \'time travellers\'?


No, Lloyd didn't directly accuse the staff of deleting claimants' posts - this time. But the "complaint" isn't new and he's accused Ray and Raul of doing it in the past when he was Reactor1967.