Where are the original Titor posts?


I definitely plan on it. Most or all of Titor's original posts were made as a guest, so it's somewhat difficult (though definitely not impossible) to figure out which ones his were. It helps that he quoted people (((like this))).

I was testing out the updated search system and found a few of his by searching for "tt0" or "tto".

Once I do find and positively identify his, I'll assign them to a proper account and then put up a link to their posts like this

I found the original thread, though it's only the first post (note the thread ID):


@Darby posted this copy of it in 2008:


Thanks to him, I can reconstruct that original thread (original post authors and dates) and properly archive it. I'm not aware of what the other threads he posted in are though... Perhaps someone can chime in and educate me ;)

@Mop has some flat-file stuff from the very early days of the site which may include things that never made it to the UBB version of the site. He's promised to look through his files this weekend - Perhaps something else will turn up!

Have you searched by date, yet? He only posted at certain times. Someone might have an ASCII copy of the posts with time/datestamps on them... perhaps.....

@PaulaJedi: I haven't spent too much time filtering by date, but I'm sure it's all here. Just a matter of stumbling across it, cleaning it up and putting it somewhere that's easy to find.

@titorite (and everyone else): I've moved that original thread to the staff forum so I can work on reconstructing the missing posts based on Darby's thread. The posts I add will show up as "new" and authored by me until I rebuild the caches, so I don't want to cause confusion by keeping it public while I work on it.
