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The fiber optic lines were cut to Kerrville, Comfort, Center Point and other parts of the Hill Country around 1 p.m., most cell phone and land lines went down, including 911 centers throughout Kerr County.
The Kerr County Sheriff’s Office sent officers in marked cars throughout the county to deal with any emergencies that might have arisen. Residents in Kerrville maintained access to emergency services via land lines, while out-of-city residents were not able to reach dispatch and were encouraged to seek help at EMS and volunteer fire department locations throughout the county. ( source : Can You Hear Me Now ? By Conor Harrison The Kerrville Daily Times Published March 24, 2010 )
Talking to my wife on the phone yesterday, when the phone line went completely dead. Above, is the reason why.
All 911 emergency services were shut down, credit card machines stopped functioning, cell phones became useful only as paper-weights, and computer's no longer had internet access.
Quite an experience...
Also was an experience that shows how quickly what we take for granted can come to an end, even if temporarily.
You might notice that the article states that people were encouraged to seek any required help at volunteer fire stations --- problem with that is most of those fire stations are not staffed, and there was no way to contact the personnel.
The local hospital also sufferred from this event, as any Medical Personnel required could not be contacted.
As much as we enjoy the luxury of modern technology, this event points out why it is important to be self-reliant, and maintain knowledge of how to function when what we take for granted, stops.
The Kerr County Sheriff’s Office sent officers in marked cars throughout the county to deal with any emergencies that might have arisen. Residents in Kerrville maintained access to emergency services via land lines, while out-of-city residents were not able to reach dispatch and were encouraged to seek help at EMS and volunteer fire department locations throughout the county. ( source : Can You Hear Me Now ? By Conor Harrison The Kerrville Daily Times Published March 24, 2010 )
Talking to my wife on the phone yesterday, when the phone line went completely dead. Above, is the reason why.
All 911 emergency services were shut down, credit card machines stopped functioning, cell phones became useful only as paper-weights, and computer's no longer had internet access.
Quite an experience...
Also was an experience that shows how quickly what we take for granted can come to an end, even if temporarily.
You might notice that the article states that people were encouraged to seek any required help at volunteer fire stations --- problem with that is most of those fire stations are not staffed, and there was no way to contact the personnel.
The local hospital also sufferred from this event, as any Medical Personnel required could not be contacted.
As much as we enjoy the luxury of modern technology, this event points out why it is important to be self-reliant, and maintain knowledge of how to function when what we take for granted, stops.