"When?" Is A Statement Of Submission.


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\"When?\" Is A Statement Of Submission.

My own travels through Time have been quite sublime. In fact, I have often wondered if the words "time" and "sublime" were crafted to be rhyming words in the english language for the very fact that they are so intimately linked. But given the situation that was facing me in this, the Time that I am now reporting on, there was really no Time to think about subliminal manifestations.

Considering a linear perception of Time, I was actively experiencing the events that were transpiring on or about December 5th, 2012, at 4:44PM Pacific Standard Time. Ever since scientists have shown that Time and Space are interchangeable with the right mixture of Mass, I have been less concerned with stating what point in Space I was experiencing a set of events. However, to orient the reader of this journal, I will state that my physical body was located in the city of Pacific Beach, CA (on the edge of Mission Bay in San Diego) at the time coordinates listed above. That is the point in Space that I was about to observe one of the most amazing transcendent aspects of human Energy systems I have ever been witness to.

My good friend, Eric, was calling my attention to a VERY fine looking specimen of female bodily manifestation as she walked past our position, drinking suds at the local Hennesey's pub. I noted the SD hotty, for sure, but it was the details of the Timefield around her that were really causing me to sober-up and consider what I was experiencing.

Suddenly, I felt the Time Beam tugging on my perception. I reached over to touch Eric's arm, and let him know "I can feel it, they are trying to pull me in again!". Eric acted flawlessly, immediately doing the only thing that would save me from sliding out of this visceral scene on a pristine SoCal beach. He started smacking me in the face over and over, and just for good measure, he hoisted his Black-and-Tan and tossed it directly on my face. His actions worked just long enough for me to stabilize my resonant filter on a new frequency. A frequency that would take quite a long time to hone-in on by my adversaries...the ones who were so intent on pulling me out of this Time. As he could see in my face that I was stabilizing, and not going to slide anywhere, he jumped off his bar stool and began tying the laces of my tennis shoes to the brass bar affixed to the bottom of the bar's structure.

"That had to be Creedo", Eric noted as he ordered another Black-and-Tan from our waitress. My head was still fuzzy, and as I shook it off I could say nothing but "could be, but I've never known Creedo to be quite so persistent." No matter who it was, there was no doubt that our Chronosensor would help us localize the source of the signal. Eric turned on the power to the Chronosensor just as I turned my head to see OvrLrd walk into the front entrace of Henesseys.

Finally. Someone with the power to help us fend off these attempts to warp our stabilized Time Field. I was so glad to see OvrLrd that I immediately ordered him TWO of his favorite spirits!

It was going to be a long night.
Re: \"When?\" Is A Statement Of Submission.

"I smelled beer, and I knew you two were up to no good", OvrLrd chuckled as he signaled to our waitress that he was in on our Black-n-Tan fest.

"Reverend OvrLrd! Always glad to see you!" exclaimed Eric. "Since we didn't tell anyone we would be here, I can only assume you sensed what was going on with Rainman and this errant Time Beam that has been plaguing him over the past two days."

"Yes, indeed, Eric" explained OvrLrd as he gulped his brew on its arrival. "In fact, I just returned from 3 days into our future to scope it out. I was getting a bit suspicious of Greedo as of late, ever since he figured out that the power of his sneeze could interfere with the operation of someone else's Time Beam. Ten days ago I decided that someone needed to keep an eye on him and his new-found ability, so I set up a time perimeter 20 days wide. Thanks to triangulating the signal from my Chronosensor, Rainman's Chronosensor, and Greedo's output power, I was able to nail it down to 3 days from now. It turns out Greedo had a cold and was sneezing up a storm. But that wasn't the only thing I found..."

"You can say that again!" I quipped as my head began to clear-up. "I was feeling an awfully strong swirl this time, and they only seem to be getting stronger with each event." In fact, it was starting to scare me a bit. I knew exactly what could happen to a person whose time loop was artificially closed on them. You'd be wishing for death, because you would be caught in a feedback time loop MUCH tighter than that told in the movie Groundhog Day. In fact, if the time loop was closed very tightly, you could end up in total suspended animation, where all the people and things around you were frozen in a moment of time. Believe me, as cool as this may sound to some people, it is NOT a fun state to be in given that you are not capable of escaping it without some outside help.

Eric's Chronosensor was indicating the primary source of the Time Beam was emanating from the PAST, not the future. I turned to OvrLrd with a puzzled look on my face "But you said you came from 3 days in the future! What gives?"

"Exactly," prodded OvrLrd. "When I got to Greedo I was able to see that his sneezing was having a bizarre effect on the local Timefield. With each sneeze, Greedo would momentarily pull-in an event from the distant past. And I'm not just talking French Revolution or even the Middle Ages past... we're talking WELL before the Sumerian age. I'm thinking it may have been around 10,500 BC, but I need to do some more research."

I began to understand what OvrLrd was getting at. The people of that day and age had access to large-scale Merkabas, and they were reaching forward into time in order to try and affect the events of our time. But because of Greedo's sneezing, it seems like their Time Beam was being distorted, and it was reaching a different sector of space than they had intended. This could also mean that their beam was out of phase and could have some errors in their targeted time. But there was certainly no doubt that, since each distortion resulted in attempts to tug on my Time Field and close it down, that I was somehow linked in the non-linear, acausal chain of what these people were trying to do... and so was Greedo.

"I think all three of us should get back to the lab" suggested OvrLrd. "We should start-up the Chronorecorders and begin collecting some localized data. If we get enough information, we might be able to set up a small, simulated time loop that would allow us to research this further."

At that moment, our waitress came up to us with a frightened look on her face. "My boss says the beers are on the house if you guys will just leave right away!"

Hmmmm. Not bad. Having our tab picked up just as we were ready to leave anyway! Maybe this Time Beam was having some beneficial effects on my luck after all!?

As we walked out of Henessey's, my phone began to buzz my ear.

Re: \"When?\" Is A Statement Of Submission.

even though you are cheap!?

Engineers do not use this kind of language to describe our methodologies. Since money is just another form of energy, we prefer to be called "energy efficient". And all engineers wear this as a badge of honor!

Re: \"When?\" Is A Statement Of Submission.

Oh by the way, your title should read, (When is a statement, as statement of submission, or guilt"?

Who is telling the story in this thread, Creedo? No, you see, you have missed the concept yet again! Let me explain, and tell me if the words I use are too big.
If you have to use the word "when", then you are admitting that you are submissive to the concept of time. Or, in other words, you are no master of time.

And yet again we see Creedo attempting to hijack a thread just because his name is used in the plot.
Re: \"When?\" Is A Statement Of Submission.

Preserving Creedo's dictatorial statements for the hysterical record:

History note before all portions are removed.

I think Rainman is a lush.

And like all people who tie things to the bottle, this is where his logic comes from and he's trying to tie me to this garbage headed thinking too.

I don't like boozers and if you think this way, don't associate your name with mine?

Call me all the names you want. The fact remains this is a public forum, and this particular list on this forum is for time travel stories. I will tell the story as I, the author, deem fit.

I think you just can't handle not being in control of something, Creedo. And so when someone does something you don't like, you resort to calling them names...like "lush".

Re: \"When?\" Is A Statement Of Submission.

I'm not fond of first person, but it worked. You risk making the story monoperspective, and I see this being a problem. "I" this, "my" that. There's no room for others to have a real say in the story, making it a monologue. But it can be done effectively, it's just more difficult.

After viewing my post, I noticed that under my name it says "stranger". What I want to know is stranger than who?
Re: \"When?\" Is A Statement Of Submission.

I was hoping Rainman would pick up the phone. I knew it was buzzing in his ear, unless of course the sneezing of Guido was effecting the transmitions from the time-o-dial device.

Hello"? I could hear the sound of the ocean in the background.

"Ray! I discovered some information I need to pass onto you. According to the triangulation of my chronosensor you are in the San Diego area?"

Ray was astonished and now was really worried. Eric and OvrLord where looking at Rainman with puzzled looks. Eric burped as Ovr laughed, " Not bad manners, good beer, eh"?

Ray turned away to speak into the mic of his phone. " OvrLrd, you are already here!"

Now it was OvrLrds turn to be astonished. " Oh no, the Guido Nasel Effect is worse than I originally thought!"