What's the fuss about Katrina?


Temporal Novice
What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

I've said this twice now. I'll say it a third time, within it's own post so maybe some people will notice. Thousands have died, or will die due to Katrina.

But that's nothing.

The disaster you're looking for, the 100,000+ dead, already happened.

Do you people (Ameericans, presumably) have no knowledge of what goes on outside your own borders?


December 26th, 2004. Earthquake triggered tsunamis that wiped out large areas of Indonesia, Thailand and even did a little damage as far as Africa.

America, Iraq, Indonesia, whatever - all lives are equal. Never forget that.
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

I've said it once, I'll say it again. There have been many times in history where 100,000 people have died, and I'm sure the Tsunami will not be the last time. You cannot base your conclusions off of one of the events Titor predicted, instead you need to look at the whole picture.
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

this may be the studidest thread of all time. America set up more organizations to help with the tsunami disaster than any other country. I don't know a single person who didn't donate.

Why is the media making a big fuss about Katrina? hmmm...let's think here, maybe because its a DISASTER and mass amounts of HUMAN BEINGS are DYING. That's why. Are you really being serious?

If you are, do everyone a favor and crawl back into your hole and never show your face again. I have been a member of many hundred message boards over the past decade and you may have taken the cake as the most ignorant fool I've come across.
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

Coming from someone who completely missed the point of my post, I'm not going to take any offence from your stupid rebuttal.

I was merely stating that many, many more people died in the tsunami disaster than the death toll caused by hurricane Katrina. Chances are it'll stay that way, too. Furthermore, the tsunami killed the majority of it's victims in the first couple of days.

Right now, this forum seems to be full of people focused on labelling the Katrina disaster as the "100,000 dead" that "Titor" allegedly predicted. I'm merely telling them to look outside the borders of the US, because a disaster much more accurately fitting Titor's "prediction" has already existed right in front of their faces all year long.

Do you understand my point there?

Oh, and:

Unless things have changed dramatically since this article was published, I think it's rather clear that you're wrong. America is indeed second on the list, but take into account the respective size of their economy.

I never once said that we should ignore this disaster, did I? If you gathered that from my post, then maybe I should have been clearer in what I wrote. The "fuss" was actually referring (as previously mentioned) to those here who are ranting and raving about how Katrina fits in with Titor's predictions. It doesn't. At least, not as the "100,000 dead" disaster that everyone's seemingly been waiting for.


As for the "studdiest thread of all time" ... look at the forum we're writing this stuff on.
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

"There have been many times in history where 100,000 people have died, and I'm sure the Tsunami will not be the last time. You cannot base your conclusions off of one of the events Titor predicted, instead you need to look at the whole picture."
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

No need to quote yourself, I agree with you.

But I believe I was talking about this disaster in context of the timeframe of Titor's predictions.

Tell me, when's the last time in recent history (the last five years or so) that so many were wiped out but a natural disaster?

This thread was started out of my complete and utter frustration towards those choosing to believe that Titor's utterly vague prediction of 100,000 dead was validated by the Katrina disaster. Which as I've pointed out hasn't killed anywhere near as many people as the tsunami did. People seem to regard the US and events within it as more important than events that happen in places like South East Asia, sadly.

Let me state right now that I do not believe the Titor story, and so therefore was not coming to any conlclusions. I was merely reminding those who do believe in it of the tsunmai disaster, as it seems to fit the prediction much more closely than Katrina does. Particularly those who *are* basing conlclusions already.

As I said, I believe that Titor was fake. I would hope, however, that those looking to validate his existence would look at all the evidence rather than merely that which suits or means the most to them. Otherwise, what's the point?

In fact, I think I'll just leave this forum and not come back. I came here for interesting discussion and open mindedness, not ignorant misinterpreted responses. You evidently don't want me here either. Not that that bothers me one bit, but think what you will.

Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

It makes sense that people would relate more to others from the same country as they are, doesn't it?
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

God-freed Wilhelm Libnetz and Sir Isaac Newton, exchanged letters,

Libnetz discovered algebra, however Newton used a form of physics, known as fluxions.

We see Creedo entering the training ring.

Rainman places the halter over Creedo's head.

Now with the staff stick Rainmna waves this in Creedo's face and Creedo is steeping backwards.

Very beautiful, the crowd applauds.

Creedos says> Intrinsic relationships within binary states of algebraic notations, within the matrix of the universe, are not always claret, due to the reciprocity of time and mass, ever changing.

Everyone gets to their feet.

Very loud applause.

Rainman bows, Creedo gets down on his forefeet and they both leave the training ring.
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

People seem to regard the US and events within it as more important than events that happen in places like South East Asia, sadly.

I dont know about that. The U.S. did send quite a bit of aid to South East Asia. And there was an outpouring of citizens that donated to the plight of the victims. There were many who were willing to adopt children into their homes that lost their parents.

The amount of money that flows out of the U.S. is tremendous, as far as helping out other countries. Most of the Childrens Funds to feed the hungry children around the world are receiving their donations from us, the citizens of the U.S.

Seems to me you need to take a good look at what the people of the U.S. have done.
Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

Addendum to OvrLrd's post:

There is an interesting lesson in TIME when you compare the response to the Tsunami of DEC 2004 and hurricane Katrina in AUG 2005:

1) We are hearing complaining that the US government aid did not come FAST ENOUGH. Yet no one argues that it came, and that it is helping to console many who have lost so much. The complaint is about speed of response, not whether or not the response happened at all.

2) Did we hear any complaints about US aid for the Tsunami victims? Here was our country reaching out to help another country (actually several countries) that were ravaged by a natural disaster. We did what we did without ever thinking about whether or not someone could pay for it. Were the people who survived and received US aid complaining about that aid? Moreover, were they complaining that "it wasn't fast enough"?

I would attribute this difference to the massive US media and its biases. It seems ALL of the media outlets based in the US (forget their political leanings, like CNN or FOX)... ALL of them just love stirring the pot with the US government... making sure the US government is held accountable. And that is a good thing...something you would expect of an independent media. Yet how often do the US media conglomerates hold OTHER country's governments accountable through the same political pressure?

Re: What\'s the fuss about Katrina?

this may be the studidest thread of all time. America set up more organizations to help with the tsunami disaster than any other country.

It also donated the least amount of money in relative terms when comparing its wealth and economy with every other country that donated funds.

thats the governement itself (not the poeple).