Whats going on with the LHC?


Temporal Novice
K anyone have a lowdown of any news about the Large Hadron collider particle accelerator? I have checked out their main website but all they seem to update on is other scientific things. I want the LHC updates dammit! grrrrrr!! lol.

I know they said it was turned on early August so I am guessing its functioning. So anyone have any official updates with it with perhaps a link or 2? i'd much appreciate it :D

Oh one other thing: I dont come on here much but what is with all these lamers pretending to be from the future??? LMAO!!
From CERN Courier V48 I 6

CERN Courier

Warping in a universe with extra dimensions would be an amazing discovery, but does Randall expect to find any evidence? The LHC, she explains, could hold the key. "The LHC will allow us to explore an energy scale never reached before – the TeV scale. We know there are questions about this particular scale. We know the simple Higgs theory is incomplete, so there should be something else around. That’s why people think it should be supersymmetry or extra dimensions, something just explaining why the Higgs boson is as light as it is," she explains. Randall works in particular on the idea of warped geometry. If this is true, experiments at the LHC should see particles that travel in extra dimensions, the mass of which is around the tera-electron-volt scale that the LHC is studying.

One fascinating area of modern physics linked to extra dimensions is that of quantum gravity. Gravity is the best known among the forces that we experience every day, yet there is no theory that can describe it at the quantum level. Gravity also still holds secrets experimentally, because its force-carrying particle, the graviton, remains hidden from view, but Randall’s theories of extra dimensions could shed light here, too.

LHC First Beam on 10 September 2008

and now:

General information
Accreditations closed.
No accreditations will be granted on 10 September

* Live Satellite Broadcast info
* Live webcast
(from 8:30 on 10 September)
* What will happen on the day?
* Technical information for media
* Practical information

<font color="orange"> Practical information

Accredited journalists should pick up their badges at the CERN reception (building 33, GPS: 46°13'59'' N; 6°3'20'' E) from 7:30 time to 9:30. The first attempt at beam injection is expected to take place at 9:30.

Here you find a general map of the Geneva area, and instructions for access by public transport.

CERN can not provide accommodation for journalists, here is a list of hotels in the Geneva area.

If you wish to visit the control rooms of the ALICE or LHCb experiments, or the CERN Control Centre, you will need a passport to cross into France.

If you are bringing professional TV equipment, please note that a carnet ATA is required.

There will be limited space in the Globe for storage of luggage. [/COLOR]

More at:


ok recall, where did you get that pic of the gman? and what game is that? i know its not HL-2 or lost coast because ive never seen that flashlight symbol.

lemme know, i wanna go stare at him... :D

The LHC will allow us to explore an energy scale never reached before – the TeV scale

That statement is only technically true. It's true in the sense tha we've never explored that energy scale in a manmade and controlled situation. But the Earth is constantly bombarded by cosmic rays - ultrahigh energy particles the vast majority of which are protons, i.e. "large hadrons". We study them all the time. The particle showers caused by the cosmic rays striking other large hadrons in the atmosphere were used to verify Special Relativity time dilation.

The LHC energy range is TeV - tera-electron volts...10^14 eV. But the cosmic ray energy is in the exa-electron volt to the zetta-electron volt range (EeV and ZeV)...10^18 to 10^21 eV. That's four to seven orders of magnitude greater than TeV. It's not likely that we'll ever be able to create that sort of energy on Earth.

Yet for the past 4 billion years there have been billions of such cosmic ray hadron-hadron collisions in our atmosphere every day and no killer black holes form, the Earth isn't destroyed and except for the physicists who study cosmic rays no one even notices.

The Internet "panic" over the relatively mild TeV scale is rather unfounded (though it's something that one might say is pro forma for the Internet). But now that the cat's out of the bag expect that "the sky is falling" crowd to say "the sky is falling - and it's going to catch fire too."
I've talked with that Gordon guy before. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The atom smasher goes online wednesday.
The first beams of photons will be fired around the 17 mile tunnel to test the controlling strength of the world's largest superconducting magnets.
Once the beam is successfully fired counterclockwise, a clockwise test will follow.

Then it will be about a month before beams traveling in opposite directions are brought together for collisions..hopefully thats when the magic happens. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Some people have filed suit to stop the project. I hope they are not successful.
(In the US District court of Hawaii and in the European Court of Human Rights.)
They were not successful in stopping Brookhaven in 1999 with their realativistic heavy ion collider.
Get ready with the LHC

I've talked with that Gordon guy before.


there is no Problem @ CERN ;-)

From 2008 onwards, the LHC will probe the new "terascale" energy region. It should above all confirm or refute the existence of the Higgs boson of the Standard Model and will explore the possibilities for physics beyond the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry, extra dimensions and new gauge bosons. The discovery potential is huge and will set the direction for possible future high-energy colliders. Nevertheless, particle physicists worldwide have reached a consensus that the results from the LHC will need to be complemented by experiments at an electron–positron collider operating in the tera-electron-volt energy range.


Re: Get ready with the LHC

Right...Today is the "T" Day!!!




for Time Travel...

Re: Get ready with the LHC




<font color="red"> '...
CERN’s web site states that we have not been destroyed by effects of cosmic rays and micro black holes will evaporate.

Cosmic rays travel at too high a velocity to be captured by Earths gravity, and Hawking Radiation is disputed http://XXX.LANL.gov/abs/gr-qc/0304042 and contradicts Einstein’s relatively successful relativity theory.

web page

<font color="red"> Collider particles smash head on like a car collision and can be captured by Earth’s gravity, and relativity predicts micro black holes will not decay (Hawking called Einstein doubly wrong, yet it is Einstein who is repeatedly found to have been correct in his theories) - Not all of his theories - but most of them. [/COLOR]

<font color="red">
NewScientist March 22-28 “Stakes get higher in antimatter puzzle”: “We can say with greater than 99.7 per cent probability that CP violation is there” says Sivestrini [of Italy’s National Institute of Nuclear Physics INFN] (link from Los Alamos National Laboratories: http://XXX.LANL.gov/abs/0803.0659).

web page /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

John was Right!!!
Titorian 44 was Right!!!
Re: Get ready with the LHC


John was Right!!!
Titorian 44 was Right!!!

Absolutely none of the cut-n-paste quouting you have provided have done anything to support such a claim. Try cutting and pasting the words of these alleged TTers and putting them right next to scientific statements that you THINK supports them. Then we can compare apples to apples. As it is right now, your quoting some reference and stating the above is nuttin but smoke and mirrors.

Re: Get ready with the LHC

Have a little fun Ray...

and Recall I am stealing that Gordon scientist picture..

we watched it live earlier this morning and the beam wasnt steer corectly at the dump point 6.

they couldnt get it to move and some cheesy frenchman went over and smacked it with a hammer and it started working..

Re: Get ready with the LHC

CERN’s web site states that we have not been destroyed by effects of cosmic rays and micro black holes will evaporate.

CERN made that comment for the same reason that I made it above...

We "see" particle collissions every day, countless billions of them, whose energies are many orders of magnitude higher than the TeV energies that will exist in the LHC. Cosmic ray collissions, which involve large hadrons, are occuring all the time in the atmosphere and no black holes swollow the Earth and the Earth isn't otherwise destroyed. And this has been going on for about 4 billions years.