What would the pros and cons of time travel/time machine be?


Chrono Cadet
The police could go back in time and witness the crime first hand. So how would you be able to commit a crime with this tech.? A guess invisibility would have to be invented. There would be no point to the lottery anymore. Would money in bank safe's stay all that safe? Come on TTI, lets bounce this around a bit.
My pleasure to bounce this one around, Itheblaze, I enjoy thinking on these things. For some of the things you mentioned though, it would depend on how much control you had and the limitations of the time travel. Would anybody get married if they could look ahead 10 years and see that they got divorced or their partner was going to die in an accident or get a crippling disease? Would you start a business if you looked ahead and saw it fail with you bankrupt?
The insurance business would be finished overnight. Because if you know you are NOT going to die early or have ill health why would you bother having cover?
Betting shops , all kinds of betting on chance would cease too.
If only backwards time travel is possible you could find out if people had lied to you in the past?
Re: insurance. I'm surprised RMT didn't point out:
The Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare made mandatory health insurance.

Re: causality.
The difference between causality and destiny is our present empowerment.
For example, let's say I was destined to survive a life-threatening accident.
When a premonition apparently let me prevent a pile-up on an interstate highway,
did the Fates postpone the inevitable?--later, did the angels see that I alone would
be injured in order to spare my conscience? That's what :) I like to think.
RE: Presidents. Voting poses a bit of a paradox. For you would know which candidate was going to be in the president's office before you voted for him. So obviously, you are are not going to vote for the one that you already know has lost. But, you may not bother voting at all anyway. So how would that work? Obviously, it would not.
RE: Life saving surgery and operations and comas. You and the surgeon would both now whether you made it or not. If you are not gonna make it he needn't even bother scrubbing up.
RE: Wars. No point
RE: Boxing matches, athletic races: No point
RE: Knowing an earthquake or Tsunami was going to happen: This might be useful! Save some lives! But then again if you knew you were going to die in the tsunami they wouldn't take you in the rescue helicopter...
RE: Premonitions. Certain foreknowledge of events would win over vague premonitions hands down. No such thing as "apparent" preventions you would either know it happened or it didn't.
RE: Praying for a certain outcome: No point.
Basically we would have the power that God is supposed to have but can't seem to use or doesn't give a shit
Some time traveler would invent a way to erase memories.Then the cops would be at risk.

Er...can you explain that one a bit more, time tunnel? Not following how a memory erasure capability would be a foregone conclusion to being able to time travel..
The time traveler would take information from the future in order to make the memory eraser device or buy one in the future then bring it back with him.
The time traveler would take information from the future in order to make the memory eraser device or buy one in the future then bring it back with him.

Hmm. time tunnel you seem positive that such a device will be invented in the future. If you are going to assume or conjecture such a device you could just as easily assume Anti-Gravity Boots Of Leaping or a Personal Visual Spectrum Cloaking Device that renders you invisible or a Face Changer that temporarily rearranges your face into a different semblance.
Are you thinking of a Men In Black type memory eraser that you just set the date and point and the victim forgets everything or would it be a selective memory thing?
I was thinking of a memory eraser device that would erase a person memories from a great distance.It would scan and selectively erase memories also.It is better than the device in men in black.Because know one can see you do it.